Chapter 32- Rebel

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When I was 8 years old, my parents took me and my little brother Sam on a boating trip off the coast of the island.

"Can I go in now dad?" I begged bouncing on the balls of my feet looking down on the Caribbean ocean blue, over the edge of the boat dad had rented that day.
My mom chuckled at my enthusiasm for the ocean from her chair she laid across on.
"You need to wear a lift vest Dean." Dad scolded
I huffed crossing my arms.
"I can swim with out a lift vest I'm a big boy!"
Sam giggled and ran over to me. Stumbling on his chubby toddler legs
"I bwig bwoy like De two." He giggled using the letter W too much in his sentence.
Mom once again chuckled
"Oh John Dean is fine. But Sammy you need to wear a lift vest."
Sam's lip quivered
"I wanna be bwig bwoy two!"
I hugged my brother
"Don't worry Sammy you are a big boy! Your captain of the ship! And a captain must wear his life vest!"
Sam's eyes lite up at that statement and practically ran to our mom to get his vest on.
Just then Sam gasped looking at the water
"Mermaid!" He squealed running to the edge.
I rolled my eyes. Sam had a very imaginative mind. He believed in everything. My parents only encouraged it by telling him theses stupid stories about how mers ruled the ocean blue. Of coarse even at 8 years old I never believed in that stuff.
Dad laughed "where sammy?"
"Thwere!" Sam pointed at a silvery tail of a barracuda
I scoffed
"That's just a barracuda Sam. Mermaids don't exist."
My parents exchanged looks
"Now Dean how do you know that?"
I shrugged
"They just don't. My teacher says that they are just stories sailors make up. Mermaids and mermen are not real."
Mom sighed
"Life's a mystery Dean. Remember that."


Deans POV

I was panting heavily as the mers in the room collected my blood together. I was struggling to stay awake as my head spin from the lack of blood in my body.
It has been weeks of none stop extracting of blood. I happen to know that he's been testing my blood on other sea animals. None have survived. My blood was just too powerful for some reason for any one to take. But he still never gave up only taking more blood.
I've lost track of how long I've been here but I know it's been weeks.
I don't know what happens outside the castle or the ceil or the torture room. I often wonder what happens to the citizens living in the kingdom. I often wonder if there is an once of hope that my friends and family are alive. I felt so alone.
To entertain me all I had was my thoughts. Memories. Of my parents before they passed. Times spent at Ellen's and Bobby's. Going to the beach with my friends and being stupid getting drunk, but still having the best times. The more recent memories. How I decided to go snorkeling one day and found a creature that turned my life around. How I learned to love him....
It was more pain thinking about these memories then having the blood drained from me.
Just then Crowly entered the room. Well I knew he did by his voice. My vision had become blurred and I was too weak to turn my head.
"He's had enough for one day. Please go get ready for the dinner."
That's weird. They usually go longer.
Two mers unhooked me and dragged me once more back to my ceil.
They had to drag me through the main room and through my blurry vision I noticed many mers swimming back and forth with decorations or plates of food in their hands.
"W-what's...happening..." I spoke barely above a whisper
"King Crowlys anniversary rule."
The other mer hit the one who talked on the back of the head
"What the hell you doing?" He spat "King Crowley doesn't want us talking to this one."
Finally they chained me up and like every other ending of the day with me I just laid there lost in my thoughts.

"Michael?" I squeaked.
He looked at me before he left my room. I was only 5 at the time when I learned about the humans. I mean we learned about them in school. School for mers only last till we are 13. But we usually have a very short explanation on humans each year. King Crowly would come to each class and tell us about them. I always had this strange feeling that he would be saying this directly too me.
"Yes little one?" He hummed coming over to my bed side.
"Are humans really that bad?"
Michael frowned. I saw something in his eyes like he was remembering something. He took my hand in his and squeezed it.
"Well what do you think?"
I shrugged
"King Crowly said that they hurt mers....that's why there are not many other tribes known too the ocean."
His grip tightened on my hand especially when I told him Crowly told us this. He took a sharp breath and let it out after a while.
"Well...Castiel I can't make that decision for you. But I can tell you this. Yes there are bad humans. Humans who kill. Humans who make mistakes...."
"But" he started again "Aren't there bad mers too who make the same mistakes?"
I looked up at him and nodded
"Castiel what I am saying is. There are bad humans but never think for a second that they are all bad. And never think that we are all good. We may look different in appearance but we are all the same."

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