Chapter 4-king crowly and the storm

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Castiel's POV

"Castiel you look terrible." Commented Anna
My eyes were dropping from being tired. I enjoyed talking to Dean last night and I guess I should say this morning too. The only down side was that I got four hours asleep till once again I was greeted by my obnoxious older brother jumping on my bed.
But I was in a good mood besides me being extremely tired.
Anna handed me a basket full of shells and I put them behind the counter. Anna was another one of my close friends. We work together in the market selling things to the local mers. It's not the worst job in the world.  Anna would make jewelry out of the shells she finds and I would help sell them. Yes as girlish as it sounds I work in Anna's jewelry shop. But as girlish as it is I enjoy working with Anna.
"I'm fine." I mumble out
"Are you sure cause you look exhausted? What time did you go to bed last night?" She asked
I shrugged and started stacking some boxes on shelves.
"Not sure." I smiled to myself thinking about Dean
"Hey Clarence!" Exclaimed Meg as she strolled or swam into the shop.
Anna, Meg and me are kinda a group you could say. We are always hanging out and my brothers are totally convinced that I have a crush on one of them. But no they are like sisters and I can't see myself dating ether of them.
"Hello Meg."
She looked at me shocked
"You look like shit."
I rolled my eyes and swam past her and behind the counter
"Wow thanks Meg. I can sure count on you to give me a boast of self confidence."
Both Anna and Meg laughed as they both took a seat at the edge of the counter.
"So Clarence-"
"Castiel. I don't know why you even call me that."
She rolled her eyes
"Find Castiel! How was your little outside adventure?" She smirked wiggling her eyebrows.
"Megggg..." I whined through my teeth.
"What do you mean outside adventure?" Anna eyed me
Shit I'm screwed
"Wait....." Her eyes widened "You went out side the city!" She exclaimed in realization
I reached over quickly covering her mouth and hushing her. There wasn't anyone in the store at the moment but Anna can shout pretty loud.
"Sshh Anna! Yes i did but not to far."
I removed my hand
"Not far? You were gone the whole day." Said Meg
"That's where you were! All day yesterday! I had no clue where you went!"
I sighed
"Ok fine maybe I went a little far. Just to the closet island."
Their eyes went wide
"You were near the surface world? Did you see any...." Meg came in closer and whispered "Humans?"
I bit my bottom lip slightly and looked down and they both gasped
"You did! Tell us all about them! Are they ugly? Frightening? Gruesome?" Anna started throwing questions at me left and right
"Stop!" I exclaimed. " their not any one of those things. They are just like us! I met one."
"Y-you talked to one?"
I nodded "His name is Dean Winchester. And...."
I looked down smiling to myself
"He's amazing."
Meg smirked "Ooh is little Cassie gay for a human?"
"So you know about this gay thing too?"
They both groaned
"Seriously Castiel. Sometimes your too innocent for your own good." Anna said
I scoffed
"Well I'm not how you say 'gay' for Dean. We just met and we are meeting again in two days."
"What if King Crowly catches you? I mean do your brothers even know?" Anna asked
I shook my head
"No and they aren't gonna know. And I'm not scared of Crowly. He's a liar. Humans aren't dangerous. I mean I bet some are but they are just like us. Minus the tail."
"Wait did you see their feet?" Meg asked
"Yes. They are very soft. Well Deans are anyways."
"He let you touch his feet?" Anna asked
I blushed "Well I wouldn't say let."
"I bet he let you touch something else." Muttered Meg.
I narrowed my eyes at her
"What do you-"
Just then the door swung open and in came two of Crowlys guards. Alistair and Azael. I hated them.
"Castiel Blackfin Novak. King Crowly wants to see you." Smirked Azael.
Crowly wants to see me? Oh no. Nononono.
I gulped and shared some worried glances at Anna and Meg
"W-why?" I asked
"Oh we think you know." Alistair gripped me by my arms and shoved me out the door.

When we got to the palace Crowly was sitting on his throne and I nearly choked when I saw my brothers were there too looking terrified.
"Castiel! Are you ok!" Shouted Michael rushing over to me.
I nodded and he was pushed away as I was thrown before Crowly.
Most Merfolk here feared Crowly. He is known to torture his prisoners and in some cases kill them.
"Castiel. We have a matter to discus."
Crowly swam from his throne before me. His tail was a dark red. Not a cherry red like Anna's. But a tail red as blood. A dark blood red.
"What matter?" I squeaked out.
He smirked
"A matter with you leaving the city."
My brothers gasped slightly
"Cas? You went out of the city?" Whispered Balthazar.
I shook my head "No I didn't." Lie.
"Oh but I think you did. And I happen to know that you have been seeing humans close up in person."
"Leave him alone!" Gab shouted at Crowly as he got closer.
Just then a knife was held up to Gabriel's neck by Alistar. Michael and Bathly were held back as they started shouting wildly to stop. No. My family can't be torn apart like this.
"Stop!" I exclaimed "Please I'll tell you everything just don't hurt my family."
Crowly smirked and gestured for Alistair to let Gabriel go.
"Do tell." He said
I took a deep breath
"Yes ok. I did go outside the city. And I did last night too. And i did confront a human."
"You betrayed your own kind?!"
I shook my head
"No! No! I would never-"
"Take him away!" Crowly shouted
"CAS SWIM!!!" My brothers shouted as they tackled the guards to the ground.

My heart pounded in my chest as I knew Crowly was chasing me. The trident in hand. The water was becoming angrier. I surfaced and looked at my surroundings. I needed to get out of here. I looked north and my eyes widen when I saw the island I went to before but on a different part. Rain came down like needles and the wind ranged. Waves started to form and swoop me away.
Crowly finally caught up to me
And with that the waves took me away and crashed onto the land.
The water spread through out the island till it crashed into a large tide pool of some sorts and I blacked out.

Deans POV

"Come on Dean help me get this car in!" Shouted Garth
The wind was picking up and there was reports of a large storm coming our way.
I ran over to Ash and Garth and started to help push a broken down car into the garage.
I hated storms and a storm plus me being exhausted all day just put me in a bad mood. But it was really fun talking to Cas.
Just then their was a crack of lighting and rain started pouring down.
Bobby ran out to us
"You boys go home and get inside! I heard this storm is going to get way worse!"

Once I packed up I speed down the street to the resort. When I pasted the tide pools I saw in the distance through the rain large waves making their way up the beach. By tonight I knew all sorts of crap from the ocean will get in these tide pools.
I saw Sam feeding some sea turtles
"Sam we gotta go! This storm is getting worse!"
"I can't Dean I have a job!"
I sighed to my self and looked at his co worker or boss Noemi
"I'm just gonna take him."
She nodded and with much protest from Sam I lifted him over my shoulder and literally carried him to the impala.

Once we were home I looked out the window at the beach from a distance. This storm looked pretty bad.
"Wow those waves are huge." I muttered
"I'm gonna go in early tomorrow." Sam commented "I have a feeling their gonna need all the help they could get. Who knows what those waves will leave lying around."
My thoughts for some reason drifted off to Cas.
I shook my head. Don't be ridiculous Dean. This has nothing to do with Cas.
But why do I have a horrible feeling in my gut that this is all about Cas.

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