Chapter 3- meet and greet

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Deans POV

I took baby to our cove. I honestly didn't know what I was doing. I just needed time to think.
So here I was in a little row boat in our calm cove just looking up at the moon lite sky. I didn't know what to think anymore. Maybe Garth was right. Maybe I am nuts. But it just seemed so real. That beautiful creature had to be real. I can't imagine something as beautiful as that.
Just then I felt eyes on me.
I sat up in the boat and turned around and froze. A boy bopped up and down in the water. He had jet black messy hair, a scrawny figure and those blue eyes I couldn't forget. He was him. And I looked down and the shadow of his black tail flickered under the water keeping him up right.
"H-hello." His voice came out deep but innocent.
I blinked just to make sure this was real.
"H-hi." I stuttered out.
He swam a little closer causing me to fall backwards in the boat and he stopped.
"I won't hurt you." He spoke out. "I just wanted to see what a human looked like."

He gripped the edge of the boat making it rock a little as he hoisted him self up and we were inches apart. I looked him up and down. He was amazing.
I looked at him confused
"Um w-what?" I squeaked
"My name. It's Castiel Blackfin Novak."
He held out a hand and I shakingly gripped his wet hand and shook it.
"Dean Winchester."
Once again i looked him up and down
"Your a mer..... A m....." I couldn't even get the word out straight
"Mermen." Castiel spoke for me
I nodded
"Your really a merman."
He nodded and floated on his back letting his tail be exposed for me to see.
"Yes. And your a human?"
Just then he out of no where gripped my foot making me fall backwards once again.
"H-hey!" I stuttered out as he took off my shoe examining my foot. His grip was strong
"Stop squirming!" He ordered
"Give me it back!" I shouted
"I just want to see what feet feel like." He said gently but this was freaking me out
"Can you pick things up with them?" He asked
I shook my head but I sucked in a breath as he started messing with my toes.
"Ok ahaha!" I finally pulled back "thats enough." I coughed awkwardly.
"Sorry did I hurt you?" He asked worriedly
I kinda felt guilty for snapping at him like that.
"No I just usually don't like people messing with my feet ok."
He nodded. We kind stared at each other for a moment
"I've never been this close to a human before." He spoke up
I chuckled "How do you think I feel?"
He also chuckled
"So um Dean. Why were you so far out from shore?" He asked
I shrugged
"I love the ocean. I love exploring it. Why haven't I seen you around anyways? Or any of your kind?"
He looked down
"Cause it's forbidden." He whispered
"Why?" I asked
"King Crowly forbids it. He says humans are the reason why there is little left of us. He says we are suppose to hate them."
I shuffled in my spot
"D-do you believe him?"
He shrugged
"I don't know any more."
I leaned up against the edge of the row boat
"So Cas what is your story?"
He floated on his back on the water and began.
"Well I'm the youngest out of my four brothers. My mother died when i was born and my father disappeared not long after. Around the time Crowly came to rule. My oldest brother Michael has taken care of us all my life. He's kinda like a father figure. But I've always been interested in the land like you have been with the sea. I barely know what's out there...... So what's your story?"

I deep sighed. I can't believe I'm telling my life story to a merman.
"Well I guess I'll start when I was four. My uncle bobby told my dad about an opening at the local resort here in Nassau. Atlantis. We moved from Kansas to here."
"That's impossible. Atlantis died a long time ago."
I rolled my eyes "No that's just the name of the resort. But anyways long story short about four years ago my dad and my mom got killed in a car crash during a big storm. I've taken of my brother since. He's a smart kid and he got a job working at Dolphin Cay. I work at uncle Bobbys shop which is fun. But I really want to explore the ocean. I've always wondered what's out there. But I can't go anywhere."
He tilted his head confused and I had to admit it was adorable
"Why not?"
"Because I can't leave my brother. I love him and I can't leave him with Bobby."
"Maybe you can take him with you."
I shrugged
"Maybe. So do you have any mer friends or a mergirl?"
He shook his head "I have a few friends like my friend Meg and Anna. Meg is my best friend but no love interests. Speaking of love I saw two female humans before....."
I laughed
"That's Charlie and my uncle Bobbys step daughter Jo. Their both gay."
He once again gave a confused look
I blushed. How was I suppose to explain what being gay is to a merman
"Well um...... It's when a guy likes a guy Ora girl likes a girl..... It's complicated..... I mean I'm bi that means I like guys and girls."
"S-so you would date a male?"
I nodded and I thought I saw a flicker of hope and happiness in his eyes.
The rest of the night we talked about our worlds. His sounded amazing. Except for that Crowly guy. He sounds like a dick. I told him about things we do on land too. He seemed so curious about it too. It was freaking adorable. Also I found out he was two years younger then me but that was still around my age...... Wait no I can't fall for a merman!
"Oh shit the sun!" I exclaimed
He looked at me confused
"What about it?"
"It's almost up. I need to get back."
He looked a little disappointed.
"Will I see you again?"
I smiled and nodded
"Listen I can't today but in two days meet me in this spot ok?"
He smiled
"Ok! Bye Dean!"
"Bye Cas!"
I watched as he swam away under the surface till he was gone.

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