Chapter 23- lab rats

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Deans POV

After I came too I was surprised those FBI agents didn't take me away for 1. Assaulting several officers and 2. The fact I keep the name of the person they were taking away.

My Cas and his family were taken. It broke my heart. We found a place outside the village where the commotion still didn't dial down. Why would it? I mean the world just discovered mers were real!
We were by the waters edge where we all sat in silence. We didn't know what to say. I hugged my knees to my chest just staring at the sand covered ground. I had a blank face on. I felt silent tears trail down my face. I didn't bother wiping them away. I couldn't move.
Sam had his face in my side letting his cry softly. Raph held Anna as she cried. Meg was sorta like me. A silent brooder. But I could see the true sadness in her eyes. Cas told me how Anna and Meg basically all knew each other since they were babies. I can only imagine what they are going through.
Charlie was holding a shaking Jo who wasn't crying but looked terrified. Charlie rain her fingers through her hair as tears trailed down her cheek, but ignored them kissing the blondes hair rocking her back in forth in her lap.
Ash, Lisa and Garth just looked plan out pissed
"How?" Garth finally growled out "how could this happen?"
I didn't look at him. Just sniffed a little and shook my head.
Just then my phone started blowing up and so did everyone else's.
"It's everywhere." Lisa said staring at her phone "The whole world knows. I just got a whole bunch of texts from people and news reports."
"Me too. Everyone...everyone knows." Said Raph
"We better get to Bobby's." Jo sniffles


When we got to the roadhouse we were all surprised to see that it was closed and the windows were boarded up. It was on total lock down.
We ran up to the entrance and we all started banging on the door shouting for Bobby and Ellen hoping they would here. Finally we heard footsteps inside running towards the door and Bobby poked his head
"Get in you idigits hurry!" He snapped

We did as he was told and all piled in.
"In the back now." He ordered

We went into the living room in the back of the diner. Ellen was in there staring at the tv. We all didn't say a word and we just stared at the screen as the reporter talked

"Breaking news. Real life mermaids revealed on the island of Nassau Bahamas!"

We all murmured out "mermen" correcting the news mans statement.

"Yes you heard me correct. Just hours ago five mers and one man able to breath under water were walking among us and we're pushed into a village fountain! They are now in custody of the FBI's secret reach team and will be tested on to find out more of these mysterious creatures..."
I couldn't listen anymore. The thought of Cas being tested on made me want to throw up.
"Please...please just turn it off... I can't take listening to this..." I whimpered
Ellen quickly turned it off and pulled me into a motherly hug. She rubbed my back soothly. I didn't cry. I couldn't cry. I just held it in.
"How did this happen?" Ash whispered
I let go of Ellen and sat down with my head in my hands
"On the news they said five mers?" Questioned Bobby
I looked up and nodded
"Yeah Castiel, Balthazar, Gabriel, Michael and this one other man. He didn't look too good I couldn't make him out. But he looked older."
Bobby's eyes widened
"It was Chuck."
Ellen gasped "Robert are you sure?"
"It had to be." Bobby said "Crowly must of tricked them. Took Chuck from where ever Crowly had been hiding him and used him to get to the novaks. Then when the moment was right Crowly exposed them. And I have a feeling that research base the news man is talking about is complete bull shit. I think Crowly took control of that too."
"But how can Crowly take over an entire human military research base?" Asked Lisa
"The trident." Bobby answered "It's the most powerful thing in creation. Crowly could of used the power of the trident to convince the FBI that he was in charge of the whole system."
"That's probably why the FBI didn't take Dean after he lashed out at them." Said Sam "Crowly probably thought you weren't a threat and didn't want to deal with you."
It was silent for a bit till Garth finally asked the one question we've been avoiding
"So...what now?"
Bobby shook his head "I'm sorry. The lab like the guy said is secret. I know nothing of any kind of base like this any where in the island. I'm afraid in till we find out more about this we are dead in the water."
"No..." I voice came out shaky and weak and just plan scared "W-we c-c-can't b-be."
I looked at Bobby with hurt eyes
"W-we g-g-got to d-do s-s-something b-Bobby."
Bobby walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.
"I know son. I know."

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