Chapter 6- Legs and a dick to match

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Deans POV

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed grabbing a blanket off the chair to cover Cas up. Because he now had legs and a dick to match. Ok fine I was looking a little....
He was butt naked and afraid.
"W-what.....I'm.....I I?" He looked at himself confused and Sam looked just as dump struck
"Your human." Said Sam shocked "Has this ever happened before?"
Cas shook his head
"There's been rumors of Mers drying out on land and growing legs but I didn't think it was true."
He looked down at his feet and wiggled his toes.
"I have my own pair of feet." He said "That's amazing."
I smiled small but then realized he was still naked.
"Um Cas I'm gonna go get you some of my clothes to wear. I'll be right back."
I quickly rushed to my room and picked out a pair of jeans and a band T-shirt to match. Also some boxers. Which is gonna be a little awkward explaining to him.

When I came back Sam wasn't there probably still trying to get use to the whole merman idea. Cas was clutching the blanket I gave him closely and was shivering. The poor thing looked so confused and scared. So innocent.
"Hey Cas um do you need help getting changed?" I asked uneasy.
He looked at me, embarrassment written all over his face. I sigh to my self knowing my answer.
"ok well um....take off you know...."
He blushed and removed the blanket. I tried not to look down as I helped him with the boxers and he hung onto me as I put one leg through the pants at a time.
"Woah!" Exclaimed as he tripped. He threw his arms around my neck and fell into my chest. I placed a hand to his back pulling him close before he could fall anymore.
"Hey I got you!" I looked down at him and I could tell he was terrified. I clutched his shaking body and hugged him.
"Why are you helping me?" He whispered
To be honest I don't know how to answer his question because I didn't know myself.
"Cas I..... I don't know to be honest. I mean I only met you a day ago but I just feel like I should and that it's the right thing to do."
He gave me a small smile
"Your so kind Dean."
I huffed a laugh
"Yeah well just consider it a friendly gesture."
I settled him back on the couch and helped him put the shirt on. He actually looked pretty good in my clothes.
"Now can you walk?" I asked
He nervously pushed himself from the couch. He stood and I thought he had it before he ended up wobbling and falling back into the couch. I chuckled at his frustrated face.
"Here um.....give me your hands."

Castiels face flushed red and I found it adorable. Finally after a moment of intense starring Cas placed his hands in mine and I hosted him up with one swift tug. I don't think he was expecting it because he let out a startled yelp before falling forwards into me.
I quickly pressed my hand to his back and he placed his hands on to my chest and held him steady
"It's ok I gotcha." I whispered
He looked up at me. Those blue eyes boring into my soul like he could read my thoughts.
"Are you sure I can do this?" He muttered
I laughed
"Hey if you can grow legs I'm confident that you can walk with them too."
He nodded and I let go of his hands. His legs shakes and I wobbled again
"Come on Cas just a few steps." I encouraged.
He took a deep breath and finally took a step towards me and a few more.
"I did it!" He exclaimed and started jumping up and down.
I laughed
"I knew you could!"

Just then my phone rang again. Cas yelped not expecting that
"Don't worry Cas that's just my phone."
He tilted his head confused as I chuckled and answered it
"DEAN!" I almost dropped my phone when I heard Garth on the other end
"Garth what the hell lower your voice!"
"I've been trying you for an hour! Where are you man? Bobby is worried."
I rubbed the back of my neck and glanced at Cas who was staring at me curious.
"Ummmm I don't feel so well. Sorry I forgot to call in."
Garth sighed "Ok I'll tell Bobby and stop by later-"
"No!" I shouted a little too loud
"What?!" He asked alarmed
"You can't come over today!"
"Why not? I always come over even when you are sick?"
I hesitated for a moment before starting to cough wildly on purpose
"I don't think that's a good idea I'm really sick Garth."
He groaned "Fine whatever feel better man."
"Yeah thanks."
I ended the call and turned to Cas
"What is a cell phone?" He questioned
"It's how humans contact each other. Like long distance."
"So like conch shells?"
"Ummm what?"
He smiled
"That's how merfolk contact each other. We speak into conch shells. Humans can do it too. They just never know how to do it the right way."
I raised an eyebrow "That's fucking awesome."
Cas smiled and nodded
Just then his stomach growled and he gasped wrapping his arms around himself
"What was that?!"
I laughed "Calm down Cassie that was just your stomach. You must be hungry. Don't you eat?"
"Mers don't need to eat. But Gabriel sure does. He steals candy from cruise ships."
I laughed at that
"Ok then. Well I happen to know the best dinner in town. Let's get you something to eat. Afterwords we can get you some real closes."
He smiled and nodded
"Thank you Dean."

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