Chapter 20- morning after

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Merry Christmas everyone! Here's a little fluff chapter for you!

Castiels POV

My eyes cracked open and I felt a soreness in my ass. I almost thought something was wrong with me when my eyes widened remembering the events that occurred last face heated up... Me and Dean had sex. And it was good. Even for my first time.... Oh my god I lost my virginity to a human. A beautiful human I might add.
I realized a body was pressed up against me. I roll over to see Dean laying comfortably next to me. He was gorgeous when he slept. It was like watching a god. The sun glistened over him. His breathing was steady and a small smile graced his lips as if he was having the most wonderful dream of his life.
I leaned down and kissed his forehead being careful not to wake him. I got out of bed throwing on my clothes then walking out of the room.

I smelt coffee being made in the kitchen and I heard sizzling of bacon. When I walked in the diner was empty. Ellen was making coffee on the stove and beacon sizzled in a pan.
"Morning Ellen." I greeted her
She looked at me and smiled
"Cas your up early aren't you."
I smiled at her and sat don't at a booth
"Had a good sleep last night."
She hummed to herself smirking knowingly
"I bet."
I blushed to myself twiddling my thumbs. Ellen chuckled and I heard her pour coffee into a mug.
"Come on Cas I poured you a fresh cup."
I smiled and walked over to her taking the warm coffee in my hands.
Just then I almost jumped out of my skin when two arms rapped around me trying to reach for the coffee.

Deans POV

It was sitting in the dark at first. I felt wetness everywhere. The coolness of the water brushed against my whole body. Was I under water? If so how am I... Wait since I'm a nymph I can breath underwater! How could I forget that? Ok then why is it so dark?
Just then lightness snapped on. I in what looked like a dungeon. I was in a cell. A dirty algae covered cell with rushed iron bars. I looked down at myself. I was covered in cuts and scabs. I had no shirt just a bare chest with ripped up shorts. My skin was pale. As if I've been here for a long time.
My head snapped up when I saw a figure before me. My heart leaped in my chest and I stood up quickly.
He swam towards my cell and took a key unlocking it. Once it was open he pulled me from the cell and held me close to him hugging me as if he hasn't seen me in forever...
"Cas what's going on?"
He let go of me
"I missed you so much." He whimpered
What does he mean?
Just then I jolted forward as I felt something stab through me. I looked down and saw the top half of a trident through me. It ripped out roughly. I heard Cas screaming and evil cackling behind me. It was muffled. I fell to the group. Blood swirled through the water...

I bolted up in bed breathing heavily. That was confusing and terrible. Did I just.... No I couldn't of predicted my death... I wiped the sweat from my brow and looked at the digital clock beside me. 7:30 am it read. It was still pretty early but I was too scared to even think of going back to bed.
I looked beside me but freaked out when I didn't see Cas beside me.
"Cas?" I called out
No answer. Quickly I sprang from the bed throwing on my clothes, then sprinting out of the room.
I stopped in the door way of the kitchen sighing in relief to see Ellen handing my beautiful boyfriend a cup of coffee. boyfriend. That beautiful creature was my boyfriend.
I smirked walking over to him without him knowing looping my arms around him and trying to reach for the coffee. It caused him to jump a little but I chuckled and kissed his temple causing him to relax again.

"Morning baby." I cooed continuing to try and reach for the coffee from my current position.

"Dean I'm not giving you this coffee." Cas chuckled
I laughed "Dunno what're talking about, Cas."

Ellen laughed and tapped my shoulder
"Ok hotshot there's enough coffee to go around."
I let go of Cas and she handed me a cup, just as Sam and Gabriel both sprinted into the room
"RUN BEFORE IT KILLS YOU!" Gabriel screamed
Me and Cas looked at each other confused in till Michael ran into the room and we all froze looking at him.
"Where. Are. They." He growled
His face had paint all over it. It made him look like some clown. Which was strange since Sam was actually afraid of clowns. In fact him and Gabriel were both snickering under a table.
I look at Cas and we stare at each other for a second before we double over in laughter.
"Why are we all-" Garth stops short taking one look at Michael who had a frustrated yet goofy face.
The rest came in after and froze as well trying to hide their grins
"Uh Miky you got something on your-"
"Yes I know Balthazar!" Mike snapped
Once again we all bursted out laughing Cas had to hold on to me so he wouldn't fall over. I also noticed a grin start to creep onto mikes face.
"Ok everyone sit down while I fix everyone breakfast." Ellen chuckled "and you." She handed Mikey a wet cloth "Clean yourself up."

When we all calmed down and Ellen finished making breakfast we all sat down to eat. Me and as had a booth to our selves and listened to the others talk amongst ourselves.
I looked over at Cas realizing he looked kinda down.
"Hey Cas you ok?" I whispered moving closer
He shrugged and took a bit of his beacon
"Come on."
I took Castiels hand pulling him aside into the hallway

"Cas what's bothering you? Is it about last night..."
Cas shook his head but still looked a little unsure
"It's just Dean....why me?"
I furrowed my eyebrows
"What do you mean?"
Cas scoffed "what do I mean?! Dean your like a god!"
He looked down and continued "Dean I'm not normal... I'm a freak. I'm a weakling. And you...Dean you so strong and handsome. Your kind and caring. You put others before yourself. Your...perfect. And I'm just so broken who barely can take care of himself... Why do you even bother with me?"
I frowned. How could he think so little of himself but yet so highly of me?
"Cas..." I whispered taking his chin and making him look up at me "Oh Cas."
He looked at me with sad tear filled eyes
"Castiel Blackfin Novak you are the most amazing person I've ever met. Look Cas all my life I have been judge for my choices. I can barely take care of Sam. My parents are dead. I work a job that only gets me by a little. I'm the freak not you.
Now you Cas... Your the amazing one. You are so beautiful Cas. You brought the light back in me. You made me feel things I've never felt. And if you can't see that... Then you don't know true beauty. And angel.... I will dedicate my life if I have to in making you see you the way I do.
Cas.... When I said I love you last night I meant it with every fiber in my body."
I honesty don't know where that all came from. In face I was out of breath by the time I finished my little rant. But I meant it. Over the last weeks Cas came into my life I've never meant something more in my entire life. I loved him. I really did.
I wiped a few stray tears that were leaking from his crystal blue eyes.
"Oh and you also are amazing at sex."
He started laughing through his sniffles and put a hand on the back of my neck pulling me into a passionate kiss. I cupped his wet cheek brushing my fingers on his soft skin. My heart fluttered by this simple gesture. what is this bit doing to me?
Finally he pulled away and rested his forehead on mine
"I love you too Dean. I mean that with every word."
My smiled grew as I pulled away and picked him up by the waist and spun him around. We both laughed as I settled him down
"I love you." We both whispered as more as a promise then a saying.

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