Chapter 15- the escape

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Ok povs are going to be switching a lot in this chapter so try and keep up.

Gabriel's POV

Today was the day. The day I was getting out of here. The day my brothers are getting out of here. The day we start looking for Cas.
It took two weeks of constant planning and Meg and Anna sneaking in to help us. Meg said that Balthazars and Michaels were in some other part of the Castle so they couldn't inform them about this plan. But I have confidence that it will work.

3rd persons POV

Anna took a deep breath before opening the palace doors and swimming in. Crowly as usual was sitting on his throne. His head guards Alister and Azael at his side.
Anna knew she had to keep the three of them destructed while Meg snuck inform the back. The rest she knew Meg could handle. But these three were her main target.
"Who are you and why are you disturbing me?" Growled Crowly
Anna gulped "I have a matter to discus."
"Then you should know you should of scheduled a meeting with me before hand."
Anna nodded
"It's important your majesty."
Crowly sighed twirling his trident around

Gabriel's POV

I heard fighting in the distance. That's how I knew the plan was ago. Meg was an excellent fighter. I knew this kid for a while now. Ever since Cas was born. I believe in both of them to help us get out of here.
I pulled out the key I swiped from Azael, the last time he was in here, that was tucked between my bun. Yes I have a man bun. Don't judge. You try living in the ocean with long hair always getting in your face! At least the girls have braids! Sigh. Anyways....

I swam from my spot winching a bit at the pain my body was in from the abuse it received.
I loop my arm throw the bars and unlock the giant lock.
Once I was out I tucked the key inside hair once more and fallowed the noises of fighting. I turn a corner to see Meg fighting off 6 guards. I quickly tackle one to the ground knocking him out. Me and Meg were back to back punching and whipping our tails
"Took you long enough!" She shouted over our fighting
"Let's just find my brothers." I say knocking out the last one.
Stealthy we found ourselves in another part of the castle. This was darker then mine as if we were completely underground
"How'd you get in?" I whispered to Meg
"The oh so clever King has a few bricks out of place. I simply removed some so I could slip in undetected."
I nodded
"Meg? I never did ask you. How did you find out about all us being captured?"
Meg looked at me and frowned through the darkness
"Well when Castiel was found at the jewelry store and taken, we went to your house to tell you what happened. The doors were broken down. We searched the place but couldn't find you anywhere and by the time we were done. We noticed the water getting stronger and that's when we saw in the distance Castiel swimming away from Crowly."
I sighed
"So he did get out."
She nodded
Just then I heard pained crying and screaming.
"Balthazar!" I shouted
We swam faster till we came to a ceil. Balthy was chained up. His arms above his head as a guard, lucky not Azael or Alister, was carving into him with a knife.
I scrambled for the key in my hair, and unlocked the gate.
"STAY AWAY FROM MY OLDER BROTHER!" I shouted tackling the guard. This one was stronger then the last ones we fought.
Meg unchained Balthazar while I fought this one. He got me pinned down and was about to plunge a knife in me when-
"DONT YOU TOUCH HIM!" Balthazar screeched before decking the guy, swinging his tail around and knocked him out finally.
He was breathing deep and he slumped down.
I quickly caught him before he could sink. He looked worse then me. They usually go hard on the oldest. I can only imagine how Michael looked.
"G-Gabriel? Baby bro?"
I smiled
"Don't get all dramatic me me Balth. Yeah it's me."
He let out a cry before hugging me close
"I-I didn't know if I'd ever see you again..."
I held my older brother closer
"Me too."

Anna's POV

"So your telling me that the important thing you had to tell me was that you think the village is dirty?"
I suck at excuses. What the hell was I suppose to say.
" yes." I said confidence in my voice "I find it repulsive and I think it should be cleaned up as soon as possible! It's filthy!"
Crowly rolled his eyes at me. That bitch
"Alister. Azael. Escort Ms. Kingston, back to her house admittedly."
They both nodded and started coming towards me. Think Anna think.
"Wait!" I shouted before they could grab me "You don't want your kingdom to be seen as a filthy one do you? People will think your a disgusting king do you really want that?"
Crowly held out a hand to his guards to stop them
"Ok. Ms. Kingston. You may continue your case."
Just as he said this another guard rushed in
"Your majesty! Your majesty!" He shouted panic in his tone
"What is it?" Crowly asks
"There's been a break out!"
Crowly stood up from his throne
"Who?!" He boomed
"The Novak bothers! Someone is helping them escape!"
Crowly snapped his eyes towards me
"You." He growled
"I um should be going."
I swam as fast as I could out of the castle and I heard Crowly shout
"Get her and make sure they don't find the eldest!"

Gabriel's POV

"Michael has got to be around here some where ." Balthazar grumbled
"If he's not dead." I whispered
Balthazar shook his head "Gabe we both know Mike. He's strong. There's no way he would let anyone kill him."
"Guys!" Meg shouted
We swam after her to a vault. It was large and had a golden trident on it.
"I think they might of put him in here."
"Why would they lock him up so well?" I asked
"No clue."
I took the key unlocking the vault then with all my strength turning the wheel. Finally it opened and we rushed in to see Michael almost lifeless on the floor.
"Mikey!" We both screeched rushing in.
Balthazar pulled his head into his lap pushing back his short brown hair
"Is he breathing?" I asked panicked
Balth nodded
Just then a loud groan escaped his lips and his eyes cracked open and he mumbled a name I didn't recognize
The three of us looked at each other confused. 
"Michael it's us. Gabriel and Balthazar. And Meg." I said
Just then he before more frantic and started pushing us away
"No lucifer don't take him!" He started screaming "Don't take my brother!"
Balthazar pinned Mike down
"Mikey stop! It's us!"
Miky looked at Balth closely and he relaxed
"B-Balthazar? Gabriel?"
We nodded and his lip quivered as he pulled us both into a bone crushing hug
"I-I thought I lost you both."

"Well isn't this a pretty picture." A sicken voice said
We turned around to see Crowly in the door way if the vault. His trident in hand.
"Crowly." Michael growled "Don't come near them."
He pushed Me, Meg and Balth behind him protectively
"Ah Michael still looking out for your loved ones. After all this time."
"Stop it." Mike growled
"But here we are again. Doesn't this scene seem quite fermilar? Same room. Same situation. Well almost the same."
"Mikey." I spoke up "what is he talking about."
"It was your fault!" Mike shouted "it's your fault our family is broken! It's all your fault!"
Crowly chuckled darkly
"Poor lucifer."
Ok who the fuck was this lucifer guy.

Just then Anna came in to the room and threw a knife. The knife zipped through the water and stabbed Crowly in the eye. Blood leaked into the water as he cried out in pain.
"COME ON!" She shouted
As quickly as possible we swam from the room and out of the palace.

I wish the BBC or The CW was on the channels on this planes tv :(. But besides that I had a fantastic time in London it gave me ideas for this book as well. Can't wait to come home and see my love and friends again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)

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