Chapter 17- the lost brother

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3rd person POV

"Dad what the hell is going on?" Jo snapped
"Dad what are you hiding?" Ash said after her
"Miky what do you mean lost brother?" Asked Cas
Bobby sighed and looked at Michael and lucifer then at his wife.
"It's best that you kids sit down and let us explain."
Reluctantly they all sat down in front of the four of them and waited for them to start talking.
Bobby exhaled out and finally started his story
"Jo. Ash. Dean. Sam. I haven't be completely honest to you kids. Dean and Sam your parents didn't die by accident. In fact your both not even suppose to be here. Your still suppose to be in Kansas. And Jo... I'm sorry I guilted you into letting lucifer stick with you."
"We both are." Said Ellen
"And I'm sorry for being such a jerk." Said lucifer
"What are you talking about Bobby?" Dean questioned
"This story starts before any of you were born. When I was just a kid and your parents were too...."

*flash back*

"Come on Bobby! Hurry up!" 8 year old John shouted as he ran across the sand.
Bobby laughed "Wait up John!"
"Me too!" Shouted Becky
John, Becky, and Bobby were best friends since birth. Their parents were not the best parents in the world but they always had each other's backs. Always.
They had just moved too Nassau Bahamas because their parents thought they needed a change of scenery. Plus they got good work here.
Everyday since they always came to the same cove all their kids will soon love just as much as they did.
"Last one in the water is a rotten egg!" John shouted back at the two and jumped into the water.
Bobby and Becky soon joined in and they had a splashing war.
Soon it was only Bobby and Becky slashing each other for John being curious had dove deep under water. He loved the water.
But when he tried to dive back up his foot got caught on a old rope. He was stuck.
He started struggling trying to get out of the water. But it was no use....

Becky soon noticed johns absence
"Bobby? Where's John?"
Bobby stopped splashing and looked around
"John?" He called out
No answer.

John was losing oxygen. He knew he was gonna die. But then a beautiful figure swam in front of him. One with curly blonde hair and forest green tail.
The figure cut the ropes with a shell an pulled John to the surface.

"Bobby!" Becky cited when she spotted John surface.
They swam over to him and John now gaining his strength back looked at his rescuer with wide eyes. They all did. It was a mermaid. She looked around their age and she smiled at them kindly
"Are you ok?" She asked in a small voice
"Y-your a mermaid!" John said excitedly
"Mary-" the two new comers stopped abruptly when they spotted the humans.
"There's more of you?" Asked Bobby
One boy had short brown hair and a small crown on his head and a honey colored tail.
"Hi I'm prince Chuck." The little merman introduced himself. He looked at Becky and she blushed looking down. So did Chuck. And so did the other boy who had short dark brown hair and a bright red tail.
His heart bested for Becky the second he saw her....

"Their names were Chuck, Crowly and Mary. We soon became best friends. All of us. We never missed a day when we didn't see each other. Now Chuck. Chuck was a prince soon to be king. And Crowly was also of royal blood. He would be his man in waiting you could say. They were like brothers."
Mike spoke up
"Chuck is our father."
Their eyes widened
"Wait are you saying that we are princes?" Asked Balthazar
"Yes." Mike said
"Bobby." Said Sam "Our mom was a mermaid?"
Bobby nodded "Yes. Your both nymphs. It what happens when a mer and human breed. Usually it's very rare to happen. But possible. Usually the mer gene takes over and they have just plan simple Mers. But on rare occasions nymphs are born. That's why Sam your so good with see animals. And deans that why you get visions."
"You know I get visions?"
He nodded "they usually start when you form a bond with a mer."
Dean glanced over at Cas then asked "what happened?"
"Chuck and Becky started falling for each other. More then a friendship started forming. Much like how Johns and Mary's was. But Crowly wasn't so happy about it. Because he loved Becky like Chuck did. And when Chuck proposed to Becky when they got older he snapped..."

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