Chapter 30- Dean

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Castiel POV

I looked in the water till day light. But I knew the truth. He was gone. Taken. Probably to the kingdom. I knew I couldn't go after him then. Who knows what would happen. I couldn't go alone. But I had no clue how I was gonna tell the others and especially Sam....

I sighed to my self and swam back into the cave. I bolted to the surface and quickly pulled my self from the water. I laid down for a second and soon my legs appeared. I pulled the extra pair of pants I brought down here and sprinted....

"GUYS!!!!" I screamed tears trailing down my face as I ran into the kitchen where everyone else was.
"Cas what's wrong?" Asked Raph
I started panting heavily
"Castiel calm down." Michael rushed over to me and held me by my shoulders
"What happened? And why are you all wet?"
I just stared at him and my lip quivered. His eye soften and he took me into his arms. I started to sob and I noticed everyone stood up alarmed.
"Dean. Where's Dean?" I heard Sam started to panic.
His words made me cry harder. I tried to to listen to his breathing as it started to pick up. He rushed over to me and ripped me away from my brother.
"Sam!" Everyone shouted
"Castiel where is my brother!" He shouted
I took a deep breath and finally said
"We went exploring and decided to go swimming.... I don't know what happened. One second we are just underwater messing around...the next I'm being punched and Dean was pulled under by a hand....I blacked out and when I woke up he wasn't anywhere..."
Sam's face lost all its color and his eyes went glassy.
"It had to be Crowly..." Said Dick
"He's found us. Those sea creatures that come in from the pools he must of got to spy on us." Said Chuck
"He can control sea animals?" Question Jo
"He can control anything with that trident."
"FOR GET THAT!" Sam shouted angry tears running down his face "DEANS GONE!"
Gabriel rushed over to him pulling him into his arms and he kept sobbing over and over "I want my big brother back. I need him back."
I let out a shaky breath
"Here we go again." Ash muttered
Lucifer stood up. A determined look on his face.
"This is ending."
We all looked at him confused
"NO!" Lucifer cut our father off
Everyone went silent as he shouted
He took a deep breath and finally spoke normal "Crowly has taken away our mother, our home, our freedom, and now Dean. We're not only getting Dean back....we're getting the crown back too."
Chuck stood up "Lucifer you know that's impossible. He's just to strong with the trident."
"I don't care I'm sick of him always taking things away."
I walked over and stood next to him
"Me too."
Soon all my brothers nodded and came to stood by us
"That includes all of us." Said Bobby
Chuck looked around at all of us and a smile played at his lips
"Fine. Let's do it. But we can't plan here. Crowly will be back for us if he knows Webern we are."
"I have a boat it should fit all of us for now. It's sorta like a house boat." Answers Naomi
He nodded
"Then it's settled."

*hours before*
Deans POV
At this point I had given up on trying to escaped the strong grip. I realized it was a mer when he slowed down and I was able to make him out through the dark waters.
His grip was incredibly strong and no matter how I shouted, cursed or struggled he didn't answer nor loosen his grip.
It's like chains were pointless.
I hung limp in his grasp as he pulled me along the murky waters. Light started to shine through a bit but the moon still glistened down into the ocean.
We past many coral reefs and fish and creatures scattered as we came through.
Finally we stopped and he let me go. I took this as my chance to possibly out swim him but he grabbed both my wrists and put them behind my back and put chains on them.
"Get the hell off me!" I shouted
He growled and then put a chain like collar on my neck. Almost like some leash
"Move. King Crowley is waiting."
That's when I looked up and my jaw dropped in amazement.
It was an underwater kingdom. A castle stood high barely touching the surface above. It seemed to be made of many use to be colorful corals but now they were gray. As if they were dying. Around the castle stood many houses and huts and buildings. But it didn't look busy. It looked lonely in fact.
He guard pushed me along as we entered the kingdom.
Two guards stood in from of a gate that surrounded the city. Both mers
"Is this him!" One spat glaring down at me.
The man holding me nodded
The two guards stood aside, opening the gates, and letting us in.

As we walked through the streets of the kingdom mers came out of their houses to stare in amazement at me. There was so many of them. Kids too. How could we not know about all this? How...
Just then my foot brushed over something on the ground. I looked down and nearly screamed. A mermaid who looked mauled to death laid there dead. I realized many more mer bodies littered the streets. Their faces looked like they've been eating by wolves. Their bodies were cut up and their tails were all grey drained of color and blood. I also took in notice that they had spears and weapons laying next to or by them. I then realized that these innocent mers were not murdered...they died trying to fight for their rights.
One little girl mermaid stared at me from his home with such curiosity. And as soon as her dad laid eyes on me something happened
"A nymph!" He called out. "Like Prince lucifer!"
The guy holding me stopped in his tracks as more mers raced from their house holds mumbling to themselves some shouting 'I remember!' Or 'King Crowly is a fake!'.
I guess them just looking at a nymph broke the hold Crowly had over them in not remembering the Novaks rightful place in throne.
Just then the man dragged me through the water quickly towards the castle. Others started chasing us mostly men shouting to let me free. I knew something was up.
Finally we made it too the castle doors and they opened letting us in before the others.

"Ah Dean Winchester just the nymph I was waiting for."
I looked up too see him.
The mer pushed me down towards his throne that he sat in. A row of shells almost like a carpet leading the way until I was forced to drop to my knees my chains weighing me down
"Very good Azael." Said Crowly to my yellow eyed kidnapper
I looked up at the man. He sat their with a blood red tail hanging over the throne. He had short dark hair, a scruff the same color, and a dark brown eye. The other was covered up by a eyepatch made of what looked like seaweed. His chest was bare like every other merman I've seen here and I noticed a large round bullet mark I had left on his right shoulder. He had a golden pitch fork-... No that was the trident. It was golden with jewels in crested in it.
He gave me a sickening grin
"Your causing me many problems squirrel." He muttered
I glared at him
"I'm guessing your the royal pain in the ass?"
He grimaced down on me
"I'm a king you scrum."
I scoffed
"Nice kingdom you got here. I love the dead bodies littering the streets. Oh and the rebellious subjects make you look great." I said adding sarcasm in my tone
"You didn't remove those yet! I can't have bodies littering my kingdom!" Crowly shouted at Azael
"Alister was getting Ruby to do it."
"We she better do it quick."
Azael nodded
"There's something else you should know sir. The spell you put on the citizens, to forget the Novak rule, it wore off the minute they laid eyes on that nymph."
Crowly hummed to himself
"I know. That's why when I gather my army together. I'll be able to take out the rest of them."
My head shot up in shock
"What?! Your just going to kill everyone?!"
He chuckled
"That's why your here Dean. You see your special Dean Winchester. Your a nymph. And a blood of a nymph is very special. Especially when they bond with another soul. Those are the most powerful. If I can extract enough of your blood with out you know...killing you. I will be able to use it to make the perfect army to take over the land above. No one could stop me then."
I looked at him wide eyed
"I'll never let you do that. I'll never let you use me to do such terrible things."
Crowly stood up and yanked me down by the neck chain causing me to whimper a bit. He gripped my face tightly causing me to cry out in pain as he practically crushed my jaw.
"Oh my dear Winchester." He growled in my ear
"You don't have a choice."

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