Chapter 5- Stranded

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Sams POV

Dean dropped me off pretty early in he morning. He seemed kind of grumpy that I asked to come so early but I was worried about the tide pool animals from last nights storm.
It turned out I was the only one here so I had to use my access key to unlock the gates into the actual Dolphin Cay resort. When I was in I put on my wet suit and started out towards the pools.
They all seemed pretty fine. I feed the turtles and nurse sharks and got any trash or branches out that might of swiped in there from last night.
The only habitat I had to check next was the sting rays which was one of our largest above ground pools we had.
I made my way over but froze when I heard a loud cry. It sounded like a man and it was coming from the Ray pool.
I quickly rushed over to the edge and nearly choked at what I saw. No. No. No. That's impossible.
I'm dreaming. This was a dream. It had to be.
I locked eyes with the creature and his eyes widen.
"Please don't freak out."
But how couldn't I freak out?! Because what I saw was a mermaid.
"Your a..... Mermaid."
He groaned
"Merman." He corrected
I ran a hand through my hair. I was talking to a merman. A real life merman.
"I'm dreaming." I said to myself but he heard me
"I wish you were." He sighed
I noticed a large cut on the side of his black tail. He was injured and the many sting rays that keep inspecting him probably wasn't helping.
"Are you ok?" I asked still in shock
He shook his head
"Listen I need your help. Do you know a human man by the name Dean Winchester? He's my friend and he can help me."
My eyes widened in shock. He couldn't be talking about my brother could he? Well in all honesty if one of the two of us were to befriend a merman it would be Dean. He spends more time wet then dry.
"How do you know my brother?"
His eyes widened in shock
"Your Sam?!" He exclaimed
I nodded.
"Listen to me. I'll call him and I'll get him to pick you up and take you somewhere safe. If anyone sees you no offense but they might freak out. Your lucky I decided to come early before anyone else."
He sighed in relief
"Thank you Sam. My name is Castiel Blackfin Novak. But your brother seems to prefer to call me Cas."
I smiled a little
"Nice to meet you Cas."

Deans POV

I still had a whole hour before work. So I kind of just sat in the house for a while trying to find something good on tv. There was a lot of reports on that huge storm from last night.
Just then Highway to Hell started blasting from my pocket. It was my phone. I grabbed it from my back pocket and saw that Sam had called me.
I furrowed my eyebrows. Sam usually never calls when he's at work unless it's an emergency. I picked up
"Dean you need to get here now!" He practically screamed in my ear.
"Woah woah Sam what's up?"
"You just need to get here ok. It's an emergency."
I heard a muffled voice before I heard a new voice come over the phone.
I froze in my spot and my heart stopped.
"Castiel? Is that you?"
"Yes Dean it's me." His voice was hoarse
"What are you doing at my brothers work?" I asked standing up
"Crowly he started that storm last night. He found out about me leaving the city.... And he....he." His voice broke off and I thought I heard muffled whimpers and for some reason it broke my heart.
"Cas it's ok. I'm coming to get you and Sam. Give the phone back to him."

I heard shuffling before Sams voice once again came over the phone.
"Sam what part of the resort are you at?"
I grabbed the keys off the counter and headed out the door.
"He's stranded in the sting ray pool. Dean you got to hurry. Luckily I was the only one here when I found him. But I won't be for long. I hope you got a plan."
I paused for a moment before I thought of something
"Do we still have that golf cart?"

I practically broke the speed limit big time as I zoomed to the resort with the golf cart attached.
Once I was there i un hooked it and drove it straight into the resort. I noticed some workers starting to come in and my heart started to beat faster with worry.
I remembered where the Ray pool was and luckily made it in record time. Sam was already there leaning over the edge.
I quickly ran over to him and I stopped when I saw Cas just laying there tail and all. But it scared me more to see a large cut bleeding out.
"Cas don't worry I'm here." I jumped over the edge not even caring about the Rays and  dragged my feet through the water over to him. He looked God awful.
I know I've only know him for like a day but I hated seeing him like this.
"Awe Cassie..... Are you ok?"
He shook his head no and he looked on the verge of tears. If mer people even cry....
"It's ok we're gonna get you out of here. I'm gonna take you back to my place. I'm gonna try to pick you up."
He nodded.
I carefully scooped him up and he put his arms around my neck for support. He honestly wasn't too heavily. I thought he would be with the tail but he honestly wasn't.
"Thank you Dean." He whispered
"It's ok Cas."
I got him out of the pool and Sam helped me get him in the back of the golf cart.
"Sam I'm gonna get us out of here. Your coming too. Put that tarp over him for now till I get to the impala."
Sam did as he was told then climbed into the front next to me and I pressed the gas.

I made sure to be careful putting the merman into the back, I honestly didn't even care about him bleeding on the seats. I just hope he is ok.
"Sam you have taken care of the injured animals before right?"
Sam nodded and I got a good look at him. He was defiantly freaking out
"Hey." I said gripping his face. "Sam I need you to focus ok. I'll explain everything on the way. But right now I need you to tend to Castiels cut."
He nodded hesitant
"Ok Dean."
"Do you have a medical kit?"
He nodded taking it out of his satchel.
I chuckled
"Who knew your man purse would come in handy."
He gave me a bitch face
"Just drive." He muttered

I laughed and stepped on the gas as Sam started stitching Cas up. He occasionally yelped at Sams tugs but calmed down all together. On the way I explained how I met Castiel. He seemed pretty shocked. Cas would also add things here and there. I just couldn't believe he was here.
Once we made it to our house Sam walked out of the car and gave the all clear signal and I got in the back and put Cas in my arms.
Bones was frantic as we walked in and Cas yelped and clinked onto me tighter
"Sam get that stupid dog out of here!" I shouted
Sam took bones by his collar and left with him. I gently put Cas on the coach making sure he was comfortable
"Cas what happened?" I asked
His lip quivered
"I-I don't k-know how b-b-but Crowly he found o-out. And he made the guards drag me and my family to the castle for questioning. At first I denied everything. In till he threatened my brother Gabriel's life and I confessed. He was going to throw me in jail but my brothers held the guards up so I could swim away. Unfortunately Crowly caught up with me and created a storm with the trident, casting me out."
"Your telling me that, large storm from last night was because of that douce bag you call a king."
He nodded and tears started pouring from his eyes. He touched his face and gasped
"I-I'm l-l-leaking!" He cried
I smiled at him sadly and shook my head
"No Cas your crying. It happens when your sad or even happy. I guess you couldn't cry underwater."
Just then he screamed loudly and his tail twitched. The scales were fading away.
"Cas!" I shouted and pulled him into my arms. He was shaking and screams ripped through the house.
Sam came running back in frantically.
"What's happening!?"
"GET A COLD CLOTH NOW!" I screamed over Cas
Hot tears leaked from his face and I felt so hopeless.
Sam came back a minute later handing me the cloth.
I pressed it to Cas's head wiping away the sweat and tears
"Just breath Cas."
Finally his screams stopped and he stopped shaking. We both looked down and froze.
He had no tail.

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