Chapter 33- please dont leave me

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Happy short chapter

Castiels POV

My brothers had returned to the boat telling us that they put all of Crowlys followers in the prison. And that they out Crowlys body in the kingdoms hospital and chuck could do what he pleased to it. Also they found bags of deans blood and brought it back. We put it back in his body but nothing happened...
I didn't care.
Despite the win the lose was greater and sadness was in the air. Dean Winchester was dead. My Dean.
It was early now. The sun barely peaked over the horizon.
Everyone was crying and sobbing outside the little room I was in. I just stared at his body.
I only knew him a few months. I only knew him a summer. And I couldn't imagine life without him now. The things he risked for me.
If I hadn't been so selfish and never left that day... He would be alive. He could spend his day on the beach. Finish school. Meet a lover and start a family. He would never do any of that now.
Tears streamed down my face silently.
I took a deep breath and took his cold hand in mine.
"I know you can't hear me. I feel silly doing this but this is my last message to you Dean. I'm sorry I'm so sorry Dean... I never dreamed I'd love someone like you.... I never dreamed Id lose someone like you..."
I tried my best to continue
"This n-never s-s-should of h-h-happened."
I couldn't do it. I started sobbing my words out
"Please please please don't leave me Dean. Please do me a favor and don't be dead!" I cried out.
I placed my hand on his shoulder gripping him tightly.
"You can't leave me. Not now. Sam needs you. Your family needs you...I need you. I can't go one without you Dean. Your the light in my life. You can't just walk into someone's life then walk right out. You don't do that."
I took a deep breath my grip tightening on him.
"You did so much for me. Please just do one more... Don't be dead."
When nothing happened I sighed not removing my hand but leaning down to kiss him.
Then something did....
The glow...the bluish glow came from me once more and to my surprise...

He kissed back.

My eyes shot open and I pulled away to see his eyes flutter open and him gasp.
"AHHHH!" I cried out in pure joy pulling him into my arms.
He was alive. My Dean was alive.
"C-Cas!" He croaked out
I was sobbing grossly into his shoulder and I realized I left a hand print on his skin.
I pulled away and we both looked at it
"How?" He breath
I looked at his emerald eyes
"I don't know. But I don't care."
I leaned in and met him in a passionate kiss. He pulled me close to him deepening the kiss.
We jumped back and looked towards the door to see San staring at us gapping
"Sam language!" Dean snapped but a large run paste red on his face.
Sam's tears streamed down his face as he let out a sob and ran into deans arms.
"Hey little brother." Dean whispered
Sam gripped onto him for dear life sobbing into his chest. Afraid to let go as if Dean would disappear any moment.

Dean was back.

Everyone was hugging and kissing Dean ecstatic that he was alive.
"What happens now?" Asked Garth
Chuck looked at the trident in his hand then stood up. He banged it on the deck a few times and a bright golden mist came from it and floated through the sky
"What was that?" Asked Lisa
"That was a memory wiped. Now no one remembers Crowlys framing of mers. And everything can go back to normal."
I smiled hugely happy everyone could return home.
Dean held me close kissing my forehead lovingly
"It's good to be back."

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