Chapter Sixty-Five: Outside Perspective P.O.V. Marley

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"I did! I did, I just- I was caught off guard. I didn't expect you to react the way you did to what I told you..." She looked down at the floor.

"How did you think I'd take it? Micha, I told you I was in love with you and you told me you're waiting for someone else!" Now my eyes were stinging. I wanted to forget about it. Why couldn't I just accept the situation? That way I could be happy with her while I had her.

"I didn't mean it like that... I want you to know the truth. And the truth is that I don't know what I'd do if I met my soulmate. I don't know if fate would be enough to make me leave you like that..." She covered her eyes. "God, I can't take this! I'm coming undone. I miss you. I miss us. I miss all of it."

"Micha..." I bit my lip. She'd better not cry. If she cried, I'd give in. I had to talk to her, so I couldn't just give in. "You hurt me, Micha... A lot... I can't just let that go..."

"I know, I know. Please just don't think I meant to..." Her voice wavered.

"What did you mean to do?" I looked away from her, trying to stay strong and do what we both needed.

"I meant to stop hiding things from you. I meant to get the weight off my shoulders and tell you with a clear conscience that I'm fucking in love with you!" My whole body froze. "I love you, Marley." My heart broke as her voice cracked, keeping her away from me and keeping myself away from her became an impossibility. My skin itched to feel her closer.

"Micha, you know I love you too, but... I feel like we're missing the discussion we need to have..."

"Okay." She breathed in and out slowly, running her eyes before taking her hands away and leaning against the wall. She still looked hurt. Her eyes were glassy and she hid her bottom lip in her mouth.  "I don't know what else you'd like me to say. I messed up. I misspoke. I'm sorry."

"I don't really know what I want you to say..." I sighed, "it just doesn't feel right that this is put behind us so quickly. I want us to be okay." I ached to run my hands through her hair, to caress her body.

"So do I, baby, I just don't know what else you want from me to make that happen." She took a couple steps forward and gently put her hand on my cheek. "I'd give you anything you want. Just tell me what it is." I eyed her lips. God, I missed her.

"Prove that you love me." I uttered out of pure selfishness. I believed her.

She looked at me with blackened eyes, pupils like saucers.

"Marley, if I had to show you how much I love you, I'm worried you may not be comfortable with what I'd do." For a moment, the memory of her with nothing on from the waist up flashed in my mind, and I actually had to stop myself from drooling at the thought of her completely revealed to me.

"Then don't worry." I whispered, already past the point of no return, leaning in to kiss her. I missed her so much. I hated fighting with her more than almost anyone. But right now, all that mattered was that I had my Micha. And I sure as hell wasn't about to run away from her again.

"Marl-mm!" Micha uttered when I mashed my lips to hers, the surprised gasp became a long moan almost instantly. She repositioned herself on all fours so that it was easy for her to pin me down and take charge like she almost always did. I ran my fingers over her arms, as slowly and sensually as I could, up towards her shoulders. I had learned from experience that she had extremely sensitive shoulders and shoulder blades. Her back, too, was especially prone to touch.

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