Chapter 23: Thanks for the Venom

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I stood in the middle of the streets of Japan for unknown reasons. I looked at my busy surroundings. I saw blue men on green and red centaurs. There were women with purple scales for skin and their entire eyes were black as night. One stood in front of me.

“Please, come with me,” she spoke. Her voice was soft and alluring, making me want to trust her and follow her. So that’s what I did, I took her outstretched hand and followed her to a building that looked like a giant dead hamster with its mouth opened. That was the door. We entered and sat at a table full of people not like me. I looked at each one slowly.

First was a man with green hair and pure black skin. He smiled at me, revealing shiny white teeth. I gave him a small smile in return. His arm was draped over a woman with red hair and ash grey skin. The whites of her eyes were purple while the iris was yellow. We waved at each other. The last man had decaying skin and dirty white eyes. I gasped and pulled out a knife, ready to pounce on him. The woman who brought me here wrapped a purple hand around my wrist.

“Don’t do it,” she said.

“But he’s a zombie, he could bite any one of us,” I said.

“He’s one of the more domesticated undead,” she said.

“Domesticated?” I said astonished.

“Yes, he’s like you except with decayed skin,” she smiled, revealing razor sharp blue teeth. I nodded.

“Alright,” I said and put away my knife. I turned to the zombie. “I’m sorry for, uh, not realizing that you were domesticated.”

“It’s alright, I can see this is your first time seeing a domesticated undead, correct?” he replied. With my mouth slightly agape, I nodded. “Come, sit with us,” he smiled, showing his brown decayed teeth. A sickening feeling grew inside of my stomach as I took a seat next to him. After killing his kind for so long, it’s taking my all not to do the same to him. The others talked amongst themselves as I sat there awkwardly.

“Hey guys, sorry I’m late,” a familiar voice said. I looked up to see one of the twins smiling down at the table. “Hey Gwyn, what are you doing here?” he asked with a confused smile on his face.

“Uh, I was brought here by, uh, what was your name?” I asked her.

“Call me Alex,” she smiled.

“Oh cool, so you guys ready for the show?” he asked.

“Well since we found a singer, yeah,” Alex smiled.

“Whoa wait, what are you guys talking about?” I asked.

“Well, Gwyn,” Hikaru started, “This is one of the newest, hottest rock bands, C.C.S. That stands for Crazy Creepers’ Service, but the people like C.C.S. much more. They recently fired their singer, Charles Owens, and they need a new one, you.”

“So you guys want me to sing?” I asked them.

“We’re doing covers you know,” Alex assured me.

“I’m not going to do it,” I stated bluntly. “I don’t care what you play, and how do you know what songs I listen to?” I asked.

“Well, my father owns your biography and it has everything about you in it,” Alex explained.

“And who wrote this book?” I asked.

“Elijah Baker, I believe you know him,” the man next to her smirked.

Peace. Love. Zombies.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz