Chapter 9: That's Not Nice! Stop Stabbing Me, Lady!!

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We’ve been in the state of Tennessee for five weeks now. Of course we decided to camp out on the Smokey Mountains. Woods were on all sides of our little log cabin. Outside, a small fire was dying down. I grabbed an axe and walked off.

“Where are you going?” Juliet scowled. I just rolled my eyes.

“I am going to get some fire wood, care to join?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“Eww. No! Only guys do that stuff,” she said. I walked off into the woods. I medium sized tree- not so small that I could break it with my bare hands and not so big that if it fell it would take out everything in its path. I smiled to myself and began chopping. The steady rhythm of the chopping sounds made me want to sing The Little Thing Give You Away by Linkin Park.

“Water greys through the windows, up the stairs. Chilling rain, like an ocean everywhere. Don’t want to reach for me, do you? I mean nothing to you. The little things give you away, and now there will be no mistaking. The levees are breaking. All you ever wanted was someone to truly look up to you, and six feet under water, I do,” I began.

“Hope decays, generations disappears, washed away, as a nation simply stares. Don’t’ want to reach for me, do you? I mean nothing to you. The little things give you away, but now there will be no mistaking. The levees are breaking. All you’ve ever wanted was someone to truly look up to you, and six feet under water, I do.” I repeated this and eventually that was the end of that song (long outro and intro, all together it’s over six minutes long). The tree falls and I watch it. I lands with a loud THUD! I chop the entire tree into pieces and cut those pieces in half on the stump. I carry all the wood back to the cabin with the axe on top of it. I let out a heavy sigh as I dropped all of the things in my arm.

The fire was dead and all around me was silent. The moon was high up in the sky. I sighed as I went inside of the cabin to get some lighter fluid and a box of matches. I flicked on the light switch but no light flooded the room. I sighed as I realized I was surrounded by darkness ‘til I found the fluid and matches. I rummaged through draws until I finally did find them. I made my way outside and went down the steps. I missed one and fell on my face. I let out a groan. Man, bad luck, Chuck, I thought to myself. I chuckled and got up. I picked up the fluid, matches and some wood. I dropped the wood in the circle of stones, poured some lighter fluid on it, and lit a match. The little orange flame danced on the little match as I dropped it onto the wood. It went ablaze and the orange flames contrasted against the dark night scene around me. The gang took both my car and Blake’s car but all my stuff was in my room, under the bed. I sat around the camp fire contently.

The sound of a twig snapping made me jump and turn around. I hadn’t heard either of the car pull up nor did I see any of them. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at where I guessed the head was.

“If you want to live you better tell me who you are,” I told the person. They stepped into the orange glow. She was tall, 5’10” maybe, with long black hair that blended in with the night sky. Her dark eyes were narrow and here eyebrows were perfectly arched. She had bright red lipstick on and a thin layer of eyeliner on. She looked like she was in her late twenties to early thirties. She was lean. Her black tank top stood out against her pale skin. Her grey cargo pants reached down over her black sneakers.

“Why should I tell you who I am,” the lady asked. She had a light Korean accent.

“Because I told you to,” I replied, cocking the gun.

“My name is Vichen,” She says.

“What business do you have over here?” I demand.

“The better question would be, why won’t you leave me alone?” She said. I lowered my gun and stared at her with a puzzled look. In a blink of an eye, Vichen pulls a knife out of her pocket and throws it at me. I let out a cry as it hits me in the shoulder. I grip the handle and pull it out. When I look up she’s running towards me. I pull the trigger and I hit her in the shoulder. I curse under my breath. She was barely fazed. She threw herself against me and I fell back. She pulled out another knife. She jabbed it into my stomach and I winced and sucked in a sharp breath. She grinned hysterically. She pulled out the knife slowly and thrust it back into my stomach but now in a different place, right under my rib cage. I groaned in pain.

Peace. Love. Zombies.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora