Chapter 18: Wakie, Wakie! It's that time again!

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I woke up extremely hungry considering I had nothing to eat yesterday. I groaned at my hunger and shook Eli awake violently.

“Why? Why? WHY?” he shouted as he slowly shook the sleep out of his system.

“Why what?” I giggled innocently. He grabbed my shoulders.

“Why did you deprive me of my sleep? Why, Gwyn?! WHY?!” he yelled, shaking me violently. I laughed. “You think this is funny?! I need my sleep, Gwyn!” He shouted, still shaking me. I laughed again.

“Let’s go get some breakfast, we haven’t eaten in over twenty-four hours,” I told him. He groaned in agreement.  I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the food court. “Maybe there’s some frozen food I can cook up somewhere in here, or even something good from Subway,” I mutter, mostly to myself as I shove Eli into a seat. I go into Subway and found some flatbread and all the toppings were still good. I made two foot-long sandwiches and sat them in front of Eli and me. I sunk my teeth into the soft bread and the taste of ham, cheese, olives, mayo, and lettuce filled my mouth. I smiled and so did Eli as he chewed his food slowly. “Okay,” I said once we were done eating. “What do you think about Japan?”

“I don’t like it,” he said simply.

“Why not?” I asked with a slight frown on my face.

“Too many earthquakes and tsunamis, and the place is a teeny island. I don’t even know why it’s a country, why isn’t just a part of China or something?” Eli ranted.

“Oh,” I let out a breath.

“Yeah, why?” he asked, the curiosity shining in his eyes.

“It’s just that, I was think the gang could go there and maybe the other group we met here could tag along as well…” I trailed off.

“I don’t think so, Gwyn,” Eli said hesitantly.

“Come on, why not?” I asked.

“I don’t like Japan, and I don’t like the idea of more people coming with us,” he grumbled.

“It’s so that they don’t die, Eli! And Japan could be the best place for us! It’s small, it’s population maybe high but that’s one of the only cons and I’ve always wanted to go there!” I said exasperated.

“What about the others? You decided that we come to this shitty place last so someone else should get to pick,” he said, annoyance lining his voice.

“We could have a vote,” I proposed, just trying to make ends meet.

“Sounds reasonable,” Eli muttered. I nodded, “And anyone who wants to go somewhere else can propose their option,” he added. I agreed.

“So all in favor for inviting the other group before we decide where we go, say aye,” I stated. A chorus of ‘ayes’ came from majority of the group. “Alright then it’s settled, I’ll go talk to them right away.” I hopped down from the cold metal table I was standing on and went to look for Samuel.

 I was on my way to Zumies when I heard someone scream, “Miss Valentine!” I turned around to see a familiar navy blue haired kid running towards me.

“Hey Dimitri,” I grinned. “I was just coming over to see you guys.”

“Well, Miss Valentine, mind if I walk with you?” he asked.

“Not at all,” I said, giving him a small smile. We walked next to each other in silence and made our way to the large skate shop. “Hello Samuel,” I smile as I see him cleaning a gun of his. “Hey Hikaru, hey Sakaru,” I grinned at the twins who were playing Ninja in the corner. They stopped their game and waved at me. “Hello Vaughn,” I said flatly. He mumbled something incoherent in response. “So Samuel, I have a proposition, I guess,” I said.

“You do? Well what is it?” he asked.

“Well my clan and I have an airplane now and we were thinking about traveling to Japan or something, want to tag along?” I asked. He had a thoughtful look on his face.

“We’ll talk about it and get back to you in a few days,” he said dismissively.

“I guess I’ll see you guys later, right? Text me with the answer,” I said as I began to walk out of the store. “Bye,” I waved. I made my way back to my team and told them what they said. “We’ll have an answer in three days tops,” I informed them. Then we dispersed.

“So what’s your answer?” I asked Samuel. He stood next to me on the table and his troop merged with mine in the small crowd of twenty humans.

“Our answer is actually divided, the twins want to go as well as Dimitri and Vaughn and I wish to stay,” he said flatly.

“So, what’s going to happen?” I asked him.

“The twins and Dimitri are leaving us to go with you,” he said, a cold vibe rolling off of him.

“Are you upset with that decision, aren’t you?” I asked. I put a comforting hand on his shoulder and he just shrugged it off coldly and sent me a scowl. I think I’d feel the same way if any of my friends left to go with a different group. Blake and Juliet was one story, the others in this group is a totally different story.

“I think I’ll join you,” a familiar voice said from the crowd. A voice I knew too well for my liking at the second. A few other people agreed. I can’t believe Eli was leaving the group…


Sorry guys, I know it's been a while and it's shorter than usual. Next one will come sooner and it will be longer! I swear! Well since it's 5.14 AM, I am going to get offline, maybe work on the next chapter a bit and then hit the hay(: Read Chet's stories:

Also, read our colaboration story:

And here's her FaceBook pages:

And here's my FaceBook Page:

Am I forgeting anything? If you like zombie movies and you haven't seen Resident Evil... well what's wrong with you?! That is the best zombie series ever made! Hahaa! Well I think you guys should check the movies out :) I love you guys and please bear with me. Thanks for your patients and for those of you who read these but if you don't it's cool. I love all of my fans!! (:


Ps next title will be like a Panic! At The Disco Song title on the albumn A Fever You Can't Sweat Out because its going to be super long and what not hahaa (: Good Night/Morning/Afternoon (:

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