Chapter 3: I'm on the corner of Jealousy Drive and Bad News Avenue!

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I walked to the pool in a short, silk robe-just to cover up my bikini for now. As I neared the door, the sound of a splash could be heard and laughing. I pushed the door open to see Blake, Eli, and a bunch of other teens here with food. It was like a secret party. I smile made its way onto may face when Blake walked towards me. He wrapped his toned arms around my waist and I snaked my thin arms around his neck. We pulled away and talked about unimportant thinks like how our day was. I slipped the robe off of my slender shoulders and let it drop on a chair. I smirked when I saw a few of the guys’ jaw drop. Blake held out an arm for me to hold.

“Yeah right,” I smirked. “Let’s race.” He smirked and nodded. “On three, one. Two. Three!” I shout and we were off. We were neck and neck until I decide to go as fast as I could. I jumped and made my way into the pool. I was fully submerged when I jumped. I opened my eyes (still below the surface) and saw the blur of people swimming by. These poor souls would all be dead in just a few days. It saddened me but this was a party and my first in quite a while. I released my breath and shot up to the surface. My short hair fell in my face so I looked like the Grudge. I laughed as a pair of cool hands moved the hair out of my face. Instead of seeing Blake like I expected, I saw Eli. I smiled.

“You know, Gwyn, you look pretty sexy in that bikini,” He told me.

I blushed and said, “You don’t too bad yourself kido.”

“Come on Gwyn there’s someone I want you to meet!” I turned to see Blake pulling me away. I waved at Eli and gave him a sheepish smile. He gave back a bashful smile of his own and waved back. Then a girl with long blonde hair and a model’s body swam next to him and draped herself on his shoulder. A small pang of jealousy swept through me, but then I turned to Blake and a few of his friends and the feeling went away.

“Gwyn, this is Carter, Staci, Lindsay, Michael and Fiona. Guys this is Gwen,” Blake introduced. I shook all their hands.

“So, how did you meet Blakie here?” Fiona asked. She had long black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. She had piercing green eyes and was wearing neon green string bikini.

“We met in the elevator,” I told her blushing as I remembered the events of the ride. She and the rest of the people around me smirked as they saw my blush.

“So what brings you into town?” Carter asked as Staci asked, “You come here with anyone?”

“Um, to answer your questions I’m just trying to pass through town and yeah I came here-to Baton Rouge- with Eli over there,” I pointed to Eli who was still being talked by that girl.

“You guys share a room?” Staci asked.

“Well kinda but we’re not like together. We’re just friends.” I told them.

“So are you guys on like a road trip together?” Lindsay asked.

“Yeah just trying to get away from Texas…” I said sheepishly.

“Why?” They all asked in unison.

“Zombies,” I whispered.


“Yeah where I’m from, the place was infested… If you don’t believe me come to my room after the party! Now I don’t know about you but those diving boards are screaming at me!” I smiled and got out of the pool with a few people in tow. The diving board looked like it was 35 feet high-intimidating but manageable. I climbed up to the top and looked at the dive. I stood on the edge with ladder and bolted forward.  I leaped on the board and I felt like flying. My stomach leapt into my throat and I got the feeling you get when you’re going really fast on a rollercoaster. I sliced through the clear water with a splash and resurfaced quickly. Although my hair covered over my eyes I swam over to the edge. I turned and just as I try to remove the hair from my face, a pair of warm hands were cupped my face a pair and a pair of lips collided into mine. I quickly moved the hair from my face and saw Blake’s face. I grabbed his face and pulled it away from mine. He frowned at me.

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