"Me too. Take care."

He released her and watched as she left their house with most of her belongings, the size of her back slowly getting smaller and feeling his cheeks getting wet. He never got the guts to stop her and say that he didn't want her to leave.

At work, Kaneki would always sneak glances at Touka, attempt to talk to her and make contact with her, only to be disappointed when she didn't do the same. She looked the same as usual. At the very least, she didn't look sad to him.

Only when she left then he realized she had such a huge impact on him that a huge piece of his heart went with her.

Glancing around the almost empty house, all of the memories came back to him.

Bringing his eyes to the bed, he loved it when Touka would jokingly hit him in the chest after waking up and noticing him stare at her for very long. He couldn't help it; her sleeping face was really cute.

Next is the couch, he loved it when she always sits in between his legs whenever they watch a movie. It also makes it easier for them to cuddle.

He looked down and there was the book he persuaded Touka to buy. He picked it up and opened to the part where the flower bookmark was; she left before she finished reading it.

Walking to the toilet, he recalled of the time when he accidentally walked into the bathroom and saw a full view of her back without any clothes on. After that, she threw shampoo, conditioner and all kinds of containers at him, shouting at him to get out. He chuckled; the container hitting him wasn't a really good memory but it was funny seeing the embarrassed her.

He dropped to the ground, eyes starting to water again and his sobs slowly became louder, echoing around the room.

He missed those memories, most of all, he missed her.

Touka wasn't having a good time either. As she sat inside the bathtub, she remembered about the time when Kaneki washed her hair.

She laughed. He would always blush so much whenever she brings up the idea of bathing together.

Standing up and wrapping a towel around her body, she was reminded of Kaneki hugging her from behind and kissing her nape came back. He loved to do that whenever they come out from the shower.

When she walked into her room, she could see a past memory of Kaneki and her sitting at her desk and studying together. He would always be really patient with her and teach her literature.

Sitting down onto the bed, she smiled at the recollection of him rushing over to her house when he heard she was sick and took care of her. It was nice, someone taking care of her and caring so much for her.

She wondered how he was doing without her; he used to have nightmares when she wasn't around.

Kaneki's eyes shot open as he felt sweat drip down his cheeks.

He sat up, panting heavily as he recalled his nightmare.

"Kaneki-kun~~~~ let me eat you~~~ hide's my friend so I gotta eat him~~"

He shook the thought off, changing into a new shirt and shorts and went back to sleep.

It's been 3 weeks since they broke up. And it was hard on both of them.

"Onii-chan! Hinami's here!!"

Kaneki looked up. "Ah Hinami. Come here."

She gave him a tight hug.

"Ah! You're looking at our picture!" She exclaimed as she looked down at the photo frame he was holding. It contained a picture of himself, Touka and Hinami laughing together.

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now