16. //Bring It On//

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"Bring it on"

JungKook smiled to the girl.

"Oh I will"

Everybody watched confused as the girl and JungKool hissed at one another.

Suga seemed way more intrigued in this than just moments before. As soon as he heard that this girl made JungKook cry his gaze shot up.

Yoongi chuckled from the thought of it and eyed the girl earning a hit on the shoulder by Rap Monster. The leader snorted at his hyung and raised his eyebrows.

"Why are focusing now, and not when we told you to hyung?"

He jokingly asked. Suga seemed to be mentally slapped. He almost managed to get that emberrassing moment and Nari out of his head, but these words brought them back.

"Shut up, you know nothing."

He hissed and came back to staring at the girl and JungKook, who did not look like he will cry this time if he gets beaten again.

"Ready to do this?"

He asked her. She nodded and smiled mysteriously.

"After you, ladies first."

JungKook turned all red and stepped back furious.


Suga whispered giggling.

"Hey, that's my line!"

Rap Monster whispered to Jin and earned a glare from Jin as NamJoon hit Suga on the arm again.

"Stop it already."

Jin said and crossed his arms on the chest looking at the dance battle that was about to happen.

"This should be one hell of the interesting audition."

J-hope giggled and nodded towards the maknae.

"Maybe the most interesting so far."

Jimin said and then shook his head disagreeing with his own words. He was more than confident in the pick he made.

V eyed the youngest of BTS and then the girl, like mesuring something at turned to NamJoon next to him.

"Do you think we should accept JungKook into the girl group if he wins the battle?"

V asked completely serious. NamJoon slowly turned to him with his eyes wide and his jaw dropped as everyone else, who heard V looked at him too.

"I can't decide if you're a genius, or an idiot."

NamJoon slowly exclaimed inhaling and rubbing the back of his head. Jimin chuckled and bit his lip as Suga glared at the leader.

"I'm the genius, that means he is the idiot."

V frowned at hyung, but didn't seem to be offended.

"JungKookie would look good up on the stage with flashy girl group outfit."

Jimin stated dreamily and Jin sighed.

"Well he does know all the dances for other girl group."

J-hope said smiling and burst into SISTAR's Touch My Body as expected. NamJoon shook his head as Jin rolled his eyes.

"Shut up you guys." Everyone silenced as they thought they will get scolded by the eldest. But instead his worss came as a surprise. "We all know JungKook would be too big of the competition to the girls."

Jin kept a serious face for couple of seconds after finishing his speech but soon all BTS, excluding maknae, burst into laughter accomponied by tears of joy.

The Red Bullet QueenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon