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"So only you and Taehyung-ah come here to Japan?" Jessica asked as Namjoon made her sit down and started explaining why she found him creeping outiside the bathroom.

"Well yeah." He rubbed the back of his head and looked away at the window which immediately made her suspicious. "And the truth is?" Jessica raised her eyebrow. "I... we.... he... need your help?" Rap Monster squeezed a smile and she rolled her eyes.

"What would you do without me?" Jessica sat down smiling at him and NamJoon invited her to his wither. She came closer and he pulled her into his embrace. She gasped. "Your hands are so cold!" Jessica yelled at him stepping back.

"But Jess..." NamJoon pouted. "Don't touch me." She hissed and turned around grinning.

--- --- ---


Minah was walking around the garden. She looked behind every tree and was about to start lifting every rock when the brightly colored hair flashed in front of her and she started sprinting towards that direction. She found Taehyung leaning over marble's fountain with some red-golden fishes in it and she unintentionally smiled. She stepped forwards and the branch under her feet cracked.

Taehyung lifted his gaze at her and immediately looked down as recognition stroke. Minah smiled and came closer sitting down next to him. She didn't speak a word just followed the fish, swimming around, with her stare as well as V.

"I'm sorry." He whispered after some time.

"Stop saying that, it kind of annoys me." Minah stated and continued on looking at the water which suddenly filled up with small waves. She felt how V's stare landed on her and Minah's jaw muscle tightened, but she didn't look up. "Why did you come?" Minah asked and Taehyung shrugged.

"I felt like I had to." He was mumbling and she stared at the water. "I felt like if I'll show up here with fireworks and back-up dancers, do a huge magic show and apologize publicly maybe you'll forgive me for being stupid." Taehyung said not smiling. Minah's heart ached she wasn't used to seeing him this serious. "But then I realized you probably would have started hating me more."

"Well you just did I big mistake. Big one." Minah stated crossing her arms and lifted her chin looking away from V, he looked shocked. "What?" Taehyung suddenly started stuttering. "I would have forgave you if you did that, but since you decided differently." She stood up from the fountain and Taehyung grabbed her wrist. Minah smirked to the trees, but as she turned around her glare was strong.

"You... you really wanted that?" V questioned like counting in his head how much time it will take for him to get it all done. Minah nodded trying to hold back laughter and Taehyung let go of her hand squeezing his head in-between palms. "Ahh." He groaned.

"Idiot." Minah rolled her eyes and V looked up. "Idiot." She repeated and smiled. "I don't want that." She shook her head. "But of course I couldn't miss an oportunity to mess with you a little bit longer."

"Minah." V shot up from his seat and grabbed her into his arms so quick she gasped and almost felt. He looked sorry again. "Can I make it up to you?" He asked hoppingly.

"You can make-up to me." She giggled and he pouted. "Or make out." She added raising her eyebrow and Taehyung gulped. "Can I kiss you?" Minah stared at him silent for a minute and smiled. "Not so soon macho."

"What is the real reason you came here?" She finally asked after some time of silence just staring at one another. Taehyung gulped. "Well... I overheard NamJoon's and Jimin's hyungs conversation." He started off and Minah frowned.

"What do they have to do with this?" She looked honestly confused and Taehyung smiled staring into her eyes so deep, she thought he will see her soul. "I heard how Jimin was trying to sneak out and come here to Japan. At first I didn't know why, but then I heard NamJoon hyung say that he won't let him go of all promotions and I was kind of getting an idea of what is going on." Minah nodded, but still was thinking hard.

"Our promotions or your promotions?" She cheched.

"Both." Taehyung replied continuimg the story. "Well, then Jimin hyung stated that he will be leaving anyway and if Namjoon wants to try to stop he will have to come with him." V made a pause and Minah almost slapped him she was anticipating. "And surprisingly Namjoon hyung said that it wouldn't be bad to see Jessica noona." He said immitating NamJoon's voice and Minah chuckled.
"How did you end up here?" She was still curious.

"I heard how Jimin mentioned that he needed to take care of some bussines so I just burst out through the door and said that if they won't take me with them I'll tell everything about their plan to manager Jung. Next thing I now, we were sitting on the plane." Taehyung exhaled as he finished up in one sip of air. Minah seemed fascinated for a moment, but suddenly frowned.

"Wait... what business?" Maknae was getting suspicious. "That's something you will have to help us out with." V bit his lip and showed her his puppy dog eyes. "What is that exactly?" He leaned in over to her ear and whispered. Soon girl's eyes turned wide. "No way." She exclaimed. "Yes way." Taehyung giggled. "And you guys want to pull it off tonight?!" She was in shock. "We will pull ot off tonight with your help." He stated stroking her hand.

"Aye aye captain!" Minah laughed. "Where do we start?" She leaned in closer as well.

"First of all, we have to make sure Chaejin-ah doesn't find out leaving her phone in Korea wasn't an accident." Taehyung was serious. "Well that won't be hard." Minah waved it off smiling widely. "And then?"

"Then we have to keep her busy until late evening." He nodded and she giggled. "I have just a plan!" Maknae clapped her hands causing few scared birds fly away from the fountain.

--- --- ---

Yoo wassup, someone help me out here, I'll write the names of the characters and if you're still reading the story then comment I am here- (enter name) okay? We will track down missing people!!

















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