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There is an actual chapter below this author note, so don't worry, but I just wanted to tell you a couple of things before we start.
First of all we had a lot of ups and dows during the journey that Red Bullet Queen became, but I'm still very glad that some of you are still here and reading.
Second, I totally thought that I already finished this story and now I looked at my drafts and wow, looks like I haven't!
Well no one told me a thing so I didn't bother to remember apparently, but now as I know that this isn't finished I came back and hopefully we will be able to finish this with a happy note!
Enjoy the chapter :)


Chaejin passed Jessica the remote and leader turned off the TV. Their performance disappeared and the screen went black. Minah chuckled caught up in Taehyung's grip as he whispered something into her air and his breath tickled her skin.

"I wish Nari unnie could be here with us."

Yoobi said silently and sniffed. Her tone was almost broken, Hoseok immediately recognized the pain in her voice and pecked her cheeks slowly stroking her biceps to comfort Yoobi. She smiled at him thankful and put her head on his shoulder.

"What it have been? Almost four years?"

Chaejin asked no one in perticular. It seemed as if the question was almoat rethorical. They all knew that there wasn't a person in this room, including Jimin, who was tightly hugging the visual of Militum, that let his or hers eyes down from the clock.

"Way too long for my liking."

Jessica admitted and suddenly her tough mask vanished. NamJoon was the first one to notice. He put his hands over her shoulders and started rubbing them slowly reducing the tension leader of Militum felt.

"Where's Yoongi oppa anyways?"

Chaejin looked over at Jimin, who awkwardly shifted his gaze to the side, where his eyes met NamJoon's. Jessica was glancing at him just as investigating, but neither one of the guys wanted to speak first.

"He refused to come." Hoseok finally spoke up when no one else seemed to be in mood of talking.

Yoobi suddenly backed up from him and stared into his eyes. She was shocked and at the same time hurt, but Hoseok didn't seem better than her either so she decided not to scold him for not being able to bring his hyung here along everyone else. It was understandable, everybody misses Nari, but he did the most.

Minah however wasn't handling Hoseok's words as well as her unnie Yoobi.

"Oh so he didn't want to see us happy, huh? He is too cool to hang out with us?!" She shouted for everyone to hear and Taehyung wrapped his arms around her bouncing body.

"Don't say that Minah! He's having a hard time." He tried to calm her, but maknae was angry.

"Aren't we all?" Juna spitted out words through teeth bitten together, Taehyung's grip around Minah loosened up a bit as well after triple threat spoke.

"Do you want to battle me?" JungKook mumbled under his breath, but Juna sitting right next to him heard right away.

"I thought we stopped fighting long time ago!" Juna yelled back, JungKook held up his hands in defense and Juna snorted.

"Oh reall then how about yesterday then-" their ongoing fight was stopped by a concerned voice of Enna.

"Guys! It's okay." She calmingly smiled to a couple.

"Oh look whose talking!" Juna stuck her tongue out fot Enna and she blushed. Jin protectively covered her with his arms. "You just found each other, that's why you haven't fought yet."

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