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Six months on their feet. Girls worked their hardest for this moment and it was finally here. All those years spent training, everything they sacrificed and went through, this momemt was worth waiting for and they didn't regret a single second. Last concert of the tour and they will come back home. Back to Korea. Back to the guys. Back where they belong.

Jessica nervously adjusted her earpiece. She hadn't heard about her dad nor Bobby in this whole time. Not like she was used to hearing about them anyways, but she would still constantly check all the news. Her girls' safety came first and the leader of Militum doubted that her father or his crew would give up so easy. She hesitated to state that it was all over, that they didn't reach their goals to bring Nari down. And with her, her father and Big Hit entertainment. But she sure as hell hoped they will never succeed at it.

Stage's lights lit up. The crowd went wild within seconds. They quickly did a cheer and one by one walked into the spotlight led by the leader, who confidentaly smiled to audience even throwing in the wink for the camera. She knew what she was doing. But so did all of them.

"How are you doing Europe?!"

Jessica screamed from the top of her lungs and it seemed that excited yells from the people, who came to see them perform, will blast off their eardrums. Yoobi grinned and bowed thankful for the support. She came closer to the leader and Jessica handed her the mic.

"We are..." She made a short pause so the fans would get a chance to join in and along with all members shouted. "MILITUM!"

Yoobi chuckled and turned to Chaejin. The visual seemed thrilled and appeared even more beautiful than usual. She shyly bowed to everyone clearing her throat out and pressed the mic harder in her hands.

"I hope you'll enjoy our show!"

Chaejin hopingly said and her words were spread around the hall for everyone to hear. She bowed again staying true to her perfect manners and Juna came to get the microphone from her hands by herself. She took it away from her roommate and hugged Chaejin from the back.

"I hope you will have a great time here with us tonight!"

She said in English with not a slightest accent and the crowd approvingly nodded. Juna smirked and suddenly did a flip, there wasn't a single person in the hall, who wouldn't have screamed her name after that. She smiled and walked over to Enna.

"Let the music take over your body!"

Enna shouted and made few cool moves which lighted up the atmosphere even more and made her bandmates laugh. Minah jumped in front of her unnies slidding to the edge of the stage, and Yoobi unintentionally leaned to catch her if needed, but Minah was on her feet back again and Juna winked at her proud for the show she put on.

"Lets make tonight our bi-"

Minah was about to scream, but Jessica suddenly jumped in front of her and snatched the mic away before she was able to do so. Minah shrugged not even sorry and Jessica glared, but just for a glimpse of a second.

"What maknae ment is, have a great time guys!" She cheered and everybody clapped. "I know someone very special, who would like to say few words." And Jessica glanced at shaking Nari. Nari looked at her member as a leader, as a mom of the group, as a friend. Jessica loved her with all her heart and she knew how Nari feels, because she experienced it not too long ago. "She's came home tonight!"

She whispered, but the microphone immediately echoed her words through the hall filled with people and they started clapping cheering and shouting Nari's name. Few even sobbed and tears sparkled in their eyes.

The tour started in Korea. BigHit agreed to make a performance in each home town of the girls and Yoobi, Chaejin and Minah happily cheered excited to see their families and friends. Despite the size of the audience, the city they performed at or songs people loved the most. Girls enjoyed themselves to its fullest.

Yoobi was obviously smiling as the camera set on her while they were performing in her home town. Her eyes were bright and full of hope. It reflected all the shiny auras of the fans in front of her eyes. She couldn't help, but smile at them all. Her father and mother was watching from backstage and every once in a while she noticed camera flash going on. She didn't hide or frown. She held up her hands in the air maiking the crowd go wild and smiled even wider to her brother. She was glad that the tour brought them back together.

Minah almost chocked during her speach at her home town as she saw a huge poster one of the fans held up. "Dream is always with you!" It stated and tears locked maknae's throat, but unnies quickly cheered her up
Even though she couldn't get her brother's picture out of her head the whole time the performance went on she was more than thankful that someone believed in her. In her dreams. She later on found that fan who gifted her the courage she managed to gain back by wise words, which was unlike to come out such young mouth and be created in youthful mind, but she grew up so fast. She had to. And she did.

Chaejin on the other hand cringed from the dark that the whole hall filled up with as the concert started, it reminded her of the pool she almost drowned in or the room she got locked in. But suddenly warm arms locked around her waste and she turned around to face none other than her mother encouraging her daughter to go up on the stage. She was always the star, and Chaejin just the second lead if not pedestrian in the background. But now she gifted all of her mother's love to her daughter, she believed in her and she saw the star in her that Chaejin had truly become.

The tour continued in China. Enna even invited her brother and mother onto the stage, and even know her birthgiver refused to come up with a kind smile, her brother immediately jumped into the spotlight and hugged Enna pecking her forehead. He knew everything and he couldn't love her more. All the sacrificies she made was worth it in the end.

Following performances have been held in America, where Militum happily flew accomponied by Sowon, who was enjoying the whole trip and oportunity to see her old friends. She smiled the whole time and didn't scold girls in any way during preparation. But she wasn't the only one, who got to meet her missed people.

Jessica met her mother, happy tears was in the corners of her eyes during concert. She introduced her mom to the girls and neverless within few minutes they felt like a big family. Jessica even took Nari at the secret gun shop that her grandparents owned and girls spent their time there until the break of dawn. The leader was more than happy to be back where she belonged. Even if the dark memories tried to kick in she pushed them away.

Juna invited her father and even step-mom to the concert, she was pleasantly surprises that they attended and even brought home baked pie for her. Girls found her sobbing at the back stage, but they soon found out that she was only crying out of joy and relief. Her worries went away and she could finally be with her family on good terms. Her speech during the concert brought as much applause as never before.

"Oh wow, a year is a long time." Nari started off smiling. "I am very glad that I got to spend it with you all!" She pointed at each and everyone in the crowd, her chuckle echoed with the help of mic. "Tonight I'm back home and my family is here backstage." She waved at the camera, because she knew they were watching through monitors. "And here on stage!" She looked at the girls with loving eyes and immediately got squeezed into a group hug. "I love you all and-"

Suddenly someone in the audience held up a huge poster. "I believe in you lily." She only manager to shoot a glance at it and at the person holding it. But it was enough. Bobby. The picture of Bobby, of Chang, of every person that ever mattered to her, even of her vocal teacher, who she managed to call fat, flashed in front of Nari's eyes and she suddenly stopped. Her voice cracked. Out of nowhere she let down the microphone and kneeled down right at the spot.

The hall got silent and the girls stopped smiling out of the sudden.

They succeeded.

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