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"I can see stars in your eyes."
"You will see starts in your eyes, when I knock you down."


Jessica stood up from her seat. Minah's cheeks were burning, hot tears streamed down her face as she carefully eyed every step of the leader coming closer and closer to her.

Without any words the older one pulled Minah into an embrace. For a second maknae hesitated, but after Jessica suddenly whispered into her ear, Minah's eyes widened and she buried her face into Jessica's shoulders.

Everyone silently watched eomma of the group comforting her member slowly helping her to gain trust and stability.

But not Jyhoon, not Sowon, not Hyemi. Not NamElle. They were all sucked into hurricane. Three friends suddenly got stuck into a room without wall, but with lines that can't be crossed. It was filled with awkward silence and unexpressed pain.

However Hyemi seemed to be enjoying the show. Her expression almost screamed: where is the popcorn?

Out of nowhere the door flew open as if Rap Monster was walking through, because it almost broke, but he was sitting in the room eyeing the entrance just as surprised as others.

Screaming J-hope and Taehyung, who seemed to absolutely don't care of what will people in the room think of him, ran in with the widest squar smile ever.

They stopped in the midle of the chamber and looked around confused. V's smile got smaller and J-hope frowned as he stopped screaming.

"Mi- oh.. wrong timing?"

J-hope asked guiltly glancing at everyone and unintentionally pouting. Yoobi cringed. She blinked few times with her eyes set on Hoseok and squinted them.

She bit her lip trying to hold back the gasp that was about to come out her throat. His aura was green. Not just any green. Not dark green like the bottom of the ocean. Not light green like a grass in spring.

It was like nothing else. It was personalized. It was just like the glimps she remembered seeing on the dance studio floor. She cringed again.

That's what he meant. That's what J-hope had in mind back in the audition. He knew because she told him. She told him, but she didn't know who he was.

Now she knew. Now she shook. Now she feared.

"What you wanted J-hope?"

Rap Monster questioned completely ignoring V, who danced around Sowon way too obviously teasing her. Enna chuckled at her mentor and Taehyung nodded at her appriciating the approval, but Sowon was sending death glares at both V and the trainee.

"I saw manager Jung." J-hope's smile was again as big and brigh as usual. "He said girls will be moving in the dorm tonight."

Excited scream came from all around him. Nari was bouncing in her place mysteriously smiling, but obviously happy as her eyes lit up.

Juna hold up her hand with her tough look on her face and within seconds Chaejin high fived her while gasping and screaming not too loudly.

Jessica pulled Minah away to get a better look. The leader was smiling, hoping for maknae to do the same, but the grin she gave after brushing off tears was all she managed to get out.

Jessica heavily inhaled with a heavy heart and pressed Minah in her embrace tighter. Enna smiled and giggled, but wasn't jumping around or hugging anyone. She was still crushed under the rock of dark thoughts.

Suddenly Hoseok pulled Yoobi aside. She frowned as he wrapped his fingers around her biceps, but didn't say anything to her mentor out of respect.

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