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"What's our game plan?"

Soonmi asked and received few unsure shruggs from other girls. Seulmi was frowning at the ground, not looking up at the rest or RBQ, the leader was thinking hard, but only about press. She couldn't get the leaving off her mind, and of course, MinJin, who wouldn't let her leave.

"We will smile a lot."

Leutae suggested and Soonmi nodded agreeing. She was ready to play. Cat and mouse. Tease, just enough to make them curious. Tell, just enough to drive them crazy. She knew all of those.

"Let's do this for the girls."

Para spoke up. The visual usually stayed quiet and the rest of her friend lifted their gazes surprised. However she had the determined look on her face, her beautiful dark eyes sparkled out of excitment and nerves.

"For Yoobi!"

Jisoo told suddenly and the girls got quiet. All of them remained silent thinking about long lost friend and leader's right hand. Seulmi cringed from the memories, but Leutae seemed in most pain of all.

"Let's do this for ourselves, for god's sake."

Maknae said and Soonmi glanced at Hyemi. As always smirk played in youngest eyes. She didn't think twice before pulling everyone out in the hallway and leading where the interviewer waited.

"Maknae, take it easy."

Seulmi said calmly, but her heart was about to bounce out her throat. Wherever she went MinJin's face followed her like a shadow, each person she met on the way looked like him. Every touch she received from doesn't matter who reminded her of his warm, but rough grip. She shook from fear's ghosts haunting her.

"Come on, this is our chance to shine!" Hyemi looked around searching for support and only Jisoo slightly nodded. "We can gain some popularity!"

Hyemi added and sighed rolling her eyes as no one truly responded and only Para glanced at the youngest with her big beautiful eyes. Even for Hyemi it was obvious that she was trying to figure out the unfamiliar Korean words and not agreeing.

"The interview wasn't for us, we're just covering!"

Soonmi exclaimed irritated and Seulmi shifted her head to her.

"They wanted to see Yoobi."

The pain in Leutae's voice was obvious as Para hugged her friend around the shoulders comforting. It was obvious that Leutae and Jisoo was the closest to Yoobi, but Jisoo still held a grunge, while Leutae missed her friend badly.

"They said that they want to talk to BigHit's girl group, which we are."

Hyemi reminded them and Jisoo had to agree. She walked closer to the leader and tilted her questioning.

"Let's get this over with, please."

The leader begged and all girls gulped exchanging glances. Seulmi never seemed down, she never asked for anything, she just came and got it. They were used to commanding even if the one with lots of love and care, now the oldest seemed down.

"Here girls."

Sowon was waiting for them by some room in the entertaiment's building. She pulled herself from the wall that she was leaning onto and pointed at the door. Then encouragingly nodded, shushed the rest and patted Leutae on the back pushing her to the entrance.

"Good morning?"

Leutae shyly walked in still thinking about Seulmi's sudden mood swing. It seem wrong to boom confidance then the leader seemed to be down.

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