5. //He Bought It//

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Suga chuckled closing the door behind and inhaled the fresh air coming from open front door, cold autumn's wind got into the hallway and silently whistled playing along with melody in Suga's head. He looked around and rubbed the back of his head.

"Now where do I go?"

He mumbled to himself glancing around hoping to see some sort of clue that would lead him to girls' waiting room. He wasn't going to pop in front of them and start introducing himself, firstly because they already knew who he was, probably, secondly it would have just been weird.

But he did want to see someone. Even if for a split second ad with no response he was hoping to find that person along with others. He wasn't lying for the fellow members as he said that he wanted to leave a good first impression and is going to meet the girls, all though he didn't know if someone will let him do it. But Suga didn't care that much about what will others think about him, except one.

He saw a shadow disappearing behind the turn of the hallway and he rushed to the person for maybe some information. But before BTS rapper was able to reach the person, who appeared to be a girl that just walked into the building through probably back door, the girl strangely twisted her ankle and fell.

The papers went flying all around the place as girl slipped on wet floor and fell down painfully hitting her knee on the way down. A groan escaped her mouth as she tried to stand up, but a cut on her leg started bleeding as soon as she moved. Suga rushed to the spot immediately and tried to help her. The girl had a snap back and big sunglasses, her long hair fell onto her face as well. Suga couldn't have recognized the person even if it was his own mother.

"Are you alright?"

He asked obviously aware that it must have hurt and she needed first aid kit like now.

"Do I look alright?"

Girl shot back with frustrated tone in her voice still not looking up at the person that helped her pick up all the papers that were around the hallway everywhere. Suga didn't seem to notice the shakiness in her voice, he just handed her the notes, which appeared to be sheets that he noticed with a corner of his eye before the girl turned around without thanking.

"You're welcome."

He said frowning as she walked away. Suga completely forgot what he was going to ask. The girl turned around for just a moment and tilted her glasses.


She said and took that turn. Suga bit his lip and fixed the beanie on top of his head as it was about to fall down. He hit the wall near him with his fist and leaned on it, continuing on kick it with his heel.

Soon he noticed a single paper lying in the corner just asking to be picked up. He went closer and noticed the same sheets that was written on other notes that girl had. He looked up from the sheet music and noticed a little gap in between the door and a wall in the near hallway.

A light was coming from the room and you could hear people talking inside. He went there like following some sort of command that echoed only in his head and no one else was able to hear it. It was an instinct.

"Get your head out of your butt, it's not a hat!"

Someone yelled way louder than required if even Suga, who wasn't that far from the room, but still outside the door, heard it.

"What is wrong with you?"

Some other voice added. Suga heard snorts and pressed the paper against his chest harder like trying to keep it in safety.

"I will make sure to wave at you with my middle finger from the stage when I become a star."

Some girly, but rude voice giggled saying that and Suga heard few high fives thrown at the owner of the voice that just said that. He was horrified. YoonGi couldn't believe that this might be the girls auditioning for the group later. If that's how they act now... how cocky are they gonna be if they get chosen.

He didn't have a plan, he didn't know what to do. He had no idea if he's going to do anything after all. But the paper slid out of his hands and he didn't even bother to pick it up before running off towards the auditioning room. As much as he wanted to see that special person, now he was urged to warn the guys before they make the wrong choice.

He was way too far to notice when the door opened widely. The girl walked out the room and took off her sunglasses glaring at the ground like it was her biggest enemy. She soon recognized the sheet music and picked it up looking around. But Suga was gone.

"He bought it."

She smiled to herself and went back in to turn off the CD player.

Suga was going down the hallway, almost running, but for sure this guy wasn't going to waste his precious energy or risk sweating for just whatever, so he walked, he was so caught up in his mind about what is he going to say about what he heard to the guys, that poor YoonGi didn't notice another person coming right at him.

He covered himself with his own arms just in time to catch the girl before she fell into his embrace. She glanced at him once before blushing and quickly rushing away without a word. He looked back at her and sighed. Second time in the row. Does no one has respect for this oppa anymore?

Suga walked straight to the door and found J-hope standing by it, with something in his hand as other hand was on the knob.

"What you got there?"

J-hope seemed to be waking up from some sort of slumber as he shook his head and shoved little note into his jacket's pocket hiding it from Suga, which made his hyung a little bit worried, but he just grinned and patted another rapper of BTS on the back.


HoSeok still tried to explain as they walked in only to find Jin patting V on the back so hard that it looked like his head is going to come off. Rap Monster was grabbing onto his face and it seemed like his going to rip his own skin off before anything else happens. Unprotected JungKook was attacked by Jimin, who hugged maknae from behind and happily pinched his cheeks as JungKook mouthed 'help'.

"I told you that those freaks would scare the girls."

Suga joked, but immediately bit his lips remembering the conversation he overheard. Three voices. Really not more than that. He wasn't sure if one of them belonged to the girl with sheet music. He didn't really wanted to believe that such creative soul could have such madness inside. Bu at the same time he didn't want to believe that any of the girl who he heard will be auditioning.

"What happened?"

J-hope asked completely forgetting about the note. NamJoon turned to him and slapped himself in the face.

"He managed to mix three liquid into one cup and drink it all at once."

Suga and J-hope exchanged glances. It didn't seem weird for V to do.


NamJoon desperately lifted his gaze to the sky hoping for some higher power to come and help him, but no one showed up and he had to bear with it.

"One of them wasn't exactly a drink."

Jin patted hit V on the back one last time and he seemed to be breathing again.

"This idiot drank the pink paint."

The whole Bangtan squad would have either burst into laughter or started crying out of that stupidity, but manager came into the room first and ended their chat.

"The girls arrived."

Suga's heart raced. Could it be that those mean voices he heard had nothing to do with BigHit trainees under consideration today? He sure did hope so. After all, Hope itself stood next to him.

The Author's note:
Hey! I have a question for you guys today! It will be interesting to hear your thought when this whole story is still kind of covered in dark as none of you know who got accepeted.
So my question is...
Who is your bias plainly judging on the teasers????
Please vote and comment, thanks for reading love you all!

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