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Hello everybody, author is speaking here.
So I decided to hold a little "competition". I don't know, how much of the competition it will be, but I'm sure you'll understand.

So I chose three categories and all of you, wether you got chosen or not, I know it's silly, because you don't know that yet, but by this I mean that EVERYBODY is most welcome and are asked to join, because I'm hoping for as much entries as possible .

1. Girl Group name.
As you all might now any group requires a name. So I am asking you all to message me immediatly suggesting the name for the group.

☆The name has to be original, no copying of already existing groups or band names from other fanfictions
☆The name doesn't have to be "war" or "military" themed. Of course it's great if you can come up with one, but I don't want you guys to get all army-ish.
☆Send at least one entry, but more is welcome as well. The more you come up with, the bigger chance of  winning.

If the name you suggested gets chosen I'll pm you with more details. But just so you know the winner get's a scene (most probably chapter or so long) featuring BTS member of her choice. Also it can feature other girls (if any write them, but only if I pm when you win).

2. Fandom name suggestion
Fandom names are a big part of k-pop culture, so this new girl needs one too.  You can also suggest the fandom name for side group RBQ.

1. Suggest at least one, there is no limit.
2. If you're suggesting a girl group name, try to match it with fandoms. But if you not, just be creative.
3. Don't use already existing or in other fanfictions featured names.

The winner will get a special one on one time with BTS chapter.
The winner of RBQ fandom's name suggestion will get a scene with BTS (not a chapter).

3. The tracklist.
Yes, I am writing the tracklist for the girl groups debut album, BUT you can join in the fun, by sending me your creations of the songs (poetry) in this case.
+ Additionaly: Try to come up with the name for a debut album of the girls.

1. Write only your creations, I don't accept copy-cats.
2. Choose the name you want to be represented as. (If you "auditioned" when mention that you want to be said as a member who wrote a song for the tracklist, of course if you got chosen)
Written by: *blank-insert name here*
3. Choose who produced the song.
4. If your song gets chosen I will pm you and we will sort out the song part by part to each member.

Your song will be featured in the tracklist. I'll credit you for that.
Also you get a part (scene) in the story with the producer of it, so choose wisely. 
+Additionaly: If your suggested title of the girl group album gets chosen, you'll get a part in the story as someone important (not telling who yet, the chosen one will be informed first) If you are chosen as one of the girls and your name is a winner, your position in the group will get an addition, which leads spending more time with BTS.

Last,  but not least,you don't have to submit an entry to ALL the categories! You can join just one or two if you wish! Good luck!

P.S: sorry for mistakes (unedited)
P.P.S: Check out the media↑↑↑ ;)

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