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A/N: read 42nd chapter first before this, because I know some of you haven't read it yet! Plus, I won't be torturing you for much longer, it's 43 chapter already~


K-pop idol noticed driving without a license?

Yesterday around 5pm, popular girl rookie groups Militum members UB and SicaJe were noticed driving a motorcycle around Seoul. Even known the leader and the oldest member SicaJe has a license and the motorcycle was identified as hers, in the shots bellow it can obviously be seen that the driver was other member of the group Park Yoobi, better known by her stage name UB.

Will that get girls into trouble or will their idol status let them get away?

"What were you thinking?" Nari slammed the newspaper on the desk as soon as she came back. Enna just stood behind her unnie awkwardly glancing at everyone, she was nervously biting her lip. "You know how dangerous that is?" Nari's eyes were shooting lightning bolts and you would think she spoke with her dongsaeng, Yoobi, like that, but no. In front of outrageous girl leader of Militum stood, but she didn't seem to have any wish to stand up for herself.

"Let's see..." Jessica mumbled and looked up at Nari. "Who do I hear this from?" She rose her eyebrow and Nari stepped back almost stepping onto Enna's foot, but she dodged. Juna was sitting in the corner of the room eyeing two of them with skeptical stare and Chaejin just seemed glad that guys weren't here yet.

Minah wasn't even allowed to be in the kitchen, she didn't even know Nari were getting down to business, as Yoobi interacted with the maknae to keep her attention away from what was happening. They all understood clearly that this kind of behaviour wasn't the best example for the youngest member.

Nari hit the table with her fist. "I have nothing against this." She stated and Juna choked on the salty cracker she was chewing. "But, let's not forget that your behaviour will influence many young fans." Enna nodded kind of in an agreement.

"Well, maybe then you should go on and show them a better example than I do?" Jessica was way too calm, more calm than Militum was used to and Nari stepped out the argument. "Just don't do it again unnie, okay?" She shook her head and Enna hugged the older around her shoulders.

"Let's go, guys will be any minute." Juna stood up pushing the pack of crackers away and streched. "Pizza will be here any minute." Chaejin glanced at the clock and Nari frowned. "Ew." She mumbled under her breath and Enna chuckled.

"Tonight is a celebration." Jessica reminded. "No negative energy nor pessimistic thoughts, okay?" She looked at the girls checking if they understood and agree, the leader was happy to find out that everyone was smiling. "Okay, I'll go and see if maknae has cleaned up her room as I told her."

"No, I haven't." Minah was standing by the door and grinned at the oldest of Militum. "Not like she expected something else." Juna scoffed and Minah gasped offended. "I can help her right now." Yoobi offered showing up from behind Minah. The doorbell rang and Chaejin jumped from her seat. "Looks like there's no time." She smiled. "Pizza is here!" Enna exclaimed and Nari buried her head into her palms.

"He-" Chaejin froze and blushed as it turned out to be not pizza at all. Well partly not. It wasn't the delivery they expected. "Food anyone?" Jimin came in the dorm with his cheeky smile on his face, smirk in his eyes and a box of pizza in his arms. JungKook, who came right behind him carried several boxes and Chaejin rose her eyebrow at Jimin. He just shrugged ans pecked her forehead handing the sauce bottle to the girl.

"Did someone say food?" Juna showed up smiling widely, but as soon as her eyes met JungKook's, girl's expression changed. "You." She hissed through teeth bit together. "Did I miss something?" Enna looked around confused by the tension between two triple threats. However Nari, who stood closest, seemed just as confused.
"I'm getting my revenge." Juna warned the maknae of BTS and JungKook chuckled winking at her. "You can try." He admitted. Juna had one more joker up her sleep. "You can say that to my dance skills when you'll be crying again after another lost." The whole room went silent. After a split second Nari and Yoongi whispered "Burn" at the same time.

"Okay, enough of standing by the door." Yoobi gestured welcoming and Hoseok was the first to use her invitation as he ran into the dorm. "Shall we go to the living room?" Maknae asked eyeing the food in Taehyung's hands with sparkling eyes and watery mouth. "Yes, sure." Jessica led their way and soon fourteen people were sitting on the ground sharing food.

Yoongi tried to feed Nari some pizza, but she slapped it out his hands and the slice landed on his face causing Enna and Jin to laugh hysterically. Minah, on the other hand, gladly accepted the delicious treat Taehyung offered her. Juna and JungKook weren't eating at all, which surprised everyone including themselves, but they were too concentrated on the ship battle to do anything else.

Yoobi put on some music and Hoseok immediately jumped from his seat dancing along, he grabbed Yoobi's palms and spinned her around. He waved for members to join them, but the only one who used it was Jimin. He didn't want to seem less of the dancer than Hoseok and took Chaejin in his arms dancing.

NamJoon tapped a knife on his glass and Jessica immediately shushed everyone so they would listen to what the leader has to say. "We all know why we're here today, right?" NamJoon smiled cheekily and everybody nodded. "Well then let's congratulate Militum with their first tour!" He rose his glass and girls followed his example.

"Hopefully not last." Yoongi added and guys rose their drinks as well.

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