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"And one...and two...and three and four and five." Yoobi was sweating in the practice room. " "And one...and two...and three and four and five." She was working harder than ever hoping to soon achieve best results possible. Then NamElle left her to work a little but more on Freedom choreography, Yoobi had no idea it will be that difficult to fill up lacking spots. "The track is called Freedom, but Im stuck between this walls." She mumbled partly angry and opened her water bottle.

"Yeah." Yoobi heard a chuckle. "We are all kind of stuck here." She noticed Lautae standing by the door of the room. Her same age friend, who she called her bestie for many years. "I feel like I could write a diss rap about this." Yoobi giggled gaining back her usual skin color.

"You should. Your raps are always amazing." Leutae chuckled and put her bag down on the chair. "Don't flatter me. You know I can't rap." Yoobi blushed and Leutae sat down. "You're not gonna fool me." Manager's Jung daughter smiled suddenly causing Yoobi to feel confidence rushing in her blood. "You're amazing with it. You could be triple threat." Yoobi shook her head. "No, I'll let Juna have it. We can't want everything at once."

"Then at least give it to Hoseok oppa, he will most definitely rap it." Leutae suggested and Yoobi tilted her head looking at the reflection of them two, in practice room's mirror. "You think?" She wasn't sure. "He might laugh at me." Yoobi shook her head.

"He won't. I know." Leutae stood up from the chair and went to the sheets spread on the desk in the corner of the room. "Freedom, huh?" She raised a question and Yoobi nodded. "Yeah, I have to choreograph it." She shrugged and stood up headed towards the CD player. "Once again, Hoseok oppa could help you." Leutae said and Yoobi stopped eyeing her friend.

"Why you keep on saying that?" She asked carefully and Leutae pointed at the closed door. "What?" Yoobi questioned clueless. "He's behind it, was waiting for you to come out, I don't know why, but he isn't losing hope either." Both of the girls giggled. "Well he is hope itself." Yoobi reminded. "I just wonder why..."

And she went to the door to open it. Surprisingly J-hope almost fell on the ground as he was appearantly practically glued to the door. He looked around confused and emberrassed and stood up straightening out. "Hello ladies." He greeted them and Leutae rolled her eyes. "Did you want something oppa?" Yoobi asked throwing her hair behind her left shoulder. Hoseok gulped.

"No... I just... yes." He lowered his gaze. "Want to get some snacks?" He suggested out of the blue and Yoobi exchanged glances with Leutae, she held her thumbs up encouragingly. "RBQ will be here any minute, go Yoobi-ah." Leutae handed her the bag with change of clothes and Yoobi left with Hoseok.

"Where are we going?" She asked. "Somehwere there it won't cause a dating rumor." He answered jokingly, but Yoobi still shook remembering yesterday's interview. Nari didn't attend so she was asked double amount of questions to cover up for the missing member. Dating and relations with other BigHit entertainers wasn't an exception.

"What's wrong?" Hoseok questioned as Yoobi slightly shook. "I keep on thinking I'll end up like my parents." She blurt out of the blue. "Do they fight? Don't get along?" Hoseok asked once again and Yoobi shook her head denying, then smiled sourly.

"No, but they are total opposites who were practically forced to live together. I mean come on, shaman and priest? It doesn't get more different then that." She slightly chuckled. "Even their kids, me and my brother. I'm an idol he's a paparazzi hunting idols." She got lost in her thoughts and Hoseok eyed Yoobi like trying to figure out them.

"What does ot have to do with what you think you'll end up like?" He asked still clueless and Yoobi sighed. "I don't think as an idol it's possibe to have a normal relationship. Even though my parents love each other.... it wasn't really usual for them to get together." Hoseok tried his best to understand Yoobi's worries. "You mean it seems so abnormal that you fear to end up... please explain." He begged her and Yoobi rolled her eyes.

"I want family, like real family. I wouldn't say my family isn't real. They are, I love them, but it's not how things should work. I can't stand the fact that my career is a threat to my life. To my mormal life." She explained. "Isn't it what basically happened to my parents? They practically don't see each other because of their careers, of course it doesn't affect their jobs that they are married to each other, it's great that they have a shoulder to lean on. But even if I had one... it would probably end my career." She shook. "That's what I fear. That life will make me choose between two of my families. Militum and my future family."

Hoseok looked at her for couple if minutes in silence. It looked like they will go the rest of the way like that. Quiet. But no. He then did the simpliest thing you could do in the whole entire world. He leaned in and kissed her. Yoobi bounced shocked and glanced at him with frozen expression of surprise on her face. Hoseok smiled. "Don't fear. I'll help you. Share your worries with me. Let me be the shoulder to lean on."

Yoobi watched him with her eyes wide, but neither of them stopped walking until they heard a gasp and finally managed to look away from each other. Right in front of them were JungKook and Juna standing. They were staring at Yoobi and Hoseok with the same expression as they stared back. Yoobi's eyes wondered off to youngers' hands, which they were holding.

"You're together?" She unintentionally blurted out. "Like together together?" Hoseok added whispering. "Together together together?" Yoobi said once more and they echanged glances with J-hope.

"How many times are going to say it?!" Juna rolled her eyes leting go of JungKook's hand and he did the same slightly blushing. "Only three." J-hope shrugged. "Cause you two are triple threats." Yoobi explained and they high fived. "We make a good team!" Girl chuckled and all the shock was gone.

"We sure do." Hoseok laughed and Juna glanced at JungKook. "Do you have any idea what they're talking about?" She frowned, JungKook shook his head. "Don't know." He rubbed the back of his head. "Let them have their moment I guess? We're not the only ones who doesn't want to waste time." He threw his arms around Juna's shoulders and she snorted walking away. Yoobi and J-hope didn't even notice youngers leaving.

"They are still not as fab as us." Juna fliped her and JungKook chocked laughing.

--- --- ---

Ayo wassup~

How's the new cover,huh? Go check it out! So couples finally getting together, muohahahaha.

Now all we need is to wrap up Enna's and Jyhoon's families' drama with Them and we're good, am i right? XD

P.S: do you think Nari is still in the hospital?

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