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"Minah-ssi, just because you're a maid of honor doesn't mean you can wear that jacket on your bridemaid's dress!" Yoobi exclaimed trying to take away the denim jacket from the maknae and she groaned.

"But unnie, why not?" She pulled back the jacket and stroke it as her baby. It was the same jacket she wore for Militum's debut stage. "It's a miracle she still fits it." Juna whispered to Enna and girls burst into laughter causing Minah to send them death glares. Yoobi continued ignoring the two. "Because it literally says fuck you, yeah you." Yoobi pointed at the back of the clothing item.

"So what?" Minah was still protective towards her wardrobe. "I don't think priest will appreciate it." Yoobi noticed and Minah gasped. "But your dad is so cool!" Juna suddenly felt an urge to be on maknae's side. Yoobi rolled her eyes and gestured for Nari to help her out, but she was dying from laughter to do absolutely anything about it.
"Just because hes cool, doesn't mean Mister Park will be pleased to see such words at the wedding ceremony." Yoobi gnashed and ran her fingers through few ruffles on her dress. "Why do you call your dad Mister Park?" Enna noticed and Yoobi shrugged. "Well today he's Mister Park the priest and not my dad. On some other occasion he will be my dad."

"As for example your own wedding." Nari teased her friend and Yoobi blushed thinking about it. "Not yet." She turned all red. "It's not like I'm hoping for oppa to propose to me."

"Girl, you ain't getting younger." Juna scoffed and only by luck she wasn't stranggled by the older. "Looks who's talking." Enna pinched Juna's, sitting right next to her, cheek as Minah once more tried to sneak out with the jacket. But then the tent's curtain opened and Chaejin walked in stopping Minah from running away.

Everyone held their breath in as they knew that the visual should be followed by the bride herself, since today's main task for Chaejin was to take care of bride's look. And she could do it best. Well, except maybe Jin, who helped out a little, but was soon excused out the make-up tempt as he attempted to put on all-pink look for Jessica.

"Woah." Everyone stared in awe as Jessica walked in with a stunning white dress and ocean deep blue belt around her thin waist. "Hey." The bride waved her hand shyly for the first time in her life and Nari gulped a silent sob. She came up to the older, her leader, her friend and shoulder to cry on and carefully hugged her trying not to mess up the look.

"You look stunning unnie." Nari whispered and Jessica immediately hugged her back. Nari pulled out the hug with tears in the corners of her eyes and sniffed. "I'll go check on the groom." She said and went out the tent. Enna followed her hugging Jessica along the way.

"Seriously if this was America-" Juna started, but Jessica shut her up squeezing the triple threat into her tight embrace. "I know." She whispered into friend's ear and Juna chuckled. "I want to believe that this is a fairytale." She said and smiled letting Yoobi greet the bride.

"Don't worry unnie, I made sure Minah-ssi doesn't wear her jacket." Yoobi stated proudly. "But why?" Jessica's reply surprised Yoobi and she stepped back. "Wh-hat?"

"It would have gave some edge to this wedding." Jessica stroke her chin looking up at tent's ceiling and Yoobi gulped. "I'm just kdding dear." The bride burst into laughter and Yoobi sighed with relief.

"I will be honest, Chaejin unnie did a great job." Maknae stated patting the visual on the back and she blushed. "Thanks." Chaejin fixed the beautiful flower blossom in her hair and smiled at Jessica. "I wouldn't have done it without bride's support." Chaejin giggled.

"I would offer a group hug..." Minah said and Chaejin gasped thinking of all her work messed up by one tight grip. "I said I would not that I'm gonna!" Minah defended herself. "I still would love to hug you all." Jessica wipped of a single tear. "It's almost time." Chaejin whispered and Jessica nodded.


"I can't believe my mentor is getting married." Nari said walking into the groom's tent and Namjoon turned around with the brightest smile. "I can't either." He chuckled as Enna doubled it leaning onto Jin's shoulder.

"How's the best man doing?" Enna questioned. "I'm about to faint." Jin squeezed an answer. "This is so nervewrecking." He pretended to faint and Enna rolled her eyes. "Keep on telling that to yourself princess." She rolled her eyes.

"Do you need some help?" Nari asked NamJoon pointing at the bow under his chin and Namjoon shook his head, but as Nari raised her eyebrow, the leader of BTS lowered his gaze and nodded admiting the need of help. "Now you're ready." She smiled and turned to Jimin. "Are you ready?" Jimin nervously nodded and Nari couldn't blame him.

Poor guy got alot to carry on his shoulders. He was the one to lead Jessica way down the aisle to her husband to be and Jimin shook from nerves. He felt like a proud father, mentor at the same time like a boy who took way bigger bite than he could handle. "Let's do this!" Enna exclaimed and both of the girls left the tent headed back to the rest of Militum.

They came back to find everyone in the ocean of emotions. "Guys." Nari rolled her eyes and everyone lifted their gazes. "This is such a happy day!" Enna nadded. "Let's make this memorable." Nari continued. At the count of three girls burst into laughter. "Militum, we never stop. Fighting!"


Minah was nervously giggling while walking first, before Jessica. She had her her hand hooked onto Jin's, NamJoon's best man, but she still managed to wink at Taehyung sitting with the rest of the guests as Jin sent an air-kiss to Enna. Maknae didn't waste her chance to also high five Hyemi standing next to the rest of RBQ. She held her thumbs up for her friend and Soonmi awed at the same time as Jisoo.

Para rolled her eyes exchanging glanced with Lautae and both girls laughed. Seulmi rolled her eyes at their behavior and digged her nails into Minjin's arms. The guy pushed the glasses up his nose and smiled at the maknae walking down the aisle as maid of honor.

NamElle with Suhan was standing next to her stepbrother, Oliver, who had Valeria in his embrace, and who still throwing strange looks towards Minjin even known he had made up with his sister. Sowon and Jyhoon cheered from their place seeing their student happily smile.

Yoobi watched as Jimin slowly lead Jessica's way to aticipating Namjoon. How he gave the older his bride's hand and stepped aside next to Chaejin pecking her on the forehead and smiling the biggest smile ever.

She glanced to the one side where Nari was giggling at hers and Chang's inside joke as Yoongi just gave them an eye roll still smiling with half of his face. Then at the other where Juna was fixing up Jungkook's messed up hair even though the kind of haircut fit him.

And suddenly Yoobi felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her from behind. She unintentionally smiled and heard Hoseok's voice whisper into her ear. "So how's everyone's colours?" Little sunshine was bouncing in his place curious. Yoobi looked over everyone again and smiled. "I had never seen such peacful ocean of colors in my life."

The end

Sending my love to you my readers and to seven amazing girls under the name of Militum who made this story possible. Thank you for being, thank you for reading.


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