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"Come after two weeks, when they debut."

Rap Monster hissed pushing the reporter out the door. She glared at him and her gaze suddenly shifted to Enna who tried to hide her eyes. She didn't want to meet woman's eyes.

She knew that just like Jyhoon and herslef, this woman was got to do this, just because her family got into trouble. She wasn't enjoying this. But for the sake of her relatives' safety she needed to act like this.

And also she needed Enna's help. No doubt the woman expected her to stop Rap Monster and let her take the interview, which Enna knew, will be only to mess up their image.

However she couldn't make her tongue move or stop NamJoon in any other way. Even known her family's life was depending on this, she felt the urge to protect the girls.

"I was asigned this time and I'll get the interview now!"

The woman yelled as she realized there will be no help from Enna. NamJoon coughed and pulled her out the door as Jessica was patting shaking Chaejin on the back and Nari carefully embraced Yoobi piercing woman with her stare.

"Two weeks."

NamJoon repeated and closed the door with woman still muttering on the orher side. He turned around wipping off sweat drops and looked up at the girls. They all seemed shocked. But Juna's expression was petrrified.

"You mean it oppa?"

Minah gulped asking Rap Monster, who seemed dumb founded. He tilted his head and blinked few times before realizing what she had asked.

"Yes, After School Club had already made an appoitment for you girls, but producers invited me and the boys as special MCs."

NamJoon explained and a loud gasp escaped Chaejin's throat. Jessica rubbed her biceps with palms even harder trying to calm down the visual.

"Two weeks."

Yoobi mouthed and her and Nari's eyes met. They seemed to be sharing the same thoughts. Even though they trained long and hard as trainees, they weren't together as a group for a very long time.

"Does that mean we will have to meet with that woman after?"

Juna frowned and NamJoon just shrugged glaring at the closed door as he walked over to the girls and put his hand on triplet's shoulder. Jessica glanced.

"It's press... not much we can do about it, epsiecially if they got the appoitment."

Juna nodded understandingly and Minah threw her arms around her unnie's stomach squeezing the older in the grip.

"I think the debut is the thing we have to worry about the most, not some interview."

The maknae noticed and earned a satisfied and proud look from her leader, Jessica grinned a bit, as she would only do to Minah and let go of Chaejin's arms.

'Sorry that I had to break the news like that girls." NamJoon sighed. "Manager Jung would sure have loved to say it himslef."

Nari came to her mentor and smiled widely as her eyes squinted, she looked playful and bright, like the light the group needed now.

"It's okay mentor-nim." Nari said and NamJoon suddenly smiled back at her causing Jessica to frown. "You wanted to protect us."

NamJoon nodded and without words headed to the door, but as he opened it and was about to walk out, something suddenly stopped him and he turned around.

"Fighting Militum, stay strong!"

He exclaimed and all of the girls' jaws dropped to the ground.

"What did you..."

Yoobi started out.

"...just called us..."

Enna added.


Chaejin, who couldn't stand informality finished the thought all girls had in their head.

"Militum." NamJoon smiled wider. "That's your group name." He winked at Nari. "Thanks to my butterfly."

And he left. All six stares pierces Nari immediately as she turned around slowly while grinning.


She questioned before being squeezed into the tight group hug.

"Girls, do you realize what that means?"

Juna questioned and everybody excluding the leader shook their heads. Juna smirked and Jessica nodded.

"We need to get our album done, like NOW."

She hurried the girls and few excited as well as horrified yells escaped their mouths. Jessica ran her fingers through the hair and loooed at the closed door. Her stare stood there for couple of seconds like waiting for NamJoon to come back and help them, but she quickly shook her head like shaking off unreasonable expectations and took the lead in her hands.

Nari's heart shook faster. Her phone suddenly buzzed and she quickly took it out her pocket. Chang was calling her. She looked around if no one saw and gulped canceling the call.

"I'll be right back."

She quickly mumbled and ran out the room. Out of nowhere Jessica stood up from her seat fast as others girls just lazily followed Nari with their eyes. They didn't seem troubled by her leaving for a short time, but leader seemed to be not in the mood for a chit chat.

"She won't be right back."

Jessica said to no one in perticular, but Minah's glance shot up at the unnie and her skin bewildered from those words. She sensed something.

"What do you mean unnie?"

Chaejin asked slowly stroking Juna's biceps as the younger one fell asleep on her shoulder. The visual lovingly eyed triplet and chuckled as she started mumbling in her sleep.

"Someone called her, and correct me if I'm wrong, judging from her rush it was that Chang guy."

All of the girls jumped from their seat and glared at the closed door where Nari just left. Everyone seemed concerned, but neverless Jessica was ready to slice some necks.

"Stay here and... Chaejin you're the visual, come up with our concept." She commanded and Chaejin nodded, she knew how to look good. "Yoobi get to Namelle and discuss choreography." Jessica shook Juna by the shoulder she opened her eyelids. "Follow Yoobi." She stated and turned to Enna and Minah. "Rap." She said without introductions and Minah left at instant headed to recording booth where she could find Suga. "Lyrics..." Jessica hesitated looking at Enna and she shrugged too. "The manager should know where is our lyricist."

"But who's our manager?"

Enna chuckled even though she was caught up in dark thoughts.

"I am."

Jyhoon's voice echoed. Jessica hissed at him, Enna gulped but seemed releaved. She came up to Jyhoon and he lead her way out. Jessica followed them with her stare and just gladly sighed that Minah had already left. She knew that she will have to be the one to break the manager news to maknae.

"And what are you gonna do unnie?"

Chaejin asked as she picked up her back pack with laptop in it and started typing fast. Jessica threw on her leather jacket and raised her eyebrow.

"I'll make sure butterfly doesn't burn its wings."

Hey soupers ^-^
So I just want to warn you to be aware of media and how it connect with the photo in the upcoming chapter 23! Look out for that...
*drum rolls*
It's called "Dirty Sheets" and is BIG BANG's and 2NE1's fic!!!! Ahhh, anyone willing to read it?

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