2. // So You Think You Can Dance//

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"So you think you can dance?"

He asked smiling widely. She never seen him in such a good mood. It's almost seemed like someone hit some kind of button, or switched the happiness on.

"I don't think. I know."

NamElle answered confidently. She raised her eyebrow at him and gestured to come closer. He did just that and grin didn't disappear from his face even for a second

"You're not better than me, you know?"

She pretended to be shocked and gasped pushing him away, hitting her palm against his chest as he stepped back and chuckled.

"I beg your pardon."

NamElle crossed her arms and wiggled the hips sideways and lose army-like pants swung around her legs making a shaking effect.

"You think you can twerk your way to the top?"

He asked in fake surprise and seductively slid his hand down from his neck to his calves, slowly bending along the way, but not breaking the eye contact.

NamElle giggled rolling her eyes and scratched her finger on her neck skin acting like she's cutting his throat. Next she suddenly pulled her hand away and powerfully hit on the chest tilting her head sideways. 'Rip your heart out'. She mouthed.

He fell on his knees and rolled around on the ground for a moment before looking up back at her.

"Why would you want to break my heart?"

She kneeled down and her breathe tickled his ear as she whispered into his ear.

"I don't want to break it." His heart skipped. „Just rip it out."

He choked on air. She was about to stand up as she pushed her body weight up on her arms, however he had something else planned out as he put his right hand on her left cheek and left palm on her right face's side and pulled her in closer.

She leaned in with his command as she didn't want to lose her head just yet and out of nowhere he pressed his lips against her.

NamElle's eyes almost fell out its sockets, but she didn't step back, just stared at him shocked.

Suddenly the phone rang. A sweet and at the same time making you rock your body along the music 2PM "My house" melody echoed in their heads and she pulled away to pick up a call without a word.


The voice on the other end seemed excited and full of joy.


NamElle glared at the phone screen in disbelief and covered up the microphone looking back at him lying on the ground plying with his heart shaped neckless filled with sand from his home town's beach.

"Glad you picked up. I got a job for you."

She felt happiness kicking in for a minute, but something bothered her heart and mind deeply.

"What kind of job dad?"

She carefully asked. He never really bothered to call or text her. Neither say hello when she comes to visit. Work was all he saw. And soon enough because of that he, the one lying on the ground and so sweetly smiling to her, became the family of hers.

"You'll be a choreographer for a new girl group formed by BigHit!"

She sighed hearing that and smiled only to make sure that He doesn't get worried. But he was staring already... the sigh attracted his attention. Basically what her dad was saying that he made sure there is enough talented girls, who would be willing to work their butts off, for other entertainment. And NamElle was about to become a part of that cirque.

"Thanks dad?"

She wasn't sure how to react.

"Great. Your plane is taking off first thing tomorrow morning."

Her heart exploded into million pieces at that very moment. Seconds later he was already behind her as if he had felt her fear and hugged her tight.


Her lips shook as she said that and word came out as a stutter.

"Your birthday is still December 6, right?"

Her dad asked not bothering to notice the question she gave him.

"Yes, but-"

"See you soon sweetie"

And he hung up. She stared at the screen with dad's picture on it until it went away and a friendlily smiling dog of him that she saved as the cover showed up.

"What's up?"

He was quite in a good mood. Still. But she wasn't.

"I'm leaving."

She whispered too scared to face him. She felt how he unwrapped his arms and she was freed from his embrace.

NamElle didn't waste time and grabbed the bag from the chair next to the door into dance studio and touched the knob.

He pulled her back holding by the wrist and made her turn around. His eyes were watery. No, he wasn't crying. Not yet. But they both felt fear kicking in. How long until they'll get to see each other again?

"You're not leaving!"

"I am."

She nodded. NamElle wasn't sure why her feels suddenly changed and she felt like going. She didn't want to, but at the same time felt like it was a right thing to do.

"Can I at least have this dance?"

He offered her a hand and she took it putting down the bag.

There was no music, but no sound, word or melody, was required. They just silently spun and twirled around caught up in one another's hands until they stopped and he hummed.

"I should go."

He didn't open his arms. And she got stuck there in his grip. Soon enough she felt how he took off the neckless and carefully with all the world's love slid it on her neck.

It swung a bit mixing up the sand inside the heart and stopped.

"No! I can't take it, it's everything to you."

He chuckled. It was the last gift from his brother. She knew how he saved that heart like it was still beating.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead merging their hands. Their fingers found their spots like they were made holding onto one another.

"You're my everything."

/You're my everything, everything, everything....
Okay,so I just burst into I need U anyways, I want to hear as much as you can say about this chapter because I want to know if this type of "what happened back then" updates are okay with you!
Please vote and comment. Thanks for reading I love you all!
P.S: Do you guys mind checking out my story "BE MY GIRL. Heart games"? Cause I would really love to hear some feedback on that!!! Thanks.
Here's the link to the story:


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