7. //Rough. Tough. Duh//

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Taehyung and Sowon went missing. NamElle nervously tapped the floor and looked around hoping that her friend will pop out of some corner and embrace her again.

Two years passed and despite all the time they spent apart she wanted nothing more than her company. Now when she was back in Korea it looked like she will have to leave or be left by everyone she loved. Just like Him.

Soon the door leading to auditioning room opened. NamElle gasped and put on a smile, but it quickly vanished as it was neither V nor Sowon itself. Some girl, who had way edgier features than most Koreans walked in the room.

She fixed her hair and looked around finally settling her gaze on the manager.

"Papa Jung!"

She cheered and run to hug a man. He wrapped his arms around the girl immediately and squeezed her lovingly pecking on her forehead.

"Aww, my little Leutae!"

The girl nodded and rubbed her nose on manager's, or as she said papa's Jung, shirt and snorted.

"So is it true that I can stay with you, while they move? Because I'm so fed up with endless packing!"

She spilled everything quickly with strange manner. The accent could be heard, but NamElle was sure that after spending so much tine abroad her accent was even worse than Leutae.

"Yes, we have a lot of work today here, but after that, I promise you we can spend some time together."

He poked the tip of her nose and chuckled letting her go. The girl looked around curiously and her eyes stopped by BTS and NamElle in front. They were quiet and quite stunned.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't introduce myself." The girl bowed let her gaze down to the ground as BTS and new girl group choreographer bowed as well, but keeping their eyes up. "Jung Leutae."

Guys exchanged glances and NamElle gasped surprised, she came up to Leutae with a smile and offered her a hand.

"Min NamElle. I heard great things about you from your father."

Guys was still quiet and confused. They had no idea why this unfamiliar looking girl suddenly intrigued NamElle and dragged her attention.

"Why are they staring like that?"

Leutae whispered into NamElle's ear hoping that guys won't hear, but they did and as NamElle turned around to see what's going on, they were already pretending to look at the ground or ceiling, be intrigued in lighting and spinning chairs of judges.

Jimin even buried his hands into JungKook's hair and rubbed it like looking for a treasure of some sort. But NamElle couldn't tell if he was pretending or serious. With Jimin around JungKook you can expect anything.

"Guys, I can tell you were staring."

NamElle rolled her eyes and grinned at Leutae, her mind was still painfully kicking in worriedly thinking about Sowon. But fascination over this girl took over.

"I'm sorry, we just-"

Rap Monster tried to apologize, but ended up rubbing his palm on the back of the head and awkwardly looking at his members hopelessly searching for help.

"Who exactly is Miss Jung Leutae?"

Jin finished smiling so he wouldn't seem rude for the lack of knowledge that seemed to be the same for all the BTS guys.

"I'm a trainee."

She nodded and looked at NamElle. Her jaw dropped.

"A trainee? The trainee, more like it!"

Leutae sighed and shook her head as her father put his hands onto her shoulders comforting.

"NamElle, please. She gets shy."

Papa Jung seemed concerned, but she saw a smirk in old man's eyes and quickly added one to one. He was proud and playing along.

"Anyways." She turned back to the guys cheerfully. "She made the whole track list and choreography all by herself and she's just a trainee."

She finished coughing and guys nodded approving and impressed. Even Jimin got off JungKook and stopped rubbing his hair until maknae went bold. The "face" of the Bangtan as Jimin sometimes called himself, licked his lips and winked at the girl.

Leutae slapped NamElle's hand for saying that and NamElle almost slapped Jimin for the inappropriate wink.

"Are you auditioning today?"

JungKook asked smiling with his eyes and chuckled. However Leutae had to shake her head.


She added and looked at her father he was lovingly eyeing his daughter and smiling at her.

"She already has a group you guys!"

NamElle said in a tone that was obviously disappointed in the guys for not knowing such an obvious fact. Suga hit his tongue against teeth and giggled.

"Sorry mama, for not knowing that."

Rapper stated his apology and earned a glare from NamElle and surprisingly Jin.

"How's your group called?"

J-hope asked actually curious.

"RBQ, I suggested it."

Leutae was pleasantly surprised by guys' curiosity. She didn't even expect to meet them here and boom, they were talking now.

"Are you the leader?"

Rap Monster leaned with his hand onto one of the spinning chairs and gad to be pulled back by Jin at instant as the chair let out strange, squeaky noise and almost broke in half.

"No, I'm the lead vocal and main dancer, unnie Seulmi is the RBQ leader."

"How come we never heard of you?"

The questions were coming one after another and NamElle saw that Leutae started to feel uncomfortable bit by bit.

"Stop it! You're scaring her!"

NamElle yelled and guys shut up. Then she gestured for manager's daughter to continue.

"We're kind of a secret weapon."

She smiled mysteriously.

"One hiden bullet."

Her dad added proudly patting her on the back. Out of the blue their pretty little conversation was broken up as yells from the hallway came. No one understood what was happening.

NamElle's heart raced. Sowon still wasn't here. Neither was V. She rushed to the door and came there at the same time as NamJoon who almost broke the knob attempting to open up the door for her and they burst into the hallway.

What they saw immediately made them laugh so loud it hurt their lungs after. If they only had known the reason behind the view in front of their eyes, they might have cried. But at first sight is was funny like nothing else.

Sowon, who was way smaller than V, was now hitting him on the back with her palm, shouting at him random colorful words and almost kicking him too. It seemed as if she's about to knock him out. But V stood there still alive with palm covering up his head.

This little cirque show eased the heavy rock on NamElle's chest. Her worries went away.

But if she only knew the reasons.

The Author's Note:

What's up readers? How's your vocal trainer Sowon you girls? And what do you think the RBQ will be about? Tell me in the comments! Please vote and leave feedback, I appreciate very much! Thanks for reading!

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