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Chaejin exclaimed and gasped looking around as if she was scared that someonne heard her say that poisoness word. Jessica gnashed rolling her eyes and glared at Chang, who seemed more than satisfied to drag everyone's attention.

"Stop lying you idiot."

Jessica hissed at him and crossed her legs leaning on the chair, while V walked up to Minah's seat from behind and put his elbows down bending over so now his and girls' gazes were at the same level, piercing Chang.

The maknae glanced side ways at the mentor and her cheeks suddenly started burning and she buried her head into her palms. Even known the atmosphere seemed tense, Enna chuckled at such behaviour of the younger girl.

"I'm not lying."

Chang shot back slapping the surface of the kitchen's table with the big noice following his move. Taehyung cringed and his and Minah's eyes met as she cheked if he's alright. Seconds later she was blushing even harder.

Usually Jessica would kindly smile at the maknae, who she wanted to take care of the most out of all the girls, but right now she was determined to set things straight with the pizza guy, who claimed to be Nari's boyfriend.

"Oh no, you're not." She agreed and confused Yoobi eyed the leader, her colors seemed to be boiling up, but it wasn't what Yoobi looked at. She couldn't understand how did Jessica know all of this and why was it so important for her to pull Chang into his place. "You just forgot big, fat ex in front of the b-word."

Chaejin let out a heavy sigh and Enna glanced at the visual suddenly feeling guilty out of the sudden. What a little line between love and hate. She thought to herself and pulled one of the paper pieces brought by Taehyung closer.

"You got an idea?"

Yoobi whispered to her so they wouldn't drag everyone's attention, as they still seemed too deep in the conversation. Enna nodded, but quickly erased what she wrote.

"It was just one line, maybe we'll come up with something later."

She soulry grinned, but Yoobi didn't seem to notice the bitterness her gaze was once again set on the group. Enna kept her stare at Yoobi for couple more moments. What a little line between friends and ex friends. She thought again and had to shake her head to reduce the dizziness heavy thoughts gave her.

"Well if all of you set your current or past relationships straight." V said in the tone, that it was obvious for everyone that he was encouraging to get started working before NamJoon hyung comes and kicks everybody in the butt. "Let's get started."

After an hour of endless, annoying noise of pens and pencils being brushed against the papers, ripping them apart, making into paper balls and throwing into the trash can, Chaejin was the first one to groan out of frustration.

"Ahh I got nothing."

She said and cracked her head up placing her hands onto the belly, which growled, since no one really got a chance to enjoy the pizza, which was now lying cold, except the one slice of it that Minah managed to make go poof, or in other words, ate already.

"Yoobi unnie, you seem to have wrote a lot."

Enna pointed at Yoobi's paper and she glanced at it like seeing it for the first time. Jessica titled her head and bit the end of the pen. Her own paper was all drawn over.

"What's it about?"

The leader asked and Yoobi blushed looking down at the table. She held up the paper and handed it to Jessica. She quickly ran through the lines with her eyes as V read from above her shoulder.

"Not bad."

He whisteled and Minah curiously lifted her gaze licking her dry lips, which were all red, from her biting it none stop.

"But not much of the lyrics, huh?"

Jessica noticed and Yoobi nodded sighing. She knew that herself. Enna was reading as well she pouted and put down the pen.

"It's like a script."

She said analyzing the text written down, Chaejin leaned over the table to see what so curiously was the rest of the group scanning and Chang was the only one, who didn't even glance.

"Like a plot for a story."

The visual added and a loud doorbell makin everyone cringe interupted their mind flow. Nervous girls exchanged glances with one another scared of what will NamJoon oppa is going to say, if it was him.

Jessica and Chang was two that stayed calm and seemed like not even paying attention to the fact that there was guests, or new arrivals, as Bangtan boys were considered more of the older brothers than strangers or friends.

"So, will someone open the door?"

Taehyung asked after a minute of awkward silence and just then girls seemed to be realizing that it was their job and he didn't live her.

Jessica looked up at the youngest and tilted her chin gesturing, but Minah avoided her gaze and pretended to be way into writing down her thoughts.

Jessica rolled her eyes at the girls' fear to face their own mentos in their own dorm and went to open the door. She twisted the knob and pulled.

Widely smiling NamJoon smirked at her immediately and stepped into the hallway as she twirled the key in the lock and locked the door.

"I knew you would miss me."

He teased her and she thought back the urge to kick him out politely grinning.

"Everyone is in the kitchen hyung."

NamJoon but his lip obviously disappointed that he didn't manage to make her call him oppa, but nodded taking his shoes off. Jessica waited for him and led their way.

Just before walking in, he grabbed her hand and stopped her. Jessica cringed inside, but slowly turned around. Suddenly he covered her eyes and she froze.

"Don't look. Yet."

He begged and she nodded looking at the kitchen's door again, so he wouldn't have to cover her eyes, and touch her in the proccess, anymore.

As she felt him let go of her hand, Jessica lifted her arm to the eye level and gasped eyeing a beautiful braclet on her wrist. It had several charms.

One shaped as the bullet. One that looked like a crown and the last one reminded her of the the wolf. She turned to NamJoon surprised, confused and thankful.

"Thanks-" and she hesitated, the unspoken oppa awkwardly floated in the air between two. "Thanks for this."

Rap Monster grinned. He seemed sad, but dedication didn't disappear from his eyes.

"Lead our girls to the better tomorrow."

He said and hugged her, even if Jessica gnashed from his move, he was still smiling from the encouragement to do so.

Hey soupers! Please check out my story "The fault in our Bubble Tea"! It's exo secretive fanfic, and the forms will be send via pm and different for everyone!

Also look forward to soon upcoming stories of mine "Imagine the Love", "The other one", and "My home"!!!

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