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"Why? Why did you do this?"
"I had to. For my family."
"Aren't we your family?"


Enna remembered. It was late night. Almost everybody already has left the building. She got up from the dance studio floor. Minah promised to be here an hour ago, but she didn't show up.

Enna was about to walk out when door, before she was even able to touch the knob, opened and she met face to face with a edgy looking girl, to who nature gifted piercing eyes.

"I see I'm not the only one waiting for someone."

The girl asked and bitterly grinned. It was Jessica. Enna didn't know, but Jessica used to come here every night after the time, when she for the first only time in her life called a guy oppa. She was hoping hw would come again.

"No. I was just dancing."

Jessica nodded. Enna was about to leave, but Jessica grabbed her hand, and still looking at the mirror wall instead of turning to eye Enna, she said.

"You don't have to wait. It's now or never."


Enna muttered not really sure what Jessica had in mind and as she was leaving, closing the door she heard Jessica whisper again.

"People leave by choice."

Dark thoughts crossed Enna's mind back then. She tried to figure out what Jessica had to be been through to act like this. But her thinking was cut off when after taking a turn she suddenly noticed two figures in the corner way too close to one another, just for talking purpose.

Seconds later Enna got a prove that her intuition was right when guy leaned in and pecked girl's forehead. Enna gulped and pulled herself into the shadows.

"You're shaking up my heart."

The girl chuckled embracing the guy.

"Using lyrics? Cheesy."

The guy giggled and tightened the grip.
"Are you kidding me? That's the best pick up line ever."

"Well I'm a living prove it's not."

She escaped his hug, but it was obvious that she's just teasing him.

"You're my princess Minah."

Minah...Minah... Minah.... that name played in Enna's head. Is that why her friend made her wait?

Suddenly she heard quite a loud chuckle. A guy pecked Minah again, this time on the lips. He twirled her around and stepped into the light. It was Jyhoon. Right before walking away she flashed a smile to him.


Enna silently called out and her friend turned around. Shock played in her eyes, but she didn't seem emberrassed. Lookee too happy to be concerned.

"Enna, why are you here? I thought we will meet in the dance studio."

Enna bit her lip. She wasn't sure how to react.

"Well yeah, we should have, I waited for you, around an hour."

Minah gulped. She seemed to feel guilty now, but smile couldn't be erased from her face.

"Sorry, it's just-"

"I saw."

Enna simply cut off Minah and shrugged. It's like a heavy rock crushed her chest. Out of all the people it had to be Jyhoon. Only she knew that sooner or later he will hurt anyone who loves him. Only she knew that one day he will turn his back to everyone he cared about and who cared about him.

She knew, because she had to do the same. Enna still couldn't watch her friend getting her heart break. She hoped to seperate them, with time. But Enna didn't expect that the heart break wasn't going to give her time.

Enna came back to reality. Now Rap Monster was helping Jyhoon take down the door. Jessica carefully eyed the leader of BTS. Somehow it semed as if she was sure that he will break it down at any moment.


Enna shyly asked.


Her words seemed rude, but her tone was concerned. Enna realized that Jessica really cared about her members, she was just frustrated by the current situation of Minah.

"What you meant saying people leave by choice?"

For a minute Enna thought that Jessica won't remember the first time they met, but soon leaders gaze softened. She looked down at Enna clearly feeling Nari's stare drilling a hole in her back.

"People can always choose, always. Stay or leave. Too bad that one of them is more difficult and all of us are just cowards too scared of responsibility."

Jessica straightened out. Her mind was burning, her heart ached. That guy... many years passed. He still was on her mind. He still was the only guy she called oppa. But he never stayed. He never even came back.

Nari cringed. Jessica's words hit her hard right there it hurts. People leave by choice? That's the reason she took a gun in her hands when she first met Jessica.

Nari carefully didn't let her eyes down from the leader. She was almost sure that Jessica knew more than she said. She was almost sure that not only Enna's and hers story's of meeting Jessica were related.

"What do you know?"

Nari suddenly asked Enna completely tonelessly. Confussed younger and Jessica lifted their gaze to Nari and titled their head. Somehow Jessica didn't seen much surprised by Nari's question.

It looked like she was expecting it. Like she wanted to ask the same thing. But not only ask. It's like she already knew the correct answer.

"About what?"

Enna almost stuttered, but managed to keep her voice settle.

"You know! You know why she is there!"

Nari suddenly yelled out loud making everyone turn to her. She was all red, her chest was pumping up and down, her gaze was furious, she pointed at the stock room's door and eyed Enna.

"I do-don't!"

Enna tried to fight back tears. What I got myself into. Nari didn't buy it. She almost grabber Enna by her collar, but Jessica pushed her back.

"My poor baby is there for a reason and you can help us! But you don't!"

Everyone was stunned by how protective Nari became out of the blue. Everyone knew that she was the caring unnie of the group, but no one expected her to be so frustrated by Minah's condition.

"Take it easy." Yoobi patted Nari on the shoulder, but she shook it off. "I don't think Enna knows something about this."

Yoobi tried to put some sense into Nari's head as Jyhoon and Rap Monster stopped trying to break the door.

"Nari unnie, you can't say that."

Chaejin said quite carefully not to burst a flaming volcano.

"Enna don't know why woul-"

Juna started, but Enna held her hand up silencing Juna, and stared at Nari without hesitation. Nari nodded proud that one of the girls had enough guts to stare at her like that, but was still outrageous.

"No. She's right." Enna said to Juna, Chaejin and Yoobi, who exchanged glances and gasped surpised. "I know."

Jessica behind Enna nodded, and no one except Rap Mon, who frowned immediately, noticed it. He sensed something.

"But Enna unnie, how can you know?"

Juna questioned in disbelief.

"I know, but I'm not sure you want to know."

Check the media for BTS pic ↑↑↑
P.S: The more you spam me the more on-screen time you get. I tried to spread it equally, but...
P.P.S: Please, please, please check out my story Sakura Kisses (life of the fangirl) Thank you!
P.P.P S: Sakura Kisses is not an apply fic, but you would might recognize my loyal readers as I decided to give them a spot light there as well ^-^

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