Her finger pointed at him. "You're lying, your hand is at chin."

"I'm not!" He immediately dropped his hand, defending himself.

"Fine. Where were you and what were you doing yesterday at 3pm?"

"I-I was working."

"Liar. You didn't have a shift yesterday, I checked the paper."

He sighed. Okay you got me. I've been stalking you yes.. I just wanted to make sure you were safe.." Pulling Touka towards him, he encircled his arms around her, dropping his chin to her shoulder.

"Please no investigator would charge into a classroom and start killing right? You're just being delusional." She sighed. "Stop following me around from now on you get that? Or I'll start ignoring you."



For the next few days, Touka felt a huge weight being lifted off her shoulder as Kaneki stopped stalking her everywhere.

But it came back after a week.


"Touka-chan I know you told me not to but I just can't help it... I'm sorry!!"

Touka took the coffee from the counter and delivered it to the customer, completely ignoring Kaneki. When she got back to the counter, he pulled on her uniform but she slapped his hand away.

Feeling miserable that his girlfriend was ignoring him, he wanted to get her attention.

He walked over to two girls at a table and smiled as he brought out a notebook. "Can I get you pretty ladies anything?"

The girls blushed at his compliment. "Um one caffe latte and one cappuccino."

Before he left the table, one girl pulled on his shirt. "U-Um! For the latte, can you make a heart shape for me? I would like you to make it.."

"Sure thing."

Kaneki could hear a "tch" from across the room. He smirked.

He brought back their orders and held the lady's hand. "Anything else just call me, I'll come straight away."

She flushed as Kaneki walked away.

He continued flirting with the ladies in the cafe like that until Touka couldn't take it anymore. That took around 30 minutes.

I can't punch him.. I can't punch him..

-Inside the pantry-

"Hey I tried ignoring you and this is what I get?"

"What do you mean?" Kaneki asked, acting confused.

Touka grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to her face, staring menacingly at him. "You know best what I mean. Stop it."

"Are you jealous?"

That sentence alone made her want to punch him until he pass out.

Hold it.. Hold it..

She folded her arms and turned her back to him. "I am not. Shitty Kaneki."

He wrapped his arms around her from behind, whispering into her ear, "I know you are. If not you wouldn't act like this."

"Hah. If they all knew your real personality I bet not even 1% will date you. You should thank me for even dating you." She said, trying to change the subject.

"That's true. Thank you, Touka. Put that aside, you were jealous, right?"

Touka mentally cursed at him remembering about the previous topic.

"Yes yes I was jealous you happy now?"


He carried her up, earning a small scream from and placed her at the counter. He leaned into her ear, "because I decided if you admit you were jealous, I would give you a kiss."

His husky voice made heat fall to the bottom of her stomach. She gasped as he started nibbling on her ear and massaging her left breast.

"Just say that you want it. A kiss." He blew a hot puff of air at her ear and she whimpered.

But Touka's pride wouldn't allow her to say so she pulled him to her and pressed her lips against his.

After a hot making out session, they separated.

Kaneki bowed 90 degrees in front of Touka. "I'm sorry."

"Nah I'm sorry too." She apologized as she got off of the counter.

He grinned and hugged her tightly.


Okay a slightly longer one. I was thinking of a reason Touka should have for ignoring Kaneki and bam. Suddenly one day I got this stalking idea and decided to combine with her ignoring Kaneki. :D

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now