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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring, and clicking it shut, I lifted my head from the pillow and checked my phone. Still no message from Jake. I sighed and then trudged up to the bathroom, took a shower and then wore a pair of stonewashed jeans and an old band t-shirt, along with my old Chuck Taylors, and a red beanie, leaving my hair loose. I clutched my bag and headed downstairs, when I heard the sound of a car honk outside.

"Angela!" I heard my mom yelled. "Jake's here! You better hurry up and get ready!"

Jake's here? Oh my God. He was actually here! He came to pick me up as usual! I was actually going to take the bus since I had not expected him to come! Squeee! Grinning, I dashed downstairs, kissed my mom on the cheek, stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth and ran outside.

"Bye mom!" I called out and happily got into Jake's car, glee bubbling inside me.

"Hello." I squawked and he smiled back without meeting my gaze. His lips briefly grazed over my cheek before he pulled away and brought the car engine to life. My eyes fluttered shut and a smile crept up to my face as I leant back into the seat and let the cool breeze move over me, cooling my hot face.

We reached school within five minutes and I got out of the car, walking towards the school entrance.

"Wait." I felt Jake's hand clutch mine as he pulled me back, and my head hit his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist and held it tightly, and he brought me closer to himself, till our bodies were touching, not a sliver of air between us. My hands went around his neck and I buried my head into his chest, loving the warmth radiating from him, and I wanted to hang on to him like this forever. I breathed in his pine, mint fragrance.

"I'm sorry for whatever I've done up till now. It's time to fix things now, I'll make things right." He whispered into my ear, the warm air emerging from his mouth sending shivers down my spine. He pulled away and looked at me with so much intensity but I couldn't help but look back and melt into those chocolate brown depths, his gaze was that engaging. His eyes crinkled into a genuine smile and he kissed me on the lips, a slow, brief, but sweet and light kiss that curled my toes.

"Bye Angela." He said and turned to walk away, leaving me feel breathless.

What was all that about? I walked to my locker, dazed, pondering over what could possibly be going on in Jake's head. I grabbed some art equipment and headed to join Ryan and Andrew to work on the props. Since I reached on time, I earned a few raised eyebrows but other than that, we set to work with very little chit-chat.

"Attention students." The speaker overhead came to life, and we paused our work to listen to what our principal had to say. I hated that guy.

"Signing up for student body president has been closed now. Candidates may begin campaigning from this Wednesday. The voting will commence on Friday, leaving candidates only two days to campaign unlike last year where they had two weeks. Candidates were reported to have resorted to unfair means, and the attitude of the students would be too casual for that period of time, hence it has been decided that the campaigning can only be done for two days. A list of all the rules, guidelines and future duties will be sent over to the candidates shortly. It is mandatory for all students to vote, and as I mentioned earlier, it will be carried out on Friday."

The principal took a pause and continued.

"The results will be declared after the play The Merchant of Venice, which will be screened on the 24th of August, next week on Monday, details of which you will be informed of shortly. All candidates are requested to assemble in my office at the end of the day today. Thank you." With this the speaker went dead and I sighed. If Ashley hadn't moved her name would be on that list, she would be campaigning. I would have voted for her.

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