Chapter Fifty-Nine : Why Hazel Should Be On Broadway

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I touched the tip of my thumb to the corner of her lips very lightly, and she smiled in her sleep.

"What am I going to do with you?" I barely made any sound when I spoke- I didn't want her to wake. When she was awake, she was confusing. I realized that there was no in-between with Hazel- it was easy, or hard; yes, no; hot, cold; falling in or falling out. I guess it was almost funny how such a black-or-white personality was so utterly impossible to figure out. But, maybe it was the opposite for her. Maybe she wanted binary- yes or no. Maybe she wanted an equation. I guess it could make sense.

"Grace?!" I jumped -nearly tossing Hazel onto the floor- when Sawyer's loud voice barged into the house.

Hazel sat up, fully awake, and shouted something in some foreign language that I only caught one word of- the word I recognized being Megan's name.

"What?!" Sawyer shouted again.

"Indoor voice, moron!" I shouted back at him.

"Kids! Argue quieter!" My mom's voice was added. "Grace?! Where are you?!"

"Living room." I rolled my eyes. Hazel sighed and the atmosphere around her shifted a little.

"You said you wanted us to have a family dinner? Oh- hello sweetie, you're... You have a twin sister... So you're... Starts with an M..." My mom kept thinking.

"Hazel. My sister's the M name." Hazel smiled. Admittedly, I found it slightly disturbing but kind of a relief.

"Of course, I'm sorry. Maggie, was it?"

"Megan." Hazel chuckled. She didn't quite act like Megan, there was definitely something more... Cunning about her, but it wasn't as apparent as it usually was.

"Right." My mom nodded. "So, Gracie, what's up?"

"Well, I wanted to have dinner as a family and introduce Hazel..." I took a deep breath. "As my girlfriend?" Why was it a question? And was it healthy for my heart to try and break my ribcage?

"Really? Looks like your father owes me a shopping trip." She smirked and pat my head.

"Wait- she got a girlfriend?!" Sawyer literally appeared out of nowhere. "I'll go get the baby pictures!" And then he was gone.

"Sawyer, I will feed you to cannibals!" I screamed after him.

"I'd taste like laziness!" He snickered from the stairs.

"I don't know how you two manage to get girlfriends." My mom shook her head.

"Neither do I." Hazel snorted with a smirk.

"I like this girl. She's funny." My mom laughed at me.

"I'm laughing." I grumbled sarcastically. Hazel giggled. Why isn't the woman living in Hollywood right now?

"So, Hazel, how long have you two been dating without telling us?" My mom mused as she made her way to the attached kitchen and started going through the grocery bags I hadn't seen her bring in.

"A week or so." Hazel wasn't totally lying. She just made it sound less abrupt than the fact that we'd a) never actually been on a date, and b) made us official only this morning- wait really? No... Maybe it was yesterday... Nope it was this morning. Jeez. The whole kiss n' run thing Hazel had going for her really made it seem like we'd been a thing for a while.

"Oh, well that's not too bad. Have you two talked to Hazel's parents, or just me and, soon, Grace's father?"

"My parents died a while ago, Ms. Daniels." Hazel pursed her lips. Is it just me, or was Hazel letting on that she was acting? If you knew what for and where to look, you could see that her formulaic behavior was struggling to find the right ways to keep up her charade and still accomplish whatever she wanted to happen.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie..." My mom frowned.

"You and your daughter are a lot alike. You share that expression." Hazel mused. Hm. Did I really look like that? My mom looked very saddened and piteous. It made me want to protect Hazel from the pity. "And my parents died well before I was able to remember them, so I guess it's less of an impact." She shrugged.

"That's too bad. And of you ever need a mom, I'm always here." My mom smiled at Hazel like she was a lost puppy.

"Thank you, Ms. Daniels." My girlfriend nodded.

"Don't mention it. Hm, I didn't mean to make everything sad; Hazel, sweetie, how old are you?"

"Nearly fourteen." Hazel tilted her head a bit. My mom blinked.

"You're thirteen?" Hazel nodded in confirmation. "You seem so much older. How did you two meet? I believe you told me you're in Grace's grade, but you've got to be in middle school at thirteen."

"I am in Grace's grade." Hazel was faltering again, her guise was nearly cracking enough to see the mask. "I was brought up a grade or two."

"You must be very smart then. What kind of classes are you taking?"

"A.P. Calculus and A.P. Chemistry, honors world history, English one, and I take independent courses after school." Hazel listed. My mom tried to hide her shock.

"Wow. Well, I'm going to make dinner, expect your father in about an hour so dinner will be then. Any allergies, Hazel?"

"Chitin." Hazel gave me a look when I giggled.

**A/N: so Ima make this a two part ordeal so here's the first half of parents meet Hazel.

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