She threw herself onto her bed and pulled the blanket over her, hoping that when the Anteiku crew finds that she's dead, it would seem like an accident. She even placed a kettle at the stove in case.

But to her dismay, Hinami actually came back early because she felt sick. When she found Touka, she panicked and called everyone back.


Touka tried everything to end herself but they all wouldn't work. She cursed herself for being born a ghoul and not being able to die by normal tactics.


Touka sat at the rooftop and looked up at the sky full of stars.

Kaneki.. Where are you? I miss you so bad that it's killing me...

She stood up and walked towards the end of the roof, looking down.

I probably won't die from a fall like this, maybe a few broken bones but it doesn't hurt to try. I've got nothing to lose after all.

She closed her eyes and leaned her body forward, letting it fall front. She feels the cold wind blowing at her face as she fell from the roof.

Her eyes snapped open when she felt her body being lifted up. She couldn't make out the face of the person who saved her as it was dark outside.

"Who the hell are you and why did you save me?!" She struggled from the person's grasp and both of them landed on the rooftop of another building.

"Show your face!" Touka shouted.

The person pulled down the hood to reveal white hair underneath and a familiar face to Touka.

She gasped. "K-Kaneki..?"

"That's right. Why were you trying to suicide? Tell me, Touka-chan!" He placed his hands on her shoulders and shook her.

She flung his arms one side. "Stop it! It's all your fault! After you left, you never visited us, me! It's not like anyone will miss me when I'm gone. Even if they do, they'll forget about me eventually!" Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes.

Kaneki wrapped his arms around her. "Hinami and Yoriko-chan will miss you! I'll miss you too."

"You'll miss me? What a load of bullshit coming from a guy who left us and never cared to even visit! Let go of me!" Touka spat and struggled in his arms.

"TOUKA!" Kaneki shouted and squeezed her.

She stopped struggling and looked up at him. He released his arms and looked into her eyes. "I'm in love with you, Touka."

What? That can't be... If he loved me then he wouldn't leave.

"Liar. If you love me, then why did you leave?!"

"I had no choice! I had to protect everyone!"

"No one asked to be protected by you! We can all protect ourselves fine!"

"Touka please." She froze as he moved closer and closer until their lips touched.

At first, she wanted to resist, push him away and maybe hit him in the jaw but she couldn't find it in herself to do it. Who could if the person they're kissing is the one they love? Slowly, she melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him closer.

"Shall we bring this somewhere else?" Kaneki asked.

"M-My room. Hinami's asleep." Touka answered, still dizzy from the passionate kiss.


As their clothes scattered around the room, their bodies were pressed together for warmth.


Kaneki wrapped his arm around her shoulder as Touka laid her head on his bare chest. She smiled in content as she heard his heart beat against her ear.

"Will you stay?" Touka asked.

Kaneki turned his head away.

Touka got up slightly and frowned. "You're gonna leave?"

"Yes but I will come back, I promise. Meanwhile can you hold onto something for me?"

Touka puts her hand out. Kaneki fished his pocket for the item and placed it on her palm. She took a look at it and her eyes widened.

Both of their names were engraved on that ring.


"It's my promise to you. It'll be my job to put that on your fourth finger when I get back."

Tears streamed down her cheeks and she tackled him with a hug. "Baka..."


2 years later...

Kaneki came back as he promised and the two of them got married and are now having two children, a boy and a girl, now living happily ever after.


Title sucks :X

Don't follow the suicide examples inside this one shot! Everyone of you is beautiful!

Putting that aside, I tried listening to some of yall's suggestions like bringing in more emotion into the characters. Did I do it well? Or not? :/ do comment

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now