Chapter Fifty-Four : The Morning After

Start from the beginning

"You want a spotter?" Marley mused as she flushed the toilet -where I'd been fortunate enough to consolidate all my mess.

"Nope, I'm good." I waved dismissively and made my way upstairs to my bathroom.

After brushing my teeth, trying to blow the smell of vomit out of my nose, and the rest of the post-hurling protocol, I was back in the living room about fifteen minutes after I'd left. And found the happy couple on a couch, trying to suck each other's face off.

"It's like they want me to gag again..." I pretended to say to myself loudly enough that they heard.

"Wh- ah!" Marley took my presence in two stages. Stage one: not knowing what was happening, and two: realizing what was happening and jumping off the couch like a startled cat.

"And moment over." Micha feigned a neutral look, but the red hue of her face, and how she scratched her neck afterwards. "Having fun down there?" Micha regarded her girlfriend, who was laying on the floor, covering her face with her hands, groaning.

"Forgive me for intruding on your personal business, but please don't share body fluids of any sort in my living room. There are plenty of nice living rooms in other houses." I rolled my eyes, catching a glare from Marley. "So, aside from flaunting your romantic advances to all the residents of my home, is there a reason you're still hanging around? Not that I don't love spontaneously finding my friends sucking face in my living room."

"Someone is feeling sassy today." Marley pouted. "And yes, you were going to talk with Micha and I."

"So, did you finally figure out why Hazel hates the sky?" Micha had that expression of knowing what my answer would be and it made my stomach churn.

"Yeah." I stated shakily. Hazel hates the sky because something happened and now she can't enjoy it as she used to.

"Good. So you're on the same page." She paused, then added "I'm going to be outside. You two can chat and I'll take Marley when you're done. I'd stick around, but, well, you can probably guess the rest." She gave me an apologetic smile, kissed Marley's forehead, and then left us.

"When did you find out?" I asked.

"That she wasn't human? I had a feeling about it since Zee and Sara showed us around the Night School. I sort of figured it was an underground hub for the supernatural. I didn't actually talk to Micha about it until I asked her why Hazel freaked out so badly when you touched her." She shrugged. "You really never even considered the fact that Hazel and her lot weren't human? Even with the unnaturally strong sense of smell, hearing, all the growling, the fact that they're all born in the same sequence... Not once?"

"I guess it may have been in the back of my mind, but no, I never really considered the possibility that she wasn't human. I may have gotten a weird feeling about whether or not Micha was human, but never Hazel."


"Well, Micha just gives me a weird vibe sometimes. I don't know, it's probably nothing."

"I've never gotten that from Micha. I see what you're talking about, though; it's the same thing I experience with Hazel."

"Mm..." My mind drifted away to Hazel. I instantly felt the need to be close to her. To protect her. To make sure she was okay. I decided it was because she was scarred that I felt so suddenly attached to her. I justified it with me being weak to that kind of trauma, but really I knew it was mostly because it was Hazel to whom those scars were embedded in.

I needed her. I craved her unquestionable affections with desperation. I wanted the truth, and I needed my soulmate.

"Grace? Come back to me, Gracie." Marley tugged me out of my fantasy.

"I can't take it." I sighed deeply. "I don't trust her, but God, I need her." I whimpered. I must've sounded so pathetic.

"I honestly don't get what you see in her..." Marley shook her head, "but if she'd give you all you deserve, without hurting you; I support whatever decision you decide to make, Grace. I think you'd be far better off with someone else, but clearly that isn't part of the picture right now."

"I don't know what I see in her..."

"Well she is a beautiful piece of work, I'll give her that, in a badass-serial killer kind of way. And she's not the dumbest person alive. But really, there has to be something else that makes her worth all of it?"

"I don't know... She's just Hazel and for some reason I really, really like Hazel."

"Well, that I can't help you with, but I will wish you luck and know, if she hurts you, human or not, I will murder her." Marley said with a completely serious tone.

I shivered. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful for Marley's concern, but when I imagined what Marley would actually do to her... I didn't want to care so much about her, but I did.

"Thanks, Mar."

"No prob. Now, I believe we're good here, so I'm gong to go-" she tried to stand, but I pulled her back down.

"How far have you two gone?" I scowled. She blushed.


"Best friend duties mean it's my job to be up to date with all the gruesome details of your love life. Have you had sex?"

"No!" She reddened further.

"Have you talked about it?"

"A little, I guess..." She looked anywhere but me and scratched her neck.

"Kay. Just want to make sure you two have good communication about this. It's not exactly a small deal, especially, I think, when the Night School would get evolved. Bye." I smiled and she laughed nervously, leaving. She can be so adorable sometimes, I just want to hug her to death.

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