I am the Alpha - Part 52

Start from the beginning

“Don’t be like that Rin, it’s for your own good.” He grins as his arm slips around my shoulders casually and I lean my head onto his shoulder affectionately, without nuzzling him which is what part of me wants to do but would look incredibly weird to anyone watching.

“What are we doing in the office anyway?” he ask curiously

“Checking on some transfers,” I tell him simply before slipping inside the small office. Immediately I get hit by the same intruder smell from before, faintly of course but they have been here.

I walk up to the office desk and approach Ms Hammond to get some info. As I arrive she smiles over at me, her light blue eyes sparkling happily. “How can I help you Miss Daniels?” she asks in an extremely cheerful voice.

“I heard there were some new transfers and I wondered if you could tell me about them.” I ask in an extremely innocent voice.

“Erin, Sam? Not going to hassle the new kids are you?” She asks in a knowing voice. She knows me too well being a tribe member.

“They’re from another pack Jenny,” I tell her seriously and she blinks a few times in shock.

“What, but I would’ve felt something.” She tells me desperately.

“They know how to disguise there scent, I just want to look at their files if you don’t mind.” I tell her.

“Of course Alpha, come round and take a look.”

I walk around to the small door leading to the space behind the desk, followed by Sam and walk over to Jenny embracing her in a small hug. “It’s not your fault,” I whisper to her before sitting myself down at her desk and pulling up the transfer files. My eyes scan over the pages before they come across ‘Cole Suruat’ followed by six others; ‘Blaise Callahan, Quinton Peterson, Asher Chilton, Edward Koehler, Zane Keuran and Marcus Phil Graham’ all around 17-19 years old and from a name that I recognise from the Blood Valley territory.

Before I was angry but now I am pissed. Who the hell does he think he is? I banish him so he brings back six members of his pack!! He is lucky that I don’t just walk up to them and rip them to shreds on the spot, to many witnesses. Of course!! That’s exactly what they’re doing; marching into our territory then staying shielded behind the school knowing we don’t want to draw attention to ourselves. Then again their reputation is ruined if this ever gets out, hiding in enemy territory to save their own hides. What a joke.

I look through the computer and find their schedules and hit print. Seconds later I have seven timetables in my hands.

“Erin?” Sam asks nervously.

“Yes Sam,” I ask while scanning their timetables with my eyes.

“What’s going on?” he asks unsurely his eyes boring into the back of my head.

“There are seven of them including Cole, two in my year and five in yours, though some of them seem like they might be too old for high school by a few months at least, they are in fact Blood Valley and all live together on Cole’s property in town.” I tell him while my eyes still trace the timetables.

“What!” He yells in anger but I hold up a hand to silence him.

“They are in several of your classes and the two in my year are in nearly all of mine though so are some of the other tribe members.” I mutter knowing he can hear me.  All of a sudden the bell goes and I turn around quickly to meet Sam’s worried face. “Go to class, tell the others and remind them not to do anything stupid.”


“I will be fine, I’m going to need some more information and will be going to class late.” I interrupt him.

I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)Where stories live. Discover now