39. The kiss that never happened.

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He was furious, very furious but I didn't know why? He walked closer to us and eyed us. Instantly Rey moved away from me. 'Again what's happening?' I wondered.

"Aarav it's nothing like that." Rey exclaimed.

"And you both were on a date and were out of breath?" He questioned.

"God! It's nothing like that" he repeated.

"Leave now!" Mr. Agrawal ordered him. Without another word he drove away.

"Get in." He ordered me.

'Bloody bipolar.' I murmured to myself. He closed the door behind us.

"So you and Rey, huh?" He asked.

"That's none of your business." I replied angrily.

"It's my fucking business he is my.. Ugh.." He started and then I heard him murmur "and you are my.." I guess. 'No.! Why would he say that? ' I thought.

"I don't understand why what I do is any of your business." I backfired at him.

"You know why?" He asked closing the distance between us. He was very intimidating when he was angry.

"Because you fučking left that little kid on his own and you didn't care a damn about whether he was sick or hungry or anything had happened to him."  His hold on my shoulder had tightened and I was pinned to the wall. I was holding my breath.

"For that stupid date of your's so that you can enjoy and kiss and do whatever you were going to if I wouldn't have interrupted. It seemed like probably you forgot that a kid is even in your house all on his own" He blabbered very angrily.

"What..?" I almost yelled "we never kissed..!" I explained.

"And you both were out of breath and you were awesome even though you never kissed him." He laughed humorlessly. He was so angry his eyes were red. His jaw clenched . I would never like to see him this angry ever again. I felt as if something deep down inside me was dying.

His grip on my shoulder was so tight that I was sure I had bruises there till now. Then I did the only thing that came to my mind, I didn't know why but I just did. I kissed him.

All the fireworks and everything. No, who am I kidding there was nothing like that, it was just a peck to stop him from going to that angry state again or else maybe I wanted to kiss him. I had never kissed something this soft. Who am I kidding? I had never kissed anyone.

His scent, that masculine scent of him. I could kill anyone to smell his scent. I know I was being cheeky but yeah, I was really attracted to him which was also very weird because all we always did was fight.

Right now my eyes were as big as a soccer ball and shock was clear on his face. I didn't know what to say, I was frozen at that moment. What I did know was that by now I liked him so much that for his happiness I could even let him go.

The way my Mom used to say "True love isn't when you stay with that person forever it is when you let go of the person (the only precious thing at that time) go away for his happiness." At this point I knew what I felt for him.

"I think you should go, will take care of Jake. He must be already asleep so let him be." I told him looking anywhere but at him. I could feel him stare at me.

"Okay." He said and then was about to walk away but he turned and walked closer to me, he took my hands in his and placed a bunch of keys in them. They were my house keys. I gave him a confused look.

"Found them underneath your door mattress." He said, then it struck me, he must have remembered from the last time after coming from hospital how I opened my door. I gave him a small smile and made a note to myself to never hide my house keys under the door mat again.

He started walking away and so did my happiness. I don't know why but I was feeling guilty about something that I had not done.

"Agrawal." I called him. He stopped and turned around. I stood there dumbfounded. I didn't know again what to say.

"Umm.. That kiss never happened." I told him. He gave me a confused look.

"Between me and Rey." I continued. "We were out of breath cause of running." I told him. I saw him inhale deeply and close his eyes. When he opened his eyes they were a shade darker, his expression blank as always.

And then he left.And at that moment I knew what I felt.  I was in love.


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- D.love

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