20. The Flight (part-2)

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He couldn't be married, not after all the times he'd messed around with me, and what about that woman I walked in on him with? And why wasn't she at his house right before his big trip? I must have stood there for a minute just gaping until common sense took hold again, 

"Where's your evidence?"

Laila looked up from her phone and slowly shook her index finger, "You don't get to see it." 

The corners of my mouth lifted into a smirk and I leaned down so that I was inches away from her face, "Show me the evidence Laila or I'll go inform Mr. Agrawal of your insubordination." 

She pushed me away from her and uncrossed her legs as she pulled a packet of photos from out of her purse and handed them to me. 

I slowly pulled a picture out, in it Mr. Agrawal was walking about a foot away from a tall woman who was carrying a starbucks coffee, they looked nothing like a married couple. As I sifted through the photos, I found my heart clenching for some reason and with every photo my anger towards first Laila and then Agrawal grew stronger. 

"How can you be sure that they're together? What if they're just...friends?"

Laila sighed and rolled her eyes, "Because silly, I have an inside source who informed me of their relationship." 

I tightened my hold on the pictures, I had an inkling that their was more to the story of the pictures than Laila was telling me. I mean Laila had already proven herself to be untrustworthy, so why did i find myself believing her. 

Laila snapped her fingers in my face, and held her hand out, "The pictures?" 

I contemplated shredding the photos, but she most likely had them backed up on her computer, phone and a flash drive so I was going to have to do something else to get rid of the not so incriminating evidence. 

"Does Johnson know that you're out here threatening me like this?" I asked, as I handed the photos back to her. 

She paled a bit at the mention of Johnson and I instantly knew that he had no knowledge of her little plan. 

I shook my head, "Yeah I thought so." 

"Just get the information to me. You have my number." Laila said as she blended back into the crowd and left me standing in the middle of the airport.I spotted Agrawal gesturing for me to come to the customs desk and tried to put Laila's threat out of my mind for a while. 

After a quick security pat down, and passport check we walked out onto the runway where Mr. Agrawals private jet awaited yet again. 

I glanced over at Agrawal, who was trying and failing to mask his giddiness at seeing his "beauty" again, before taking a large gulp of fresh air and entering the plane. 


Ten minutes later, Mr. Agrawal sat down in the seat next to me and the security team set up camp a row behind us as two pilots entered the control cabin. We were ready for take off.   

My hands started sweating as we began our ascent into the air and soon enough it was hard for me to breathe. I was aware of every creak of metal, every gust of wind against the window and even closing my eyes didn't ease my fear of falling from the sky in a fiery inferno trapped in the heavy box with no way out. 

I slowly slipped my hands into my purse and took out a sleeping pill, washing it down with some mineral water which had been left at the table. Mr. Agrawal looked at me funny, but didn't say anything and soon sleep had me in its comforting presence. 


I could hear them speaking. 

"She can't get far with that injured foot. She's has to be hiding somewhere near here." One man said to another. 

"I knew we should have shot her directly." I shivered at the cold tone of his voice. I needed to find somewhere to hide.


I woke up with a jolt, the nightmare was all too vivid and it took me a few minutes to realize that I was not in fact still in the dream. The lights were dimmed as everyone else was fast asleep, but I couldn't bring myself to surrender to the nightmare again.

So I pulled out my phone and tried to beat my highest score on a number of games in an attempt to keep thoughts of falling out of the sky and being shot by nightmare men out of my head. 

I got bored of that after a while and ordered some food, meaning everything on the menu, but my eyes were so heavy and my body was screaming for sleep that I soon succumbed to my urge and dumped a handful of pills into my mouth, washing it all down with a large gulp coca-cola. Sleep hit me instantaneously and I relaxed into my chair. Hoping and praying that I didn't have the nightmare again.



 - D.love

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