18. Angry Agrawal.

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I gasped in surprise as the door slammed shut and darkness engulfed the entire room. I blinked my eyes rapidly and they soon adjusted to the darkness.

"What the hell!" I screamed as I beat my fists into Mr. Agrawal's rock like chest, I caught the vague outline of a smirk on his face before he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I frantically failed around trying to land a kick on his body, to no avail. Suddenly, he held me over the bed and let me go. I bounced onto the bed and felt it shift with Mr. Agrawal's weight a second later. He was on top of me within the blink of an eye.

My eyes traveled down his white shirt and stopped at his unbuttoned first button, for some unknown reason my breath caught in my throat and my heartbeat speed up. I rested my hands over my chest in an attempt to veil the sound of its frantic beating from Mr. Agrawal.

Mr. Agrawal smirked as if in response, and began to slowly unbutton his shirt. My hands flew to my mouth, what was he trying to do?

My stomach knotted in apprehension as he kept on unbuttoning the shirt and I felt a tremor of fear run down my spine, and I closed my eyes shut and clenched my hands to stop my body from shivering.

I felt his body press down on mine, and his hand ran a line down my right arm and to my hand, which he unclenched.

Realization dawned on me as I felt him get off of me, he did all of this just to get the key of his god forsaken room. Anger gripped me as I be rated myself for being so dumb and letting him have his way with me.

Mr. Agrawal had made his way to the other side of the room where he switched on the light, his eyes flashed with anger.

"Don't you dare disrespect me like that again,"

I sat on the edge of the bed and threw a cold glare across the room. This idiot really thought that he had the right to assault me like that just because his ego was bruised by my supposed, "disrespect"? And then he expects me to just bear his stupidity silently? Well he messed with the wrong girl.

"Look into a mirror and say that twice over Agrawal."

A look of disbelief flashed across his face before he regained his composure, "I suggest that you control what you allow to pass through your lips if you want to keep this job."

The look I threw at him could have froze over hell. "You forgot that my uncle happens to be best friends with the man who own half of the company's stock, so I suggest that you control what passes through your lips if you want to keep your job." He opened and closed his mouth several times. It was obvious that he didn't have anything to say. He walked towards the door his back facing me. It was drool Worthy but then I saw a small but dark cross mark on his back. I wondered how he got that.

"We leave tomorrow morning, be ready." With that he left my room, slamming the door behind him.

I pumped my fist in the air and threw myself back onto my bed. Kiara 1, Mr. Agrawal 0. The taste of victory really was sweet.

A few hours spent watching TV and eating ice-cream passed and the time was quickly approaching mid-night so I decided that I should get to bed if I wanted to "be there" as Mr. Agrawal so elegantly put it.

A new problem presented itself as I prepared for bed. The floor maids had taken away all of my laundry including Mr. Agrawals white t-shirt leaving me with nothing to wear to bed.

I searched the room for something that was even semi-comfortable to wear to bed, and even contemplated wrapping myself in a towel when my eyes were drawn to a white piece of a shirt sleeve sticking out from under my bed. I bent down to retrieve the shirt and examined it only to find that it was Mr. Agrawal's shirt. It would have to do. slid into the comfortable cotton shirt and switched off the lights before tucking myself into bed. I tossed and turned a few times in a desperate attempt to fall asleep without my regular dose of sleeping pills to no avail. So I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my messages, there was one from Uncle John.

Text me when you find time. I have something important to tell you. -Your Uncle John

I glanced at the clock, 12:00. It was almost 3 in the morning back home and knowing Uncle John he would be deep in sleep by now.

"Will talk to you tomorrow...sweet dreams."

I scrolled through my inbox and saw that I had a new message from Rina,

Can't wait to see ya! we have so much to talk about! -Rina

I smiled at the text, we would indeed have a lot of Agrawal bashing to get caught up on.

Yeah:) Can't wait to see you either. -Kiara

I was about to switch off my phone when two new texts arrived in my inbox. One was from Rey and the other was from an unknown user.

I opened the unknown text first,

Think you're smart? Well we're on to you. See you soon Kiara.

I dropped my phone in surprise, who was this person that knew my name and number? And what did they mean that they were on to me? I shook of my feeling of dread and deleted the message from my inbox, it was probably just a prank text or something.

I opened up Rey's text,

Hope you get home safely. Can't wait to see you:) -Rey

I smiled, the only two people I knew that spelled out their entire texts in 'proper' english where Rey and Uncle John.

I powered off my phone and replayed the events of my last night with Rey over in my head in another attempt to fall asleep without aid. But my fear of the creepy recurring nightmares was too great and I found myself sliding out of bed and popping two sleeping pills to help me fall into a deep sleep.


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- D.love

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