Transformers vs Alliance?

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Megatron flew in as his last knight form. Transforming and landing, Nitro zeus coming in, mohawk and the others following.

"Who are you Cybertronian?" Megatron said, looked at Apex.

Apex was down the street with dome large cameramen and Cameramen agents. But turned around to look at Megatron.

"Go away, this is alliance property." Apex said, charging up his cannon.

"I am Megatron." Megatron fired a shot at Apex.

Apex shot at Megatrons cannon, but the 2 blasts collided and exploded.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Nitro zeus rolled in ontop of a building and looked down, firing his shoulder machine guns at Apex.

Rookie, a gopro unit dropped down from a carrier and landed on Nitro, stabbing the cannons with 2 big knives.

Apex rushed through the smoke and was able to land the first hit, clawing Megatron in the face.

Mohawk jumped on Apex, about to poke his eyes out but he gets shot.

Cyclops aims at Mohawk again and was gonna fire but his hand gets punched away.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Barricade began shooting at Cyclops with his arm machine guns.

Megatron punched apex in the chest, sending him back.

Apex slammed into a wall, but then fired his shoulder guns back at Mega.

Megatron tanked it and pulled out his sword while slowly approaching.

Mohawk was getting lasered by the other cameramen.

Nitro zeus was flying in the air trying to get rookie off.

Barricade dealt with Cyclops.

It was just Apex vs Megatron here.

Apex then suddenly cloaked.

Megatron stared, but suddenly got punched in the face, then shot in the back. A kick to the back of the head.

Apex jumped and was about to punch his face.

Megatron sliced Apex to the side. And turned, firing his arm cannon at him.

Apex used his arms to block but one arm was obliterated.

A Large cameraman fired a Plasma gun at Megatron, while more just did that.

"Unfair." Megatron cleanly sliced all of the Large cameramens heads off..

"AHHH!" Nitro zeus was heard as he slammed into Megatron.

Rookie jumped off and landed by apex, as his hands pulled in and 2 guns extended, he fired at the couple.

Barricade sent a punch into Cyclops face, then just shot at his head and got close enough to plunge his hand through Cyclops's head.

"To punish." Barricade turned and was about to help the decepticons.

An Apc drifted in, and stopped infront of barricade, blasting Sound waves at him while speaker helis flew in..

Another Armored car drived in but it had some energy cannons on it, which blasted the head off of Barricade.

"I had enough." Megatron threw nitro Zeus off and then Jabbed Rookie in the face, left hooking Rookie in the head and grabbing him, throwing Rookie to the floor as he kicked his face, punched the back of his head and finally Megatron finished off Rookie by grabbing his jaws and pulling them all apart.

Megatron turned but didnt see apex..

Apex fired a shot at the back of Megatrons head, firing a couple more uncharged ones.

Megatron fell, not dead yet but suddenly a metal bar was put under his chin, the sharp part piercing very close to the front.

"Give me your face." Apex forced the Bar up, ripping off a thin metal sheet from Megatrons face. Then took the bar and jammed it through his mouth.

Nitro zeus watched. turning and flying off..


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