Pushing through the Archipelago

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The Tanks Assembled in a large tent, the one leading the Whole thing stepped up and held a stick. He pointed at a map of the Archipelago and some other mini islands. He says: "Since theres signs of Skibidi toilets, they likely already tried controlling the main island. So we push with a large Fireteam that also investigates to see if they are here. The Fire team will have Pyro and Electro. And if they start to lose, we send Charles along with Heavymetal and more units to support and bring them back. The Fact they made better tanks are quite scary because they might try to make more abominations. We Dont have to worry about the mainland, and the Frontlines because the Grand Titan and the Champion is Defending. Our Mini Titan, and the Speakermans uh, heavier unit escorted the injured Titans Back to HQ. We better get going now, so go. The Tanks drived back and assembled, as the First Fire team with Pyro and Electro leading it went into the Forests, bigger units took down trees in their way. there were Body cams on the Units so the mini base on the shore could see if something was going on. Pyro hears something, looking around as the Team stops. Pyro then gets struck by a tank shell, as Pyro looks in the Direction and uses its other cannon to fire through. Electro aims and fires aswell, as suddenly Skibidis started attacking, from all sides except for the back. Electro drives back, stopping near some soldiers as he fires into a larger Skibidi Toilet. Pyro aims and scopes in through the trees, seeing a Tank Covered in big bushes, as it suddenly drives forward, a head Emerging as the Skibidi Tank then fires a round, hitting Pyro. Pyro retaliates and spews fire upon it, but it uses an Arm with a large blade to block some of the fire, as the Tank then stabbed down into one of Pyros treads. Pyro then Shoots fire from his Flamethrower like cannon upon the tank, as it then pulls its blade back and stabs it up into the Flamethrower, as the Tank then shoots a round into the back cannon, almost breaking it off. Pyro tries tanking its Flamethrower back but the Tank just, pushes it even more through and pulls it out, the Cannon being split in half. Pyro attempts to drive back but his Treads are broken. Electro Then Drives into the Opponent tank, aiming his secondary cannon on the back, as it shoots into one of the eyes. Electro then fully charges a shot and fires down into the hull, as the tank gets sent back a little bit. Electro then slams into the front of Pyro, as he takes some incoming shots for him. The Skibidi tank somehow alive, rushed forward and sent its blade driving through and into the tank, striking an Engine, the front exploding, thankfully Electro could fit a backup Engine, but the front is almost showing the interior. The Skibidi Tank then aims and fires a shot but Electro shoots his back cannon at the path the Round was moving into. An Engineer Hooked up Pyros Treads, as Pyro then shoots a Harpoon into Electro and starts driving back. Some units try to cover for the Tanks but the Skibidi Toilets take em down. A Cameraman rigged with bombs slammed into the Skibidi Tank and exploded, the front part of the treads breaking as the hull had medium sized holes showing the Interior. Skibidi Toilets with large Hooked arms and some carrying metal came over, fixing up the Tank, soon it would get back up. Pyro Focused on escaping, they were out of the Trees and into the path they made while moving through. The Fire team was almost defeated. Pyro stopped, Skibidi Toilets had Surrounded them, Electro looked around weakly. Just as they seemed to be finished, one of the Skibidis get hit by a stungun, another one being blown away by a tank Shell. A Large large Powerful Tank Round suddenly flies past Pyro, slamming through the trees they retreated from, as a big explosion occurs. Pyro looks back and sees Charles and Heavy Metal.

Pyro starts driving back toward the Group but gets hit, another tank almost the Size of Charles Emerges from the trees, it had a Challenger 2 Hull and a Skibidi Toilet Head poking out with some large Helmet covering everything except the eyes. It had a large Tank Cannon poking through the helmet where seems to be the mouth part. Pyro fires his back cannon but the Tank fires back into the Turret and destroys it. Charles rammed into it, firing down at it and shooting his additional Turrets. But Suddenly a Ramp deploys on the back of the Skibidi Tank as the Tank with the blade and fought Electro and pyro earlier drived up with Bombs rigged on it and inside it, there were Thrusters on the back which helped it propel forward, as it slams into Charles and Causes a big explosion..

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