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The Hybrid continued driving through the sand, it was super boring but he kept going and wanted to just get out of that desert and return to his base. He then suddenly stops right on a dune, looking far through the scopes and zoomed in his sights to see.. A Compound? He quickly drives forward, thinking he found an actual new faction but then stops near the fences as he hears loud voices coming from the Compound and drives toward the entrances, as someone says: "HALT! GET OUT OF THE VEHICLE!" A soldier says from a tower beside the entrance as the scopes look toward the soldier, the Human says once more: "GET OUT OF YOUR VEHICLE RIGHT NOW!".  But he doesent cooperate, the soldier then brings over a group of Soldiers with Tactical gear and some grenade launchers and one tank with them, as he repeats again: "LAST WARNING, GET OU-" The Soldier gets cut off as a voice comes from the Hybrid: "Who are you, and what is your faction name.". The soldiers looked at eachother, before just saying: "Were Humans!" The Hybrid does a long pause before then a voice saying: "Humans? We thought you were wiped out or with all the toilets." The Human now replies: "What? No were not with the toilets, they are our enemy, wait who even are you?" The Pilot replies from inside the tank: "Im with the Alliance, i escaped a facility but now im here." The human just said: "Alright come in." as the soldiers broke formation and let the tank in, as Hybrid drives through the entrance and just stops in the middle of the compund. The Humans then allowed the tank to be repaired, they cut off the hollowed skibidi toilets on the front and back and replaced the back part with extra armour and a plow in the front. But one Human says: "Ay wait, Theres a tracking device in here!" As suddenly the engineers take a long pause and start running as a soldier with a grenade launcher fired upon the tank, as another Tank drived through the back and fired a round into the back of the hull. As multiple Soldiers entered and fired grenade launchers and rifles, thinking the hybrid was with the Skibidis, but Hybrid didnt even retaliate and he tried to tell them that hes not with the skibidis. But they continued firing. Until the Hybrid had enough of this, he finally reversed into the tank behind him as he fired the secondary tank cannon straight into the roof of the Repair center and collapsed some debris in the entrance. As he then turns the tank head and fires into the human tank, as he then was able to push the opposing tank outside. He then turns the hull and attempts to make a run for it but then gets rammed into the side of his hull by another Strong tank. He then turns the cannons and fires 3 Tank rounds into the tank which was armoured as he continued to drive away, but the tank fired a hook over and lands it on a ladder as it pulls Hybrid back. He continued driving and released the blinding lights on Some of the Humans without helmets, as he continues driving through but then gets shot by the tank from earlier. He turns the tank cannons back and fires at the area where the hook came from and tore it off, as he drives and makes it out by ramming through some fences and driving off. The Tank then reversed back into the repair center, Hybrid just driving through the desert and not long he made it to a little town, as he then saw a Large Speakerman sitting on a toilet playing ball with 2 Large Cameramen.

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