Skibidi Assault

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The Skibidis attacked once again, Gman and Titan Cameraman not there but another Upgraded Skibidiman lead the army along with some armoured astro toilets. Cameramen ran but then get shot by the UFO. Their Titans were not there to help them? This would be a good time to strike and they Took their chance, plowing through multiple outposts they were getting closer to the Cameraman bunker and soon would overrun it..

Back at the Deserted city, The 3 Titans were trapped under 2 large Skyscraper buildings, Cinemaman couldnt get up because his back nearly got broken, Grand Titan was slowly turning off by the minute and Monster Speakerman was directly under the whole thing. They were stuck under Skyscrapers and no one really knew where they were.. They had to sit through all of the destruction and killing the Skibidis were doing. Cinemaman teleported out of the skyscraper and slowly tried standing up but fell down straight on a building. He tried lifting the skyscrapers but continued stumbling since its back was already damage, the standing structure wasnt all that great for him..

Cameramen got shot and killed by special toilets, Speakermen running from infected Speakermen.
Tv men teleporting away and The Gopromen fighting for their lives. The Patton was driving through the city, multiple toilets jumping on the tank and trying to pull off the hatch. He shoots one of the skibidis off and shoots them with a turret, then a Claw toilet peered around the corner, shooting the Patton with a laser cannon and hitting it, pushing The Patton straight into a wall. Minititan Crimtan was dealing with a 4v1.. It wasnt looking good for the Alliance, they then made their decision and pulled back to safer parts of the city, the Cameramen unfortunately having to leave their bunker but before they did that they towed materials and projects unfinished and moved to the Gopro base.

Cinemaman was still trying to stand, trying to break off the Skyscraper bit by bit but it was extremely hard for him. The Grand titan also tried helping but he was right on the edge till he powers off, the Grand titan continued trying to lift the skyscraper. He then powers off to preserve itself in some way. Cinemaman looks down thinking they just lost literally to 2 Toilets and another Titan, Cinemaman looks to the side and sees someone standing atop a building? it had an orange coat and Black neck tie and a Pumpkin for a head...

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