Project Big Titan

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(i barely remember anything anymore on this story so if you see odd stuff its just me)

Cinemaman, Titan Speakerman and Titan Cameraman were tag teaming another copy of Scientist toilet. They finished it off. But suddenly they get orders to go to a secret base.

They Landed a super large Mega Sized Chamber for Atleast 5 Titans. As Jimbo says: "Alright unleash the connectors."

Suddenly Gates from all sides in the Chamber opened, pulling a pacific rim as Metal Creatures scuttled out and dropped down, climbing all over the Titans. They were all covered, as suddenly some Tvs Flew off from Cinemaman with Metal Creatures on it, Landing on Titan Cameraman. The Blade was tooken off and held over, as the creatures held it up and attached it on Titan Cameraman. Titan Speakermans cannons began being moved onto Titan Cameraman, speakers aswell, a chain of metallic creatures absorbed some Cinemaman core power as it moved into Titan Cameramans core. Cinemamans head flew off and just hovered. Titan Cameramans head suddenly broke off, being held as the flying head landed on the neck. Then the Cameraman head was welded on top of the Tv. Parts of each titan continued moving. Until it was all done. Jimbo watches as the Abomination of 3 Titans slowly arised and stared at him. Then saying: "Where to.."

Jimbo replies: "Bring the Titans together, and a large amount of soldiers. We kill Gmans today."

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