Round 2.

54 2 0

(i shall be calling upgraded Gopro titan: Grand Titan)

Titan Speakerman screeches, flying forward at Grand Titan and so does Gman.

The Grand titan gets in a stance where his body faces Gman and his head turned at Titan Speaker.

Grand titan first flashes gman, before colliding with Titan Speakerman and grabs his head, shoving him to the side forcefully as he then fires at Gman who is trying to recover from the Flash.

Titan Speaker Regains Consciousness and gets up, firing behind The Grand titan, and gman fires his 2 laser cannons into the grand titan.

Not affected by this the Grand titan stomps toward Gman, Gman then flying back fires down on his shoulder speakers. Grand Titan shooting down the G-toilet.

Titan speaker then flies around The Grand titan, firing at his head.

The Grand titan turns and fires his cannon right into the Speakerman Titan, as he then flies forward and plants his cannon straight onto the head, the Anti parasite gun charging up

Gman fires his lasers into the Grand Titans back, he wasnt that badly effected since he was upgraded so he was about to fire until Titan Speakerman pushes the firing arm up, and close range fires at Grand Titans stomach, pushing him back.

Gman continues firing his lasers and flies up and around the Grand, before landing and aiming at his face.

Grand Titan stumbles back, then Blinding Gman, skibidis tried climbing up the leg but was frozen by the rotary Purple screens.

Titan Speakerman tackled The Grand into the ground, fighting as they were flying on the ground.

Titan Speakerman then stopped his assault before firing straight into the Large TV screen on his core.

The Grand titan slowly got up, firing at titan speaker as he also shot his Anti parasite gun on The Titan Speakerman.

Titan Speakerman moved away but was then grabbed by the leg and slammed straight down into the ground as the Grand Titan was about to fire his anti parasite gun again.

Gman then fired his lasers into the head of the Grand titan and his shoulder, making one of the Shoulder speakers fall off as this opened an escape for Speakerman Titan, and he took it.

The Grand titan looked in the air as he got up, watching as Gman and Titan Speakerman flew away..

He then punched his fist into his left palm, before walking to the Gopro base.

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