Jimbo in the city..

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(whenever its a city chapter  i just use the same picture)

He moved around the streets cautiously, looking down the road, moving his head around then entering an alley to take a shortcut, he looked down the street and saw Cameramen Carriers, they were trying to bring the wounded in the carriers but titanium toilets were coming towards the carriers.

Jimbo then rolled out with his EDR (Electric defense Rile) and began firing darts with tons of electricity in it, the darts began electrocuting the skibidis that got struck by them, he looked behind him as the Carriers were right above him but not on ground as one of the medic cameramen reached their hand out.

Jimbo was gonna reach for their hand, before being headbutted in the back of the leg, lots of skibidis were actually around them.

Jimbo then just pushed his foot down on a toilet and jumped up, grabbing their hand with just a Titanium skibidi on his foot, as he aimed down with his other arm and fired 5 times, electrocuting the Titanium heavily as it then fell straight down.

Jimbo looked up, the medic cameraman pulling him up and doing the Thumbs up.

He did the gopro men sign which was a knuckle pointed toward the Person like a fist bump, this was one of the first times their Sign has been seen now.

The Carrier took off as he just went with them.

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