Hybrid Escapes

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The Skibidi gang continues to terrorize the Gopro base, Hybrid still inside the bunker he waited until the explosions stopped even for a second. The Astro toilet hovered right down near the bunker door, looking around as everything was silent. And in a sudden suprise he gets rammed to the side by the large tank, Hybrid, it then turns its tank cannon and fires a round into the Astro toilet and sends it back. Hybrids hull turns as it makes a run for it and drives at its highest speeds, not as fast but he took the chance and was moving toward another backdoor but for the trucks. The Astro toilet fired its cannons, hitting the back of Hybrid and pushing him forward, he stopped for a moment but then continues driving. The Astro toilet fired its cannons at the top of the escape route, collapsng a bit of rebar and some semi large Debris right into the top of Hybrid. This only slowed him down by a little bit, the turrets in the back of the hull fired up and uncovered some of the debris. As the tank stops an turns its tank head around, looking back at the Astro toilet who was flying towards the Escape route. It then fires a round nailing him in the forehead as he continues driving while firing back, before then turning the tank head forward and escaping.

Gman roared: "Skibidi dop skibidi yes?!" , Gman getting angry that they somehow lost a literal tank nearly smaller than it. The Astro toilet went on saying skibidi, it seems it was trying to say "Sorry" but Gman pushes him away and sends him back to searching the base.

Hybrid makes it back to one of the many Gopromen fortresses, driving up and through the entrance as the Gopromen recognize the tank and welcome it in and getting it to a repair station and giving it repairs and possibly even more upgrades? The inside was so complex, it was like the Scientist with robotic limbs but instead there was metal bars going to the extra tank head, and another one was on the back of the hull and it had an Armour peircing turret combined with an Anti Air turret aswell. And a flamethrower hinged onto the front of the hull, amazing thing is that everything can be piloted by one person and it would be the Legendary Gopro Tank driver. As the Pilot dropped into the Hybrid and looked inside, there was just one seat with trigger buttons and more, as 2 telescope lookin things attached to his gopro camera, which would be the eyes and there was small rectangular eye lookin holes where the scopes poked out so he could see everything infront of him. He was then sent to testing areas. The Tank was just like a mech suit :)

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